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Questions tagged [linear-algebra]

To be used for linear algebra, and closely related disciplines such as tensor algebras and maybe clifford algebras.

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Why does the eigenvector I calculated for 𝑆𝑦 in the spin-1 case give an incorrect probability for measuring ℏ? [closed]

I've been working on a problem involving a spin-1 particle in state: $ |\chi _{z}^{0}>=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 1\\ 0 \end{pmatrix}$ Which corresponds to the $m_{z}=0$ state of the spin-1 particle. ...
Yurian -'s user avatar
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How can I calculate derivative of eigenstates numerically?

I want to calculate $\langle n | \partial_{k_x} n \rangle$ where $| n \rangle \equiv | u_{n,\mathbf{k}} \rangle $ is the $n$-th Bloch eigenstate of a $6\times6$ Hamiltonian $H\equiv H(\mathbf{k})$. ...
Luqman Saleem's user avatar
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Are projectors observable quantities in QM? [duplicate]

Given a certain quantum state $|\Psi\rangle$, then we can project any other quantum state $|\Phi\rangle$ on the first one by using the projector: $P_\Psi\equiv |\Psi\rangle\langle\Psi|$ in such a way ...
Lagrangiano's user avatar
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"There is a bra for every ket, but there is not a ket for every bra"

This statement is an excerpt from Quantum Mechanics (Cohen-Tannoudji), but I don't quite understand why it holds: given all our kets live in a certain Hilbert space $\mathcal H$, then all the bras ...
Lagrangiano's user avatar
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Parity eigenstates in massive $\mathcal{N}=1$ multiplet

In $\mathcal{N}=1$ SUSY we have two scalar states in the massive chiral multiplet. These are $\left|\Omega\right>$ and $\left|\Omega'\right> = \bar{Q}_1 \bar{Q}_2\left|\Omega\right>$, which ...
Gabriel Ybarra Marcaida's user avatar
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Goldstein Chapter 6 Question

I have a question about a potential error in the $3^{\mathrm{rd}}$ edition of Goldstein's Classical Mechanics. In their exposition in Chapter 6 of small oscillations, the authors obtain the usual ...
Georgy Zhukov's user avatar
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Number of non-zero one- and two-body integrals in second quantization Hamiltonian

The electronic Hamiltonian of a molecule with Born-Oppenheimer approximation in second quantization is given by $$\hat{\mathcal{H}}_{el} = \sum_{p,q} h_{pq} \hat{c}_{p}^{\dagger} \hat{c}_{q} + \frac{...
a_member's user avatar
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Finding inner product value in QM given change of basis

Given the linear transformation $x\rightarrow x'$ $y\rightarrow y'$ $z\rightarrow z'$ where $\{x', y', z'\}$ are linear combinations of $\{x,y,z\}$ How can I find the value $\langle x',y',z'|x,y,z\...
The Catalyst's user avatar
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How do people calculate eigenstate amplitudes for finite lattices

I'm given the hamiltonian of a generalized Hatano-Nelson chain, $$ H_{lr} = \sum_{n=1}^{N} (t_l c_n^\dagger c_{n+l} + t_{-r} c_n^\dagger c_{n-r})$$ How would one normally go about finding the spatial ...
bob the legend's user avatar
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3 answers

Position Eigenstate and Parity Operator

I would like to ask for help with a question that I can't solve. I know that in quantum mechanics an abstract state $|x\rangle$ (position) is defined up to a phase $e^{i\theta}|x\rangle$. Now we know ...
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Doubt in QFT lecture 4 by Osborne: Circulant matrices

Professor Osborne mentioned here that Hamiltonian can be written in form of circulant matrix so we can use a Fourier transform to diagonalize it. I just wanted to read a bit more about it but I can't ...
gedanken_san's user avatar
4 votes
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Is It Possible to Assign Meaningful Amplitudes to Properties in Quantum Mechanics?

In informal discussions of quantum mechanics, it is common to talk about the amplitude for a state to have a certain property. For example, when discussing the double-slit experiment, Feynman states ...
Alessandro Power's user avatar
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How does the eigenvector interpretation of Lorentz transformations generalise to higher dimensions?

When I came across this YouTube video, I immediately realised how Lorentz transform corresponds to a linear transformation where the vectors representing the speed of light ($\vec{c}$ and $-\vec{c}$) ...
viktaur's user avatar
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Eigenvalue under Lorentz metric

I'm currently reading Hawking and Ellis and came across a statement regarding eigenvalues of a matrix under the Lorentz metric, represented by $diag\{1,1,1,-1\}$. A matrix $T$ is defined as follows: \...
Jhin's user avatar
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Base change using bra-ket notation

If I have two orthonormal bases (of a vector space over $\mathbb{C}$) $A=\{|a_{1}\rangle, |a_{2}\rangle\}$ and $B=\{|b_{1}\rangle, |b_{2}\rangle\}$, the change of base matrix from $A$ to $B$ is given ...
LeoFibo's user avatar
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Non-linear Eigenvalue problem with an ODE to solve for the Linear Stability Theory of a Boundary Layer

I am working on the Linear Stability Theory (LST) for analysing the stability of a boundary layer in fluid mechanics. I have conducted CFD simulations and extracted the base flow data. To form the LST ...
Bot_Enigma_0's user avatar
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Associated Hermite polynomials

In quantum mechanics, one of the most common problems to solve is the quantum harmonic oscillator. \begin{equation} \mathcal{H}=\frac{1}{2}p^2+\frac{1}{2}x^2 \end{equation} The most elegant way to ...
Thanos Athanasopoulos's user avatar
-1 votes
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What is the dimension considered in the Schmidt Decomposition?

In the Schmidt decomposition, is the dimension considered of each Hilbert space the complex or real one? Meaning the complex dimension of $\mathbb C^2$ has dimension $2$, not $4$. If so when you ...
jujumumu's user avatar
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Einstein's notion of "covariant"

In his The Meaning of Relativity, pg. $11-12$, Einstein explains the notion of "covariant" along the following lines: Consider a point $\mathbf x$ on a straight line $\mathbf x -\mathbf A=\...
Awe Kumar Jha's user avatar
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What is the correct way to think of position?

How accurate would it be to think of position (along some axis) as the component of radius vector. Example: $$ \textbf{r} = x \hat{\textbf{i}} + y \hat{\textbf{j}} $$ And if that is correct, we could ...
Alexander Djurovich's user avatar
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Split Pauli Four-vector as quadratic terms of spinors

If I have the Pauli Four-vector $$x_{\mu}\sigma^{\mu} = \left(\begin{array}{cc} t+z & x-i y \\ x+i y & t-z \end{array}\right)$$ with $\sigma^0$ as Identity Matrix. Is there some way to write ...
Alexandre Masson Vicente's user avatar
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Can I use any linearly independent, orthogonal, eigenkets as starting basis to construct $S_x$, $S_y$ and $S_z$? [closed]

I know how to construct $S_z$ using $|\uparrow\rangle$=$\left(\begin{matrix}1\\0\end{matrix}\right)$ and $|\downarrow\rangle$=$\left(\begin{matrix}0\\1\end{matrix}\right)$ as starting basis. And I can ...
Siddaram's user avatar
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Why is the tensor product not a multilinear application? [closed]

I was studying multilinear algebra and I wanted to have a good understanding for relativity. I started studying multilinear applications, which are kind of like a natural extension of linear ...
JL14's user avatar
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What is the advantage of using spherical tensor over cartesian tensor?

I am trying to train a machine-learning model to forecast the polarizability of atoms within a molecule. Typically, the tensor is characterised as a Cartesian rank-2 tensor, like this: $$\alpha= \...
manuelpb's user avatar
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Rotation of spherical harmonics

I have a question about the rotation of spherical harmonics. In Wikipedia it is mentioned that if we make a rotation in 3D space: $R\vec{r}=\vec{r}'$,then the Spherical Harmonics can be written as a ...
Thanos Athanasopoulos's user avatar
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How to use the definition of a rank-$2$ tensor for this kind of examples?

Suppose that, a rank-$2$ tensor transforms as \begin{align} T'^{ij}=\frac{\partial x'^i}{\partial x^k}\frac{\partial x'^k}{\partial x^l}T^{kl}. \end{align} How to use this criterion to investigate if ...
Perfect Fluid's user avatar
-2 votes
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Multiplication of $\mathrm{U}(3)$ matrices [closed]

On this page of this paper: I am unable to understand how they multiplied the $3\times 3$ $\mathrm{U}(3)$ matrix with $T_{3,2}$, which is a $2\times 2$ matrix, in Eqs. (26) to (28). Can anyone please ...
shome's user avatar
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3 answers

Is that right that about trace of the two density matrices multiply to each other? [closed]

We have: $$\mathrm{Tr}\,(\rho \rho^{\prime})=1$$ then, is it right to say $\rho=\rho^{\prime}$?
xhian's user avatar
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Is the tensor product injective on pure quantum state vectors?

I am reading lecture notes on quantum information/computing, and the tensor product of two pure qubit states $|b_1\rangle\otimes |b_2\rangle\in\mathbb{C}^{2\times2}$ was introduced as the "...
td12345's user avatar
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Permanent operation's result

N-body fermionic systems are constructed by Slater determinant, and it is equal to Vandermonde polynomial. Are there any special polynomial for the permanent which is used to construct N-body ...
Abdülcanbaz's user avatar
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Decomposition of $(x \pm i y) \, Y_{l m}$ and $z \, Y_{l m}$ on spherical harmonics

Using the various algebraic properties of the associated Legendre polynomials $P_l^m(u)$ and of the spherical harmonics $Y_{l m}(\theta, \varphi)$, I was able to decompose the following expressions, ...
Cham's user avatar
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Calculating Eigenkets of Perturbed Matrix for Second-Order Correction

Q: Find the eigenvalues of the 3x3 symmetric matrix $H$ using perturbation theory where all of the elements on the diagonal of $H$ are an order greater than the elements not on the diagonal. We can ...
PineappleThursday's user avatar
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Problem with logarithm of tensor product of matrices

In the book of From Classical to Quantum Shannon Theory, in exercise 11.8.1, there is a property of logarithm of a tensor products of two matrices, defined as follows: $$\log ( A \otimes B) = \log(A) \...
JasonWS 's user avatar
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Rotation of Pauli Vectors with $SU(2)$ reproduces the $SO(3)$ matrix. but do all $SU(2)$ matrices reproduces $SO(3)$?

So we can write the $SU(2)$ matrices multiplication as this. $$\begin{bmatrix}\alpha&\beta\\-\beta^*&\alpha^*\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}z&x-iy\\x+iy&-z\end{bmatrix}\begin{bmatrix}\...
abx_pradB's user avatar
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Why does applying Ladder operators change the eigenfunction?

When applying a ladder operator to a spherical harmonic function, it spits out the function with a lower or higher magnetic quantum number. My question is how does this abide by the classical ...
ajox3412's user avatar
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Regarding Energy Eigenstate and Position Eigenstate

I am solving problem 14.4. (a) of Schwartz's Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model. It is related to the simple harmonic oscillator in quantum mechanics. It asks the eigenstate of the position ...
Jaeok Yi's user avatar
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Operators algebra for quantum mechanics [closed]

I am taking my first quantum mechanics course and I am a bit lost in operators algebra. These are the main questions I have: Why can we write this kind of equations? $$ Ô \psi = o\psi $$ What I mean ...
Tymothée Waldner's user avatar
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Rotating a system

brekely physics book chapter 2 page 30 , a question about rotating a system by $ \frac{\pi}{2} $ around the z axis clockwise direction and writing vectors according to the new axis after rotation ...
dareen's user avatar
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Intuition behind dampening as a rotation in the complex plane

I'm currently building my intuition behind the meaning of the variables within the general second-order damped harmonic oscillator frequently taught in engineering: $$ \ddot{x} + 2\zeta\omega_n\dot{x} ...
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Question about the identity operator and the bosonic ladder operators

Consider a self-adjoint operator $B$, such that for each mode $a_1,...,a_n$ [of a quantum bosonic system with Hilbert space $\cal H$ given by the corresponding Fock space] we have $B a_i B^\dagger = ...
Noobgrammer's user avatar
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Understanding equation for eigenvalues of a Hamiltonian

I'm reading the paper Hamiltonian Truncation Study of Supersymmetric Quantum Mechanics. I'm not understanding a claim they make about the eigenvalues of a certain Hamiltonian. In particular, how eqn 3....
Gleeson's user avatar
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Scattering matrix vs. unitary transformations

In quantum optics, the input/output bosonic modes at a beam splitter transform according to the scattering matrix $$ \begin{pmatrix} a_1 \\ a_2 \\ \end{pmatrix} = \dfrac{1}{\sqrt{...
m137's user avatar
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What is the difference between a Lindbladian and a Liouvillian in open quantum systems?

As far as I know, when we try to write the Lindbladian equation in a generalized nice operator basis we get Liouvillian. Is this correct? What are the differences between them?
Rishwi Thimmaraju's user avatar
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Pauli matrix exponentials [closed]

Just a short query to confirm my understanding. Given the Pauli-X operator $\hat{X}$ and it's eigenstates $|+\rangle:=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\rangle + |1\rangle)$ and $|-\rangle:=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|0\...
John Doe's user avatar
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Exponential of the metric tensor

Exponential of an arbitrary matrix can be written as $$e^A = \displaystyle\sum_{n=0}^\infty \dfrac{A^n}{n!}$$ In Einstein notation, how this expression will look like? In Einstein notation, what ...
SCh's user avatar
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Determinant of Rank-2 Tensor using Levi-Civita notation

In my Professor's notes on Special Relativity, the determinant of a rank-two tensor $[T]$ (a $4\times 4$ matrix, basically) is given using the Levi Civita Symbol as: $$T=-\epsilon_{\mu\nu\rho\lambda}T^...
V Govind's user avatar
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Landau levels in symmetric gauge, what is the constraint on the quantum numbers?

After solving the Schrödinger equation for the charged particle in a constant and homogeneous magnetic field, using the symmetric gauge $\vec{A} = \frac{B}{2} (-y, x, 0)$, we could find the Landau ...
Cham's user avatar
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Why do QM books point out that $S^2$ commutes with $S_x$, $S_y$, and $S_z$?

The spin angular momentum magnitude squared operator: $$S^2=S_x^2+S_y^2+S_z^2=\frac{3\hbar^2}{4} \begin{pmatrix}1&0\\0&1\end{pmatrix}$$ Obviously $S^2$ commutes with everything, so why do QM ...
hbar's user avatar
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What can we say about the eigendecomposition of quantum channels?

It is known that quantum channels, being CPTP maps, map density operators to density operators. And thus, they can be seen as superoperators. Similar to operators, where eigenstates and eigenvalues ...
ironmanaudi's user avatar
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Einstein Summation Convention Confusion

My textbook: The second bit confuses me. I asked a question on this site yesterday (Moment of Inertia tensor confusion) which involved the moment of inertia tensor and the term $$r_{i}r_{j}$$ The ...
ED2468's user avatar
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