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Miyase's user avatar
  • Member for 2 years, 7 months
  • Last seen this week
  • France
37 votes

How can the electric and magnetic fields be non-zero in the absence of sources?

36 votes

Can you actually stand inside a rainbow? I see people claiming you can

31 votes

What happens to matter at extreme temperatures?

30 votes

Why do we still use pseudo forces?

25 votes

How is a plasma different from a metal or an ionized gas?

18 votes

Is photon path pre-defined at the time of emission?

15 votes

What is the difference between electrostatic and electric potential?

13 votes

If water is nearly as incompressible as ground, why don't divers get injured when they plunge into it?

12 votes

When we say a rigid body is a system of particles, what exactly are 'particles' here?

10 votes

Why do we talk about inertia tensor?

9 votes

Differential charge existing

9 votes

How could any frame of reference be inertial?

8 votes

What does all these strange collection of units means?

7 votes

On the definition of ray (optics) and wavefront of light

6 votes

How can em waves be continuous?

6 votes

What "kind of math" is used in the standard model?

6 votes

What actually are microscopic and macroscopic viewpoints in thermodynamics?

6 votes

Why don't (electrically charged) particles act on themselves?

6 votes

Speed at the bottom of slopes

5 votes

Why didn't the particle-antiparticle pairs collided at the LEP and Tevatron just instantly annihilate into pure energy? (presumably gamma rays?)

4 votes

What developments have been made in this unsolved problem?

4 votes

Absence of velocity in energy conservation

4 votes

How velocity affects different orbits?

4 votes

Am I in a superposition?

4 votes

Why is I = $\partial Q / \partial t$ and not $I=-\partial Q / \partial t$?

4 votes

Why do two equal and opposite charges cancel out each other and become neutral?

4 votes

Drag force proportional to $v^2$, physical interpretation

4 votes

Disagreement in calculating relativistic momentum

4 votes

Attraction and repulsion of molecules of the same substance

4 votes

Difference between laws and principles

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