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Doublet-triplet splitting in GUT: how can the "color triplet" have mass?

I'm hopelessly perplexed about the $SU(5)$ doublet-triplet splitting. I read that the color triplet part of the Higgs quintuplet needs to have extremely high mass compared to the "electroweak&...
SgtJohn74's user avatar
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Is the Higgs VEV unnatural?

Is there some way to argue that the Higgs VEV is unnatural, without even bringing up the Higgs boson mass? For example, can one show that the Higgs vev receives large corrections from new physics? The ...
Mitchell Porter's user avatar
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How did this generalized NJL model from 1993 predict Higgs boson and top quark masses?

Since the Higgs boson was found in 2012, at a mass around 125 GeV, it has often been remarked that this is curiously close to "criticality" or "metastability" or a false vacuum, if ...
Mitchell Porter's user avatar
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Would observed limit on resonant double Higgs production the same if the scenario considered is spin $0$ scalar or spin $0$ radion particle?

At LHC, some analyses search for resonant HH production, from an unknown particle labelled $X$. They typically make the limit on cross-section of resonant HH production as a function of the spin of ...
Mathieu Krisztian's user avatar
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Number of free parameters in $SU(5)$ GUT model

Lately, I have been studying the potential of scalar fields in this theory. In general, what is the point of this GUT if, there, more free parameters have been added? The standard Higgs potential in ...
Peter's user avatar
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Yet another 'dimensional regularization vs. the Hierarchy Problem' one

My current point of view regarding the Hierarchy Problem is of agreement with Michael's answer in this question. Or, in the words of Manohar in his Introduction to EFT notes, using a cutoff regulator ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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Do $Y$ bosons gain a little bit of mass from Higgs of $\bf 5$ rep in $SU(5)$ GUT theory?

I know that when the Higgs in the 24 rep takes a v.e.v. of this form $$v_{24}\,\mathrm{diag}\begin{pmatrix} -\frac{2}{\sqrt{15}} & -\frac{2}{\sqrt{15}} & -\frac{2}{\sqrt{15}} & \frac{3}{\...
Peter's user avatar
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Does $CP$-violation mean $CP$-odd?

This might be a very simple question but I'm doing some reading into the Higgs boson and $CP$-symmetry breaking. I've seen the terms $CP$-even and $CP$-odd terms in the Hamiltonian floated around and ...
Auriel's user avatar
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What are thought to be causes of the Mexican hat potential?

We all know the shape of the Mexican Hat Potential. It even serves as site logo. It's a weird potential that has an actual existence in condensed state physics. It's for sure a possibility, and ...
MatterGauge's user avatar
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Tadpole VEV from a fermion loop?

We have one extra complex scalar $\Phi$ beyond the Standard Model (BSM) protected by an $U(1)$ global symmetry, which is broken by an Yukawa coupling $ y_\Phi \Phi \overline{\chi} \chi$, where $\chi$ ...
Rosenlyst's user avatar
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Composite Higgs $SO(5)\to SO(4)$ model: how is $H$ a composite particle?

I am reading this review on CH models by Wulzer and Panico. In Section 2.2.2, they write a minimal model of $SO(5)$ breaking into $SO(4)$, triggering electroweak symmetry breaking (EWSB) with a ...
Lorenzo B.'s user avatar
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What is the relation between custodial symmetry and $m_W = m_Z \cos \theta_W$?

In Wikipedia, we can read that custodial symmetry is responsible for keeping $m_W = m_Z \cos \theta_W$ in the SM. However, in 2HDM, the most general scalar potential doesn't have custodial symmetry (...
jmaguire's user avatar
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Can the gauge boson respective of a spontaneously broken generator remain massless in the context of the Higgs Mechanism?

I'm studying a 3-3-1 model which is an extension of the standard model. The breaking $$SU(3)\times U(1) \to SU(2)\times U(1)'$$ occurs in a single step and through a single scalar VEV. The problem is ...
GaloisFan's user avatar
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Is the discovery of the Higgs boson tantamount to discovering the Higgs mechanism?

Is the discovery of the Higgs boson tantamount to discovering the Higgs mechanism? I mean, it's clear by now that the Higgs boson is there, but what about the Higgs mechanism? How can we ever be sure ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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Why is there a specific negative sign in front of the $m_{12}$ term of the 2HDM Higgs potential?

Why is there a specific negative sign in front of the $m_{12}$ term of the 2HDM Higgs potential? (but not for the $m_{11}$ and $m_{22}$) See for example: Eq. (2) Page 6:...
Mathieu Krisztian's user avatar
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What would a standard model that incorporates the SMASH particles look like?

I'm trying to create a standard model which incorporates the SMASH (Standard Model Axion Seesaw Higgs portal inflation) particles, but I'm having a hard time doing it because I'm unable to find as ...
Akhilesh Balaji's user avatar
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Dark standard model linked though Higgs

is it possible to have a dark std model (ie image of the std model) linked to the std model only through the Higgs? That would allow dark matter condensation, dark galaxies, stars, planets and biology....
Robbydcm's user avatar
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Higgs particles and Dark Matter particles

Usually, it is mentioned that the Higgs field IS the origin of mass for known fundamental particles. If very heavy dark particles are found (heavier or much heavier than the top quark), should it mean ...
riemannium's user avatar
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How did Supersymmetry (incorrectly) predict the mass of the Higgs Boson?

In an article by CERN states The minimal version of supersymmetry predicts that the Higgs boson mass should be less than 120-130 GeV How was this conclusion reached? I could not find any answers on ...
seaseal's user avatar
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How SUSY solves the hierarchy problem?

I am struggling to understand the argument for why the introduction of a stop in SUSY can solve the hierarchy problem. The quadratic divergence from the top loop in the higgs mass calculation gives a ...
Jackson Burzynski's user avatar
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What mechanism gives mass to elementary particles in string theory?

Nowadays it's assumed (it can still turn out to be different) that elementary particles are "given" mass by interaction with the Higgs field. I read in the only answer to this question: If you ...
Deschele Schilder's user avatar
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Why is the smallness of Higgs mass not technically natural?

Technical naturalness The smallness of a parameter $\theta$ in the Lagrangian of a quantum field theory is said to be technically natural, if in the limit of vanishing $\theta$, the theory has some ...
SRS's user avatar
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How a discrete $Z_2$ symmetry removes flavour changing neutral current from Two Higgs Doublet Model?

By applying a discrete $Z_2$ symmetry to the theory of Two Higgs Doublet Model it is ensured that fermions of one type couples to only one doublet. But how FCNC is removed by doing so? Because if all ...
Manas Saikia's user avatar
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2Higgs Doublet Models: Mechanism to set Yukawa Couplings to 0?

I just started having a look at 2 Higgs Doublet Models (2HDM) and came across this: The general idea seems pretty simple. Introduce a second Higgs doublet that acquires a vev. The general Yukawa ...
Katermickie's user avatar
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Can someone explain Technicolor?

I read Wikipedia on Technicolor (and understood some of it - I am not a scientist) Can someone give me a layman's definition? Is the technicolor theory dead now that the Higgs has been found? Can ...
Rick's user avatar
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Hierarchy problems: calculating the mass of the Higgs vs. other SM particles

While reading up on hierarchy problems in particle physics (wikipedia), I stumbled onto the statement that in the Standard Model, there is no hierarchy problem (or at least it cannot be formulated) ...
Michael Angelo's user avatar
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Why do we need a two-Higgs doublet model and why only one extra doublet is added to the extension?

The general two higgs doublet model can neither give masses to neutrinos without considering a see-saw mechanism nor it can unify gravity with other three forces. To explain dark matter also we have ...
Manas Saikia's user avatar
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Could electroweak interactions derive from higgsing of gauged chiral symmetry?

A recent question discussed the practice of introducing electroweak interactions into chiral perturbation theory by gauging part of the chiral symmetry. Gauging chiral symmetry is normally regarded as ...
Mitchell Porter's user avatar
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Lepton flavor violating process on loop level $\mu \rightarrow e \gamma$ via Higgs, Divergent integral

I am stuck with calculating the proces $\mu \rightarrow e \gamma$ as in this diagram: I wrote down the matrix element like this: $$ \mathcal{M}=\bar{u}(p-q)\left[\int \frac{d^4k}{(2\pi)^4}A\frac{(k+...
higgshunter's user avatar
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Charge operator applied to matrix multiplets

In the context of SM ($SU(3)_C\otimes SU(2)_L\otimes U(1)_Y$) the charge operator is $Q_{SM} = T_3 + \frac{Y}{2}\mathbb{I}_2$ and gives us the fermions charges. Here $T_3=\frac{1}{2}\sigma_3$ is the ...
Eduardo Castillo Ruiz's user avatar
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Does two Higgs doublet model predicts two Higgs bosons?

Does 2HDM predict two higgs boson? Why two doublets are needed? I need a simplified answer as i am new to BSM
Manash Pratim Saikia's user avatar
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Given the transformation of $SU(2)$ triplet $\vec{\phi}$ how to find the transformation of ${\Phi}\equiv\vec{\phi}\cdot\vec{\tau}$?

Given the transformation of a $SU(2)$ triplet $\vec\phi$ $$\phi\to \exp{(-i\vec{T}\cdot\vec{\theta})}~\vec\phi\tag{1}$$ (in the question here by @physicslover) how does obtain the transformation of $\...
SRS's user avatar
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Like the Higgs sector of the standard model, is there a SUSY sector which is also such a sector?

This question arose from an application of the virial theorem that showed how Bose-Einstein condensates of astrophysical dimension could arise from condensing clouds of normal phase bosons. If these ...
H. Cooper's user avatar
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Higgs doublet transformations

If we consider two complex Higgs doublets with $SU(3)_{c} \times SU(2)_L \times U(1)_Y$ quantum numbers $\phi_{A,B}$ ∼ (1,2,1), such that $$\phi_A = \begin{pmatrix} \phi_{A}^{\dagger}\\ \dfrac{1}{\...
SSS's user avatar
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What gives mass to dark matter particles?

Assuming that dark matter is not made of WIMPs (weakly interacting massive particles), but interacts only gravitationally, what would be the possible mechanism giving mass to dark matter particles? If ...
safesphere's user avatar
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Would the existence of leptoquarks solve the hierarchy problem of the Higgs-boson?

Would the existence of leptoquarks solve the hierarchy problem of the Higgs-boson ? According to wikipedia these are assumed to be bosons which could contribute to the cancellation of the vacuum ...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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What dictates the Higgs potential of the Standard model?

As far as I know, there is no convincing answer for why does the Higgs potential has a 'Mexican hat' shape. Apart from Lorentz invariance and gauge invariance, the Higgs potential of the Standard ...
SRS's user avatar
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Angular momentum conservation in the 2HDM

One of the experimentally searched decay chains of the 2HDM is the decay of a pseudoscalar Higgs boson A into the SM one and a Z boson. I was wondering how (from a very naive point of view) this works ...
B.Moser's user avatar
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Why is the Standard model Higgs not a candidate of dark matter (in particular, a WIMP)?

Please consider me as a naive self-learner in this field. The Standard Model (SM) Higgs boson is electrically neutral and has a mass of around $125$ GeV (which lies in the WIMP window i.e., between ...
SRS's user avatar
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How to gauge away Goldstone bosons in Higgs triplet model?

I'm studying the Higgs triplet model (HTM) in which you add a complex $SU(2)$ triplet (represented by a 2x2 matrix) to the standard model higgs sector. The thing is that I don't understand how to ...
Trinidad Belen Lantaño's user avatar
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What is a holomorphic combination of standard model fields?

I am looking at exotic Higgs decay models like SM + Fermion and MSSM. In SM + Fermion the new fermion might have a three body decay and in MSSM for R-parity violating neutralino decays involve ...
Invariance's user avatar
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What is a Higgs Portal Scale?

I am reading about the prospective decay of Higgs into Majorana fermions (possibly sterile neutrinos). In the image the branching ratio of Higgs to a pair of Majorana fermions is given for different ...
Invariance's user avatar
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How to find vacuum expectation value of Higgs triplet?

I am trying to do a Higgs triplet extension of the standard model but I don't know how to find the corresponding vacuum expectation value for the Higgs triplet. I read a paper where they found the ...
MSB's user avatar
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Are the branching ratios of the Higgs boson decays consistent with the standard model? Is there only one type of Higgs boson? [closed]

Are the branching ratios of the Higgs boson decays consistent with the standard model? Is there only one type of Higgs boson? Why does it didn't have an electromagnetic field? why it has no spin ? ...
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What news about the second Higgs mode (or the mysterious particle) is anticipated to be seen at LHC around 750 GeV?

A few months ago, there were press releases about a possible second Higgs mode unveiled by LHC experiments. Or perhaps a new particle even more surprising like a graviton ... There was no certainty ...
FraSchelle's user avatar
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How to represent su(2) Higgs triplet in 2x2 matrix form?

How to represent su(2) triplet(say Higgs triplet) in the 2x2 matrix form? Please provide the mathematical reason behind it.
azad's user avatar
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If we were able to manipulate enough energy, could we use the higgs field for any practical application? [closed]

My question is, the fields in the standard model interact with each other, and when we are able to manipulate some of them through different engineered devices, we can transform the energy field into ...
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2x2 Representation for triplet Higgs

I am perplexed by the $2\times2$ representation of the Higgs that one finds in Higgs triplet models and Left-Right symmetric models. If $\vec{\phi}=(\phi^{++},\phi^{+},\phi^{0})\in(3,0)$ is the ...
OneThingAtATime's user avatar
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Why is $\sqrt{v_1+v_2+\ldots} =246$ GeV in multi-Higgs models?

Where does the condition come from that in models with several electroweak breaking doublets the square root of the squared sum of the VEVs should yield $246$ GeV?
jak's user avatar
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Can a symmetry breaking VEV lie far above the "symmetry breaking scale?"

The scale where some symmetry gets broken can be computed using the renormalization group equations for the gauge couplings. If there is only one Higgs VEV responsible for some breaking, can this VEV ...
jak's user avatar
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