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Whit3rd's user avatar
Whit3rd's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 5 months
  • Last seen this week
  • Seattle, WA
177 votes

Which is stronger, a rope without knots or a rope with knots?

42 votes

The water analogy seems to imply that power = current. Why is this incorrect?

42 votes

Material which becomes less dense as pressure is applied

37 votes

What is a "decade" as a unit of measure (ex. a decade of the EM spectrum)?

15 votes

Why do ice crystals form from the top to the bottom of a bottle filled with supercooled water?

15 votes

Why does hot air rise in a column instead of cold air pressing down?

14 votes

Why does thermal radiation only occur at infrared and visible frequencies?

13 votes

Why does water have no color?

13 votes

Why aren‘t other metals colored?

12 votes

Tree vs lightning rod: why does one burn and the other not?

10 votes

Is air less dense than chimney exhaust?

10 votes

Is it possible that an electric field exists like $E=kx$?

9 votes

Tilting of Earth rotational axis

9 votes

Is "The curl of the gradient of any scalar field is identically zero" contradictory to Faraday's Law?

7 votes

Where do gamma ray photons come from?

7 votes

When a submarine blows its ballast and rises, where did the energy for the ascent come from?

6 votes

Can a magnet rip protons from a nucleus?

5 votes

Does Ohm's law $V = IR$ mean voltage causes current, or does it just say that voltage and current are related?

5 votes

Why do people say a larger object exerts a larger gravitational pull?

5 votes

How do batteries lose capacity in winter?

5 votes

Why don't gas flames radiate much heat directly, but metal objects heated by them do?

5 votes

When is a water level no level?

5 votes

How can a railcar withstand high pressure but fail under a vacuum?

5 votes

How does Earnshaw's Theorem make passive magnetic bearings impractical?

4 votes

How do electrons in a cathode ray remain in a straight line if they are all negatively charged?

4 votes

Is a mirror-less telescope possible?

4 votes

Why are cosine and sine functions used when representing a signal or a wave?

4 votes

Can the phase of a light wave be measured experimentally?

4 votes

Is there such a thing as "light leveling"?

4 votes

Is the light from the Sun the same as the light from a bulb?

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