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9 votes
5 answers

Understanding the parabolic state of a quantum particle in the infinite square well

Consider a quantum particle in an infinite square well of width $2\pi$. In other words, the Hamiltonian is $H=p^2$, the position variable is restricted to $x\in[-\pi,\pi]$ and the wave function ...
phonon's user avatar
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Can a wave function discontinuous in the time variable be a solution of the Schrödinger equation?

It is well known that wave functions that are discontinuous in the space variable cannot be solutions of the Schrödinger equation, because the Schrödinger equation is a second-order differential ...
saturn's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What is the cardinality of the set of all possible wave functions? [duplicate]

I was just thinking about set theory and somehow this question just comes up to my head. The cardinality of the set of all function from $\mathbb{R}^m$ to $\mathbb{R}^n$ is $2^{\mathfrak{c}}$. ...
Tensor's user avatar
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Index notation to matrix notation in supersymmetry

Let us consider the barred sigma matrices defined as $$(\overline{\sigma}^\mu)^{\dot{\alpha}\alpha}:=\epsilon^{\alpha \beta} \epsilon^{\dot{\alpha} \dot{\beta}} (\sigma^\mu)_{\beta \dot{\beta}} \tag{1}...
Nairit Sahoo's user avatar
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Non-trivial "energy coverings" of reciprocal space

My question is about sheets of the Fermi surface and their mathematical properties. As far as I understand, in the one-electron approximation with a weak periodic potential (Bloch approximation) you ...
BlenderBender's user avatar
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Hellmann-Feynman theorem and the derivation of the Lippmann-Schwinger equation

When deriving the Lippmann-Schwinger equation, one denotes $$H_\text{free}|\phi\rangle = E|\phi\rangle \tag{1}$$ with $H_\text{free}$ as the free Hamiltonian and $$H|\psi\rangle = E|\psi\rangle \tag{2}...
Xhorxho's user avatar
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3 votes
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Classification of Hamiltonians having the same set of solutions

Assume that we are given $2n$ the functions $q_k(t),p_k(t);k=1,2...,n$ all "sufficiently" smooth and invertible in a finite interval $t\in [0,t_{max}]$. My question is what class of ...
hyportnex's user avatar
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2 answers

Why is the gauge field $A_\mu$ real for $\mathrm{U}(N)$ symmetry?

From my notes I have that The transformation law, $$A_\mu\to MA_\mu M+\frac{i}{g}\left(\partial_\mu M\right)M^\dagger\tag{1}$$ can be realised if $A_\mu$ is an element of the Lie algebra. It can ...
Sirius Black's user avatar
4 votes
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Zeta Regularization

I am interested in applying the zeta regularization method to regularize $$\zeta_2(s=-1/2)=\sum_{l=1}^{\infty} (2l+1)(l(l+1))^{1/2}.$$ In section 4.5 of the book "Zeta Regularization Techniques ...
Astrolabe's user avatar
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2 answers

How are Schwinger functions defined as moments if they are actually operators?

Let $\mu$ be a measure on the space of tempered distributions. Assuming $\mu$ satisfies some other properties, then it is the measure of a quantum field in a Euclidean framework. The Schwinger ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Quantum Mechanics book with good treatment on unbounded operators [duplicate]

I'm looking for a certain kind of approach to quantum mechanics. In most places I've looked, almost all of the exposition on how to employ construct observables in quantum mechanics is that of compact ...
5 votes
1 answer

Inverse problem for geodesic

If I know the expressions for geodesic distance between any points $x$ and $y$: $$L=L(x^\mu,y^\nu) \ .$$ How do I find the metric of the corresponding space?
grodta's user avatar
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Why can't there be an infinite number of simple objects in an anyon model?

It is a well-established fact that topological excitations (anyons) in 2D topologically-ordered systems are described by unitary modular tensor categories, see, e.g., Appendix E in Kitaev (2006). One ...
Lagrenge's user avatar
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Can the Froissart bound be improved?

The Froissart bound is a fundamental result in (axiomatic) quantum field theory, an introduction to which from Froissart himself can be found here. Given a reaction of scalar particles $1 + 2 \...
Thomas's user avatar
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What's the relevance of geometric rigidity/flexibility to physics?

I'm currently working on a mathematics research problem in differential geometry that deals with the rigidity of closed manifolds described by non-trivial induced metrics. I'm curious what the ...
DingleGlop's user avatar
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What is the qualitative difference between the (generalized) Israel theorem and the no-hair theorem?

I know that the Israel theorem accounts for only non-rotating, non-electrically charged black holes, but as I understand the theorem was then generalized for rotating and charged black holes. And, as ...
Felipe Dilho's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Why can non-differentiable solutions to the Schrödinger equation be ignored?

To clarify the question, let's consider the particle in a box (infinite potential $V$ outside [0,1], potential 0 inside [0,1]). (But the problems illustrated here also apply to particles in a non-...
Dominique Unruh's user avatar
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Global Hyperbolicity of Spacetimes implying Connectedness

I am currently working on a problem and right now I want to show that the global hyperbolicity of a spacetime M implies, that M is connected. Therefore, I assumed the following: We could write $M$ as ...
M. Uon's user avatar
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References discussing renormalizability via Sobolev norms

Hawking & Hertog's paper Living With Ghosts has a nice introduction in which the authors discuss the issue of renormalizability of a field theory in terms of Sobolev norms. More specifically, they ...
0 votes
0 answers

Index theorem of Callias operator in physics

In the article "On the index type of Callias-type operator" ( Anghel study the index of a Callias type operator over an odd dimensional complete ...
C1998's user avatar
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Do optimal Lieb-Thirring constants have physical meaning?

In their proof of stability of matter Lieb and Thirring used a particular set of inequalities. Namely, if $H=-\Delta+V(x)$ is a Schrödinger operator, then the sum of (powers of the absolute value of) ...
Severin Schraven's user avatar
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The meaning of a representation in one-dimensional quantum mechanics

In many places, one reads about chosing a representation for studying a particular one-dimensional quantum system. Usual representations are the position representation, the momentum representation or ...
user536450's user avatar
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On which bundle do QFT fields live?

In QFT, there is a vector field of electromagnetism, usually notated by $A$, which transforms as a 1-form under coordinate changes. Since quantum fields are operator-valued, I thought it is a section ...
Sung Kan's user avatar
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Effects of Localized Medium Changes on Field Propagation

I've studied various theories related to fields. These theories often include equations describing how the activity of a source is transmitted to other locations. The properties of the medium ...
Luessiaw's user avatar
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Why we use trace-class operators and bounded operators in quantum mechanics?

The set of trace-class operators $\mathcal{B_1(H)}$ on the Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$ is like the Banach space $l^1$, while the set of bounded operators $\mathcal{B_\infty(H)}$ is like the Banach ...
Godfly666's user avatar
4 votes
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Jensen's inequality on (super)operator exponential

Let us define the expectation value $\langle A\rangle_{\rho}$ of a superoperator $A$ over a density matrix $\rho$ as $(\rho, A(\rho))$, where the scalar product between operators reads $(O_1,O_2):= Tr[...
lgotta's user avatar
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Equality of Hilbert subspaces

If $A,B\in \mathscr{L_H}$ in the lattice of subspaces of a Hilbert space $\mathscr{H}$, then is it always true that $$A\sqsubseteq B\ \&\ B\sqsubseteq A \implies A=B\ ~ ?$$ Or is there maybe an ...
eigengrau's user avatar
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Operator systems in functional analysis & quantum mechanics: intuition

I saw this concept of operator systems in here but I am not sure if I want to get deep into it before knowing roughly what it is used for in, say, quantum information or quantum mechanics. My very ...
Evangeline A. K. McDowell's user avatar
6 votes
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Are $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric Hamiltonians dual to Hermitian Hamiltonians?

I was reading this review paper by Bender, in particular section VI where they show that, despite $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric Hamiltonians not being hermitian, they can have a real spectra. They go on ...
FriendlyLagrangian's user avatar
3 votes
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Angular momentum Lie algebra for infinite-dimensional Hilbert spaces

Let $V := \operatorname{span}{(J_1, J_2, J_3)}$ be a Lie algebra over the complex numbers such that $J_1$, $J_2$, and $J_3$ are essentially self-adjoint operators on some Hilbert space $\mathcal{H}$. ...
Apoorv Potnis's user avatar
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Electric field due to plane at constant potential and a cylinder with no flux on surface

There is a plate at a constant potential V and potential equal to zero far away. the problem is two-dimensional. For this case, the electric field lines will simply be straight lines. Now let there be ...
nameDisplay's user avatar
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Rigorous definition of the average value $\langle a^{*}(f)a(g)\rangle$ on Fock spaces for arbitrary states [duplicate]

One of the axioms of quantum mechanics states that a quantum state $\rho$ is a positive (hence self-adjoint) trace class operator with trace one. Given an observable $A$, the expected value of $A$ in ...
MathMath's user avatar
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Why does the finite trace of density matrix imply a discrete Schmidt decomposition? [closed]

In the paper defining an average Schmidt number for a particular entangled system, Law and Eberly say: Because density matrices always have finite trace, the Schmidt decomposition is always discrete, ...
Superfast Jellyfish's user avatar
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What are the distinct mathematical formalisms of quantum mechanics?

Consider the physical theory called non-relativistic quantum mechanics. What are the distinct mathematical formalisms for this physical theory? That is, different mathematical frameworks for this ...
Silly Goose's user avatar
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Non-orientability in electromagnetism

I'm currently studying E&M and I have a question related to the mathematical formalism of the theory. Electrodynamics depends heavily on the divergence and Stokes's theorem which in their ...
Amr Khaled's user avatar
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Concrete statement about QFT not being mathematically rigorous [duplicate]

It is often mentioned that QFT is ill-defined mathematically. I have seen this as stated that QFT can be defined on a lattice, but that it breaks down if the lattice spacing goes to zero. ...
HoosierDaddy's user avatar
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Elasticity theory: homogeneous deformations of a perfect lattice

I want to understand how the macroscopic (linear) elasticity theory emerges from the microscopic properties of matter. My question is about the model of the "perfect lattice", which is used ...
Plemath's user avatar
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Trouble understanding the experssion of gravity on a cube shaped earth

I'm a high school student working on a maths/geophysics project of which my goal is to try to mathmatically expressthe forces that apply on fluids, and then put them together to express geostrophic, ...
Minchae Kim's user avatar
3 votes
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Question about the identity operator and the bosonic ladder operators

Consider a self-adjoint operator $B$, such that for each mode $a_1,...,a_n$ [of a quantum bosonic system with Hilbert space $\cal H$ given by the corresponding Fock space] we have $B a_i B^\dagger = ...
Noobgrammer's user avatar
7 votes
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Determining Bound States from Møller Operator

Hello I came across an interesting property of the Møller operator, which I summarize below: The Møller operator $\Omega^{(+)}$ maps in-states that belong to the continuum spectrum of the free ...
StackUser's user avatar
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Equivalent definitions of Wick ordering

Let $\phi$ denote a field consisting of creation and annihilation operators. In physics, the Wick ordering of $\phi$, denoted $:\phi:$, is defined so that all creation are to the left of all ...
CBBAM's user avatar
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Scattering matrix vs. unitary transformations

In quantum optics, the input/output bosonic modes at a beam splitter transform according to the scattering matrix $$ \begin{pmatrix} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{...
m137's user avatar
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Multimode squeezed operator

Given CCR (bosonic) algebra, with creation / annihilation operators $a_{i}^{\dagger}, a_i$ acting on a single particle Hilbert space $\mathbb{h}$, let's introduce the multimode squeezed operator for $...
MBlrd's user avatar
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Why does a singularity imply the need for a distribution?

I am following Section 11 of Prof. Etingof's MIT OpenCourseWare notes on "Geometry And Quantum Field Theory" in which he says: ...for $d = 1$, the Green's function $G(x)$ is continuous at $...
CBBAM's user avatar
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When do two state functions represent the same quantum state?

According to the standard quantum mechanics, quantum states are one-dimensional subspaces of a separable Hilbert space. In practice, this Hilbert space is $L^2(M)$ where $M$ is the classical ...
mma's user avatar
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Correlation length in a 3d Ising slab with one dimension much smaller than the other two

Suppose I have a 3d Ising model on a cubic lattice, but one of its dimensions is much smaller than the other two. That is, I have an $L$ by $L$ by $L'$ slab with $L' << L$; in particular, $L'$ ...
user196574's user avatar
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Why is $H = J \sum_i (S^x_i S^x_{i+1} + S^y_iS^y_{i+1})$ always gapless for any spin $S$?

In the following I have in mind antiferromagnetic spin chains in periodic boundary conditions on a chain of even length $L$. Consider the spin-$S$ spin chain $$H = J \sum_{i=1}^L (S^x_i S^x_{i+1} + S^...
user196574's user avatar
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Holonomic constraints as a limit of the motion under potential

In Mathematical Methods of Classical Mechanics, Arnold states the following theorem without proof in pages 75-76: Let $\gamma$ be a smooth plane curve, and let $q_1, q_2$ be local coordinates where $...
mcpca's user avatar
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(Time-)Orientability in the Language of Fiber Bundles

I'm currently studying spin geometry through Hamilton's book Mathematical Gauge Theory. At a given point, Hamilton considers a pseudo-Riemannian manifold, which I'll take to be Lorentzian in $d=3+1$ ...
Níckolas Alves's user avatar
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Azimuthal coordinate operator: Hermition or not? Self-adjoint or not?

I am told that the azimuthal coordinate operator $\hat{\phi}$ is not self-adjoint. I am told this by people who I am sure know much more about this stuff than I do. To my unsophisticated mind, "...
bob.sacamento's user avatar

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