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0 answers

Quantum mechanics animations/applets [duplicate]

I'm having a bit of trouble imagining the time evolution of non-gaussian wavepackets. For a free particle, I usually imagine a diffusing gaussian (in both $x$ and $p$ where $<p>(t)=p_0$) with it'...
-3 votes
1 answer

I am learning electricity and magnetism remotely, what is the best tool kit in the market for a home lab to accompany this college course? [closed]

My university suspended all labs in the physics department and there is no virtual option, but for me to understand E&M I need to see some live experiments and do them myself. What lab kit on the ...
3 votes
1 answer

Software for matrix-product state calculations

Which software packages exist to either numerically or analytically do matrix-product state calculations? (Such as finding the ground state, time evolution, bond decimation, symmetries..) Which are ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there software or code that is used to simulate hot ion plasma?

How are hot plasma simulated like fluid particles in CFD? Note: If this question is topic, i will eventually delete question but i only need an answer.
0 votes
0 answers

Any suggestion for a DFT software package for a beginner?

I would like to do start doing some basic calculations using DFT. I am interested in solid state physics of strongly correlated materials in 3d or 2d. I prefer free software (no license) which is easy ...
0 votes
0 answers

Any open-source to animate 2D materials in 3D. (e.g. van der Waals heterostructures, 2D crystal layers etc.)

I want to model different 2D nano-structures, layered materials in 3D (animated version). Is there any open source where I can build these structures?
2 votes
0 answers

Are there software for drawing Feynman diagrams easily? [duplicate]

I want to know if there softwares to draw Feynman diagrams easily.
8 votes
1 answer

Github for Physicists

I am wondering if there is a platform to which researchers share or publish the code they used in their research. I noticed that many researchers explain their algorithm and math and present the ...
2 votes
2 answers

Does anyone have a workflow for doing basic classical mechanics problems in Mathematica?

I've become really interested lately in the Wolfram Language and using it to work through problems in physics. I'm in a first year course in classical mechanics right now, and I was wondering if ...
1 vote
1 answer

Is there any free utility/software to generates and numerically solve the field equation for modified gravity $f(R)$

I'm looking for a free software (preferred to run under Windows) that can generate the gravity field equations for a given $f(R)$ model in modified gravity. I used Maxima to calculate a few terms, ...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a good physical simulation software (mainly refers to the rigid body mechanics simulation)? [duplicate]

I want to simulate the examples in theoretical mechanics and analytical mechanics. I need a mechanical simulation software, which can customize the force field, spring, rigid body, connecting member ...
1 vote
2 answers

Using technology in Physics [closed]

Currently I find that technology is a wonderful tool in efficiently understanding physics. It helps in giving access to resources and providing a better understanding of topics but what I dislike is ...
0 votes
0 answers

Looking for a freeware software/app that can solve eigenvalue problems symbolically

I'm taking a quantum mechanics course and my homework involves extremely tedious algebra to solve symbolic eigenvalue problems. I'm looking for a software that I can give matrices with symbolic ...
0 votes
1 answer

Best software to fit molecular spectroscopy data

I have some data from a molecular spectroscopy experiment, containing vibrational and rotational spectra, and I want to fit the peaks with Voigt profiles (one for each peak) in order to obtain the ...
0 votes
0 answers

Numeric simulation of light propagation throug micropores in water

I am interested in the simulation of the propagation of light through the surface of the silicon diatom frustule. Could you recommend me any free program that allow to perform such simulation? That is,...
1 vote
1 answer

Useful resources and softwares for computational astrophysics

I am recently working on computational astrophysics. My research is mainly focused on accretion processes around compact objects (black holes & neutron stars), radiative transfer and modelling of ...
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0 answers

Open source software or Matlab toolboxes for simulation of pulse chirping

I am trying to simulate the effect on the waveform of pulse chirping a Gaussian pulse from a femtosecond laser by various mechanisms (e.g. prism, grating, grism, fiber optical cables). I have tried ...
0 votes
1 answer

Is there a program or a website able to perform all Wick contractions for a given expression?

Imagine I have an expression of the type: $$\langle \phi_{x_1} \phi_{x_1} \phi_{x_2} \phi_{x_2} \phi_{z_1} \phi_{z_1} A_{z_1} \phi_{z_2} \phi_{z_2} A_{z_2} \phi_{z_3} \phi_{z_3} A_{z_3} \phi_{z_4} \...
2 votes
0 answers

Is there a "standard" quantum simulator/animator for pedagogy?

I'm having a hard time finding animations for 1D or 2D square well, SHO, free particle with barriers, etc, that I'm sure are "trustworthy". It's the sort of thing I would do in python in my spare time ...
0 votes
1 answer

Implementing the Hartree-Fock method in two dimensions from scratch

I am interesting in writing a complete code for the Hartree-Fock method to improve my understanding of it. It seems relatively complex in three dimensions, so I am wondering if it would be simpler in ...
0 votes
2 answers

Resource recommendation for machine learning

I am planning to change my field (in PhD) and learn Machine Learning to differentiate different phases of strongly correlated matter. I learned Monte Carlo method in my MS and have intermediate level ...
1 vote
2 answers

What software programs are recommended for background extraction and peak fitting?

I have an energy spectrum for various gamma sources. What software programs are recommended for background extraction and peak fitting in this case?
0 votes
0 answers

Mathematical software for calculating Christoffel symbols, curvature, etc [duplicate]

I'm looking for a Mathematical software that can do the following: I put in a metric (some kind of a two-dimensional matrix), and the software calculates Christoffel symbols, Ricci curvatures, ...
5 votes
2 answers

Simulation software to solve high school level mechanics problems

I'm a physics teacher and I would like to find a simulation software that could be used to give exact numerical answers to high school level problems in Newtonian mechanics. I want the students to ...
1 vote
0 answers

Numerically Solving EM problems. Book covering: ABS, PML, Near field calcul., LU fact, BicGstab, Pardiso etc

I looking for a book (or two) covering a range of topics: numerical implementation of boundary conditions (PEC, PMC, ABS); perfect matching layer; LU factorisation; numerical solvers and when to use ...
4 votes
0 answers

Is there an alternative to SIMION?

Is anyone aware of an alternative, possibly open-source, to the SIMION software? From their website: SIMION is a particle optics simulation software primarily used to calculate electric fields ...
2 votes
0 answers

Latex tool for Feynman diagrams [duplicate]

Is there a tool for drawing Feynman diagrams that can be used to post these diagrams on physics stack exchange?
1 vote
1 answer

File with particle decay data [closed]

Does anyone know of a computer parsable file that has basic physics and decay data for (quite many) observable particles, such as mesons, barions, heavy leptons and $W, Z, H$? To clarify the data I ...
1 vote
1 answer

What are some useful resources for simple two-body quantum simulation?

Are there available, commercial or free, numerical packages for simulating quantum dynamics that have built-in tools especially for quantum mechanics? For the purpose of this question, I want to ...
1 vote
3 answers

Resource required for learning simulations in physics

I know basic programming in C and Fortran. I want to learn simple simulations in physics to have some idea about it. Right now I don't have any idea about it. Can someone refer some online/offline ...
2 votes
4 answers

Nuclear Physics Modeling Software

I have a nuclear reactor design I would like to model. I would like to show the individual atoms and how they interact with each other in the reactor (specifically, I would like to model decay modes, ...
0 votes
1 answer

Simulating a Test Particle in a Kerr Spacetime $(M,\mathcal{O}, \mathcal{A},\nabla^{L.C.})$

The equations of motion for a test particle in a Kerr spacetime $(M,\mathcal{O}, \mathcal{A},\nabla^{L.C.})$ are dictated by four degrees of freedom (i.e. invariant mass $m$ in $p^\mu g_{\mu\nu}p^{\nu}...
3 votes
1 answer

Software that can perform QMC on quantum Ising model

I'm trying to find a software that can perform QMC using the loop algorithm as outlined in the following lecture notes: The closest ...
7 votes
1 answer

How to code Tensor Networks?

I'm interested in learning tensor networks, I've been reading some introductory articles about this. The problem is that these articles mostly discuss the theoretical definitions for tensor networks ...
1 vote
2 answers

Software for simulating gas of hard particles (i.e. polyhedra?)

I was wondering if there existed a kind of software I could use to simulate a gas of polyhedra, such as tetrahedra. They would interact through entropic interactions only, i.e. excluded volume. I'm ...
0 votes
1 answer

Software for Modeling Carbon Burn

I’m looking for a way to accurately simulate wood turning into ash. I haven’t been able to find much of anything online which is why I’m asking here. Here’s a video of a simulation of 2D cables ...
-4 votes
1 answer

Is there any good tutorial on how to read, convert and process .spc files using Python, R, Ruby, Java?

Is there any good tutorial on how to read, convert and process .spc files using Python, R, Ruby, Java? Need to extract content of 30 .spc vibrational spectroscopy files to do PCA and descriptive ...
6 votes
1 answer

Conformal field theory using Mathematica [closed]

Can someone suggest some online Mathematica codes/packages that deal with performing standard CFT computations like OPE expansions, computing different conformal blocks etc.
1 vote
2 answers

Numerical Tools and Related Resoures for Bohmian Mechanics

I am trying to do some simulations using the de Broglie - Bohm formalism and am wondering if there are computational tools that already exist in this area. I generally use Python, but will consider ...
2 votes
1 answer

Tensor manipulation software [duplicate]

Does anyone know of any free tensor manipulation software for use in General relativity? e.g GR tensor (this includes software that needs programs such as mathematica or matlab to use)
1 vote
1 answer

Software to predict gamma ray spectrum from dark matter decay and anihilation

Im looking to study the gamma ray spectra of dark matter models. Is there a "standard" or widely used software that can produce these spectra given some user defined model?
7 votes
1 answer

Molecular Dynamics Software for Coarse Grained Polymers

I am looking around for MD software that I can use to simulating polymers and I can't decide which software I should use. I would like to simulate the swelling of crosslinked polymers, and I would ...
8 votes
0 answers

Visualising General Relativity [closed]

I've recently found myself with copies of both Maple and Mathematica and I'm looking to use it to study relativity and hopefully the field equations of GR. I mainly study general relativity but I've ...
-3 votes
1 answer

Is there a tool online that lets me convert acceleration-time graphs into velocity-time and position-time graphs?

Basically I need to visualize a few physics exercises and I need a tool that let me to convert the acceleration graphs into the other types So that, I can get an idea of the relation of acceleration ...
1 vote
1 answer

Program for Dirac Matrix Traces

I want to calculate traces of Dirac matrices with a program like Mathematica. I found the package FeynCalc or Tracer.m but they seem to be outdated. Are there any better / newer solutions to this? I ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are there any public program that can calculate baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) acoustic peak from the data Lyman alpha spectra of BOSS?

Are there any public program that can calculate baryon acoustic oscillations (BAO) acoustic peak from the data Lyman alpha spectra of Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS)? I am confused in ...
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0 answers


When I had a Mac back at JPL in the 80's, I had software that allowed me to enter the mass and X, Y velocity vectors for a number of bodies. It was fun to play with. Is there anything like that out ...
1 vote
0 answers

Online Molecular Mechanics energy evaluation tool

Is there a tool (preferably a website) that will evaluate the energy of my molecule in a given molecular mechanics force field (say Amber or Charmm)? I would like to do the evaluation for a small ...
0 votes
1 answer

Software/apparatus to measure wavelength of visible light

I need a software or an apparatus (avaiable in school conditions) to measure wavelengths of visible light. In my lab I use coloured filters to get different colours of light, but I have to measure ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Is there a software to convert units for quantities and equations? [closed]

For example, Often I end up with a complicated equation that uses non-standard units. In these equations, Temperature is in eV and Magnetic field is in Gauss. I need to convert my equation to another ...