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Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
Arnold Neumaier
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
10 votes

In astronomy what phenomena have theory predicted before observations?

10 votes

Is QFT mathematically self-consistent?

10 votes

Electromagnetic field of unpolarized light

10 votes

Is a 1D vector also a scalar?

10 votes

What is the difference between manifest Lorentz invariance and canonical Lorentz invariance?

10 votes

Can $10^{23}$ stars be treated with methods of statistical mechanics?

10 votes

Scattering, Perturbation and asymptotic states in LSZ reduction formula

10 votes

What do we mean when we say 't Hooft proved that Standard Model is renormalizable?

10 votes

Is the term "quantum triviality" defined by the UV or the IR behavior of the RG flow?

9 votes

Stimulated Emission in QED

9 votes

How to learn QFT on curved spacetime by self-studying?

9 votes

Why do people categorically dismiss some simple quantum models?

9 votes

Quantum Field Theory: why fields are equal to zero on the boundary?

9 votes

What are the frameworks of physics?

9 votes

On what basis do we trust Conservation of Energy?

9 votes

Are W & Z bosons virtual or not?

9 votes

What constitutes an observation/measurement in QM?

9 votes

Extending the ergodic theorem to non-equilibrium systems

9 votes

Statistical analysis of data in Physics

9 votes

Can we always express the EM-Field Hamiltonian as (possibly time dependent) pair of annihilation and creation operators?

9 votes

Fock space vs. wavefunctionals

9 votes

Can a normalizable function *always* be decompose into the discrete Hydrogen spectrum?

9 votes

Isotherms don't intersect?

9 votes

How do we know that analytic continuation agrees with UV regulators?

8 votes

What is the correlation between QFT and thermodynamics?

8 votes

Why does water ($\mathrm{H_2O}$) only have two distinct fluid phases?

8 votes

What is the physical interpretation of second quantization?

8 votes

Does entropy decrease through measurement?

8 votes

What does "the ${\bf N}$ of a group" mean?

8 votes

Macroscopic laws which haven't been derived from microscopic laws

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