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Higgs particles and Dark Matter particles

Usually, it is mentioned that the Higgs field IS the origin of mass for known fundamental particles. If very heavy dark particles are found (heavier or much heavier than the top quark), should it mean ...
riemannium's user avatar
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Is this formula for the time-temperature relation in this universe correct, or is there a more appropriate one?

I'm trying to simplify an equation into a form that uses the ratio of the number density of sterile to active neutrinos. For this, I need a relation between the time and temperature of the universe, ...
user7077252's user avatar
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What is the reheating temperature of neutrinos during the BBN?

I want to integrate a differential distribution function of sterile neutrinos and the boundaries are the decoupling and the reheating temperature of neutrinos, but I don't know what is an acceptable ...
user7077252's user avatar
9 votes
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Do we have good reasons to believe that neutrino oscillations aren't the result of a new particle? If so, what are they?

The standard way of describing neutrino oscillations seems to be that the mass eigenstates differ from the flavour eigenstates, which leads to an oscillation of neutrino flavour over time. However, ...
C. O'Neill's user avatar
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Horizontal Gauge Symmetry?

Some physics literature says Horizontal Symmetry of gauge theory, such as this paper, available also at arXiv. What does this Horizontal Symmetry of gauge theory or Horizontal gauge group mean? Does ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Anticommutator of gauge covariant derivatives

I must convert some dimension-6 operators I've obtained to the SILH base (ref: this, "Review of the SILH basis", CERN presentation by R. Contino). In this conversion I've got operators such ...
Lenz's user avatar
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$ (5^* \times 5^*)_{asym}={10}$ in A. Zee's book p.409 versus PDG Sec.114

What is the mathematical or physical way to understand why the 4th and 5th components in the Georgi Galshow SU(5) model has the SU(2) doublet $(1,2,-1/2)$: $$ \begin{pmatrix} \nu\\e \end{pmatrix} $$ ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Georgi statements about the symmetry breaking of $\rm SO(10)$

Here is a paragraph with some statements about the Gauge Symmetry Breaking from Georgi's book Lie Algebras in Particle Physics 2nd ed -- From Isospin to Unified Theories (Georgi, 1999) p.285. Georgi ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
5 votes
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$\rm SO(10)$ grand unified model restores the parity symmetry lost in $\rm SU(5)$ model

It is said in Lie Algebras in Particle Physics 2ed - From Isospin to Unified Theories (Georgi, 1999) p.285, Georgi said that $\rm SO(10)$ grand unified model restores the parity symmetry that was ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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How to give left-handed neutrinos alone Majorana mass?

The Wikipedia page on Georgi–Glashow model says Fermions transforming as a 1 under SU(5) are now thought to be necessary because of the evidence for neutrino oscillations, unless a way is found to ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Light composite fermion as a bound state formed by $SU(4)$ gauge force attractions

In this paper, in eq.(3.4), it claims that the MAC (most attractive channel) in $SU(4)$ gauge theory will attract fermions in $[1]_4$ and fermions in $[3]_4$ ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Quark mass vs Lepton mass $m_d/m_e$

In Zee QFT in a nutshell book p.418, Zee said about Quark mass vs Lepton mass $m_d/m_e$ : He first mentioned $m_d/m_e=1$ for unification scale. Then he mentioned $m_d/m_e\sim 3 $ in eq.15. Are ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
4 votes
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Elegant theoretical way(s) to prove the $U(1)$ electric charge of electron + proton $Q_e+Q_p=0$?

In Zee's QFT in Nutshell book p/410, he uses the following method to show $U(1)$ electric charge of proton + electron $$Q_e+Q_p=0$$ in Grand Unified Theory (GUT): However, Zee only shows by the ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Monopole problem: 't Hooft–Polyakov, Big Bang theory versus Cosmic inflation

I am not sure the validity of this claim from Wikipedia on 't Hooft–Polyakov_monopole The "monopole problem" refers to the cosmological implications of grand unification theories (GUT). ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Why isn't the triplet representation of $SU(2)$ symmetric?

By the Young Tableaux construction, a triplet of $SU(2)$ (diagramatically, two boxes side by side) is supposed to be a two indices symmetric tensor. However, one of the most known and minimal ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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$SU(5)$ model and flipped $SU(5)$ model

It seems that both $SU(5)$ model and flipped $SU(5)$ model are legal grand unified theories (GUT) for the standard model gauge group. In Wikipedia, it says that: The flipped $SU(5)$ model has a gauge ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Why is gravitational wave production in early Universe disfavoured for crossovers?

Production of gravitational waves in the early Universe (for example, in the electroweak phase transition) is favoured only if the Universe undergoes a first-order phase transition but not favoured if ...
SRS's user avatar
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Lectures by Susskind versus Zee on the ${\rm SU}(5)$ grand unified theory notations

I was comparing two lectures about ${\rm SU}(5)$ grand unified theory. a lecture of Susskind He showed how to write $$ (5 \times 5)_{asym}=\bar{10} $$ as a lecture of Zee showed how to write $$ (\...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Why supersymmetry can only be verified in high energy level?

I'm wondering why supersymmetry can only be verified in high energy level,can we check supersymmetry in low energy physics?
feng lin's user avatar
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Why does this distribution function depend on time and not temperature?

When reading Sterile neutrino hot, warm, and cold dark matter I came across the following momentum distribution function for a neutrino species $\alpha$: $$\tag{5.8} f(p,t) = \frac{1}{e^{E(p)/T + \...
user7077252's user avatar
7 votes
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Why is it assumed that the Big Bang produced equal parts matter and antimatter?

It is well-known that a major open question in physics is why the Universe appears to be made almost entirely out of matter, with next to no antimatter, despite the two being strictly symmetrical ...
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Good book on the standard model for theoretical mathematicians [duplicate]

I am a mathematician who specialises in algebraic geometry and algebraic topology. I am looking for a good textbook on the standard model that gears towards readers with more of a math rather than a ...
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What is the gauge boson mass term for a theory with a matrix of scalars?

If we have a theory with gauge group $SU(3) \times SU(2)$ with a set of six complex scalar fields grouped in $\Phi=\begin{pmatrix} a & d\\ b & e\\ c & f \end{pmatrix}$, where, for instance,...
jmaguire's user avatar
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Why is the neutrino considered a composite particle? [closed]

The existing model predicts it should have no mass but observation says otherwise, it is known that the neutrino can change flavor over time but how does it qualify as a composite particle? Does it ...
user6760's user avatar
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How do I solve Schroedinger's equation for sterile neutrinos?

When reading Light singlet neutrinos and the primordial nucleosynthesis the following equation is given: $$\tag{5} i \frac{\partial}{\partial t } \begin{pmatrix} c_e (t) \\ c_x (t) \end{pmatrix}= \...
user7077252's user avatar
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Neutrino oscillations

It seems well documented that neutrinos oscillate between flavours. In the link there are some figures which show probabilities but it isn't clear to me why the abscissa is measured in $L/E$. Is it ...
jim's user avatar
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Proton decay through a $(3,1)^{-1/3}$ complex scalar

Suppose we add to the Yukawa sector of the SM a complex scalar $T^\alpha(3,1)^{-1/3}$, where $\alpha=1,2,3$ is a $SU(3)_C$ index and the charges assignment means that it transforms as a triplet under $...
Marco's user avatar
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What is the meaning of a non-resonant neutrino production?

What is the meaning of non-resonant production in the following context: They assumed a negligible primordial lepton number,or asymmetry, so the neutrinos are produced non-resonantly. [1] I thought ...
Geop's user avatar
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What are ordinary mass-terms (of neutrinos)?

When reading the introduction to Sterile neutrino hot, warm, and cold dark matter I came across the following definition of sterile neutrinos: We can define sterile neutrinos generically as spin-$\...
user7077252's user avatar
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How did Supersymmetry (incorrectly) predict the mass of the Higgs Boson?

In an article by CERN states The minimal version of supersymmetry predicts that the Higgs boson mass should be less than 120-130 GeV How was this conclusion reached? I could not find any answers on ...
seaseal's user avatar
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Fermion current and gauge interactions in Lagrangian density

I believe the answer to this is quite simple, perhaps so simple that I cannot find it in any book. Usually, if there is a gauge symmetry in the theory, we add an interaction term in the covariant ...
madcat's user avatar
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Approaches to Model Building [closed]

I often see references to 'model building' in the particle physics literature, presumably to refer to creating new QFTs which go beyond the Standard Model. How exactly does this process of model ...
Tom's user avatar
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What causes neutrinos to be weakly coupled?

When reading about "active-sterile mixing", which requires some Dirac mass ($m_D$) and some Majorana masses ($M_R$) to be very small but not zero, the seesaw limit model is discussed ($M_R \gg m_D$). ...
user7077252's user avatar
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Is it possible to falsify the $SU(2)_{lepton, left}*SU(2)_{quark, left}*U(1)$ symmetry group as an alternative candidate for GSW Model?

We know that the current symmetry of GSW is $SU(2)_{fermions, left}*U(1)$, and the correct representation of the $SU(2)_{fermions, left}$ is the $2+2$ representation. I want to know what is the reason ...
Bastam Tajik's user avatar
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Why does the observation of $Z$-boson decay imply active neutrinos to be heavy?

Whilst reading Light Sterile Neutrinos: A White Paper it is stated on the bottom of p.3 without an explanation that: "The observed $Z$-boson decay width implies that any additional active neutrinos ...
user7077252's user avatar
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Example of weak interactions induced by mixing

I understand that weak interactions are the exchange of W and Z bosons between leptons and quarks (as explained in this other question: Weak Interaction), but when I read Light Sterile Neutrinos: A ...
user7077252's user avatar
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Is this $CL$ or $CL_S$ method?

I have already posted this problem here, closed for asking too many questions. I will reproduce the introduction and contextualization here, and try to ask a more specific one that I hope will be ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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Is lepton number conserved by definition?

In ordinary beta decay, an electron and an anti-neutrino, together with a proton, are emitted. The proton has zero lepton number, the electron +1 lepton number, and, it is said, the neutrino-type ...
Michael Fox's user avatar
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How SUSY solves the hierarchy problem?

I am struggling to understand the argument for why the introduction of a stop in SUSY can solve the hierarchy problem. The quadratic divergence from the top loop in the higgs mass calculation gives a ...
Jackson Burzynski's user avatar
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How can we know that there are no other elementary particles at the mass-level of the SM particles?

Well, if they exist, there is a very small probability to generate them in a nuclear reaction. But, what is an estimate for a bound to this probability based in accelerator experiments?
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What is an effective field theory (EFT)? Is the standard model (SM) an EFT? Till which scale? How is included gravity?

What is an effective field theory (EFT)? and why all the observable interactions until one scale are only a finite number that we know? Is the standard model (SM) an EFT? till what distances? I real "...
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$B$-$L$ global symmetry in the grand unification theories

What are the precise $B$-$L$ (baryon - lepton) global symmetry in the standard model? Is this a $U(1)$ global symmetry or a discrete finite group $\mathbb{Z}/N$ global symmetry for the following ...
ann marie cœur's user avatar
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Data analysis on particle physics: what am I formally doing in this specific case? [closed]

I have performed an analysis of the exclusion(discovery) perspectives for a BSM particle at the LHC. However, my focus of study (and understanding) was until little time ago the purely theoretical and,...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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Extensions to Minimal Gauged UBLM Model

Recently I have been reading a bit about BSM physics and came across the minimal gauged $U(1)_{B - L}$ model, where the gauge group of the Standard Model is extended to a larger product with another $...
Tom's user avatar
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What would we have to find to prove supersymmetry correct? [closed]

What would we have to find to prove that supersymmetry is true?
user73829's user avatar
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Help counting the number of real parameters in simple seesaw Lagrangian

The seesaw Lagrangian is $$-\mathcal{L}_{\rm mass}=\frac{Y^\ell_{ab}\langle H^0\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}\bar{\ell}_{aL}\ell_{bR}+\frac{Y^\nu_{ab}\langle H^0\rangle}{\sqrt{2}}\bar{\nu}_{aL}\nu_{bR}+\frac{1}{2}...
Solidification's user avatar
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Does our failure to detect neutrinoless double beta decay spell trouble for the seesaw mechanism?

The seesaw mechanism is a theoretical model of neutrino masses that has the side benefit of (arguably) naturally explaining why neutrinos are so much lighter than the other massive Standard Model ...
tparker's user avatar
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How does the baryon asymmetry control temperature fluctuations of CMB?

The temperature fluctuations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) have a sensitive dependence on the quantity of baryon asymmetry of the universe. In fact, analysis of CMB fluctuations is one of ...
SRS's user avatar
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Why does the "expected" line varies with the unknown new physics parameter on Brazil-band plots?

There are two similar questions here, but they could not help me (I could not relate their answers to my problem, at least). I hope that I can make myself clear in the following. Take, for instance, ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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How do neutrino masses change the shape of the $\beta$ decay spectrum?

It is more-or-less established that neutrinos have masses. But as of now, $\nu$-masses have not been directly measured in the laboratory. But I heard a talk where the speaker said that efforts are ...
Solidification's user avatar

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