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Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
Arnold Neumaier's user avatar
Arnold Neumaier
  • Member for 12 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
101 votes

Is time continuous or discrete?

68 votes

Are W & Z bosons virtual or not?

50 votes

Can the photoelectric effect be explained without photons?

34 votes

Why are differential equations for fields in physics of order two?

30 votes

Why are infinite order Lagrangians called 'non-local'?

29 votes

Do we know why there is a speed limit in our universe?

28 votes

Prove that negative absolute temperatures are actually hotter than positive absolute temperatures

27 votes

What differs string theory from philosophy or religion?

27 votes

An explanation of Hawking Radiation

27 votes

Difficulties with bra-ket notation

26 votes

Is the statistical interpretation of Quantum Mechanics dead?

26 votes

What exactly is a photon?

25 votes

What is the relationship between different types of quantum field theories?

24 votes

Identification of the state of particle types with representations of Poincare group

23 votes

Can Feynman diagrams be used to represent any perturbation theory?

23 votes

Is there any theorem that suggests that QM+SR has to be an operator theory?

23 votes

What is the role of the vacuum expectation value in symmetry breaking and the generation of mass?

21 votes

Intuitive explanation of why momentum is the Fourier transform variable of position?

21 votes

The distance square in the Newton's law of universal gravitation is really a square?

21 votes

What is the Wilsonian definition of renormalizability?

21 votes

In what sense (if any) is Action a physical observable?

20 votes

Path integral vs. measure on infinite dimensional space

19 votes

Does measurement, quantum in particular, always increase the total entropy?

19 votes

Why does no physical energy-momentum tensor exist for the gravitational field?

18 votes

Why do physicists believe that particles are pointlike?

18 votes

Is the density operator a mathematical convenience or a 'fundamental' aspect of quantum mechanics?

18 votes

Does the canonical commutation relation fix the form of the momentum operator?

18 votes

How are bound states handled in QFT?

18 votes

Why don't electromagnetic waves require a medium?

18 votes

Is it theoretically possible to reach $0$ Kelvin?

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