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291 votes
17 answers

What really allows airplanes to fly?

What aerodynamic effects actually contribute to producing the lift on an airplane? I know there's a common belief that lift comes from the Bernoulli effect, where air moving over the wings is at ...
David Z's user avatar
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103 votes
7 answers

Why does the atmosphere rotate along with the earth?

I was reading somewhere about a really cheap way of travelling: using balloons to get ourselves away from the surface of the earth. The idea held that because the earth rotates, we should be able to ...
claws's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Define Pressure at A point. Why is it a Scalar?

I have a final exam tomorrow for fluid mechanics and I was just looking over the practice exam questions. They do not provide solutions. But pretty much I have to define pressure at a point and also ...
Greg Harrington's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Non-linear waves and shock formation

In the cases of non-linear acoustics, why is shock formation unlikely when the dispersion is strong when compared to the non-linearity of the wave?
vijay's user avatar
  • 247
122 votes
9 answers

Why does a helium filled balloon move forward in a car when the car is accelerating?

I noticed that when I had a helium filled, latex balloon inside of my car, it moved forward in the cabin as I accelerated forward. The faster I accelerated forward, the faster the balloon went from ...
user33986's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Can a hovering helicopter travel half the globe in 12 hours? [duplicate]

Suppose we have a helicopter that is able to stay stationary in flight for extended periods of time. If such a helicopter stayed at point A in the sky for 12 hours straight, would it reach the other ...
cryptic0's user avatar
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30 votes
4 answers

What nonlinear deformations will a fast rotating planet exhibit?

It is common knowledge among the educated that the Earth is not exactly spherical, and some of this comes from tidal forces and inhomogeneities but some of it comes from the rotation of the planet ...
Alan Rominger's user avatar
18 votes
4 answers

Explanation that air drag is proportional to speed or square speed?

A falling object with no initial velocity with mass $m$ is influenced by a gravitational force $g$ and the drag (air resistance) which is proportional to the object's speed. By Newton´s laws this can ...
EricAm's user avatar
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22 votes
3 answers

Does a wing in a potential flow have lift?

I have a hard time understanding whether or not a wing placed in a potential flow, assuming there is no viscosity and no friction with the wing, will produce a lift. I've seen several contradictory (...
NikiC's user avatar
  • 322
20 votes
2 answers

Could Navier-Stokes equation be derived directly from Boltzmann equation?

I know how to derive Navier-Stokes equations from Boltzmann equation in case where bulk and viscosity coefficients are set to zero. I need only multiply it on momentum and to integrate it over ...
Name YYY's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Why is pressure in a liquid the same in all directions?

I'd like answers both in the more intuitive side an on the more precise side. Thinking of water as "cubes" of water, for example, would allow pressure in the z axis to be independent of the y or x ...
josinalvo's user avatar
  • 297
38 votes
7 answers

Do gases have phonons?

A phonon is a quantized unit of sound; they are encountered when quantizing lattice vibrations in solids. Now, even an ideal gas supports sound waves, but in this case, interactions between atoms are ...
knzhou's user avatar
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22 votes
4 answers

How to show that the Coriolis effect is irrelevant for the whirl/vortex in the sink/bathtub?

There is a common myth that water flowing out from a sink should rotate in direction governed by on which hemisphere we are; this is shown false in many household experiments, but how to show it ...
user avatar
17 votes
2 answers

Height of Water 'Splashing'

Suppose from a height $H$, I throw a ball of mass $M$ and radius $R$ with initial velocity $u$ into a pool of depth $x$ having a liquid with density $\rho$ and coefficient of viscosity $\eta$. Upto ...
NeilRoy's user avatar
  • 293
8 votes
2 answers

Assumptions of thermodynamic & chemical equilibrium in fluid-dynamics

I am reading about the Euler equations of fluid dynamics from Leveque's Numerical Methods for Conservation Laws. After introducing the mass, momentum and energy equations, some thermodynamic concepts ...
smilingbuddha's user avatar
19 votes
9 answers

Vortex in liquid collects particles in center

At xmas, I had a cup of tea with some debris at the bottom from the leaves. With less than an inch of tea left, I'd shake the cup to get a little vortex going, then stop shaking and watch it spin. ...
Kricket's user avatar
  • 291
12 votes
3 answers

Patterns in laminar flow of tap water

This is a simple experiment that anyone can do at home. Open your tap so that the water maintains a laminar flow, and the cross section of flow is considerably thin. Place your finger 3-4 cm below the ...
anurag anshu's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Navier-Stokes Derivation

Someone knows a physical derivation of the Navier-Stokes equation? Mainly the stress tensor. A lot of authors simply "jumps" the stress tensor and it's the more important of physical motion and ...
Ponyboy Curtis's user avatar
18 votes
1 answer

Book recommendations for fluid dynamics self-study

I have my bachelors degree in engineering science: computer science, option electrotechnic. I have a good understanding of basic mechanics and dynamics, calculus (differential equations). The books I'...
8 votes
1 answer

Is there a relativistic version of Navier-Stokes equations?

Just as the title says, is there a relativistic version of Navier-Stokes equations? In electromagnetic hydrodynamics it would be very useful to have relativistic version of Navier-Stokes equations, ...
JavaGamesJAR's user avatar
3 votes
6 answers

Mathematical Reasoning for Fluid Pressure as a Scalar

This question from a while ago and answers/comments to this question from earlier today both make heavy mention of the fact that fluid pressure is a scalar. Although this information was surprising ...
Sean's user avatar
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15 votes
5 answers

A fly in an accelerating car

A fly is flying around in a car, the fly never touches any surface in the car only fly’s around in the air inside the car. The car accelerates. does the fly slam in to the rear window. or does the fly ...
Fly's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Would a fast interstellar spaceship benefit from an aerodynamic shape?

Some (generous) assumptions: We have a spaceship that can reach a reasonable fraction of light speed. The ship is able to withstand the high energies of matter impacting at that speed. Given the ...
user1264's user avatar
  • 513
7 votes
2 answers

Platform diving: How deep does one go into the water?

I am a platform diver. I am trying to figure out how deep in the water I go depending on which platform I dive from. The platforms are 1m, 3m, 5m, 7.5m and 10m above the water surface. By ignoring air ...
Ole Tange's user avatar
  • 599
5 votes
3 answers

How do shock waves form in space?

Today my aerodynamics professor mentioned that the equations we were learning for atmospheric shock waves can also be applied by astrophysicists to study black hole-related shock waves in space. How ...
techSultan's user avatar
63 votes
15 answers

Why does dust stick to rotating fan propeller?

Why does dust stick to rotating fan propeller? Intuitively, most people (including I) think of the dust will not stick to rotating fan propellers.
Display Name's user avatar
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44 votes
5 answers

Have we figured out how to analyze turbulent fluids?

I was surprised to read that we don't know how to analyze turbulent fluids. On page 3-9 of The Feynman Lectures on Physics (Volume One), Feynman writes: Finally, there is a physical problem that is ...
BlueRaja - Danny Pflughoeft's user avatar
32 votes
2 answers

What forces are at work causing sand to migrate to the centre of a spinning bucket of water? [duplicate]

A bucket is filled with water and a handful of sand. The water is then spun. Why and what forces are in play which cause the sand particles to congregate in the centre of the bucket?
Charles Hendry's user avatar
22 votes
9 answers

Why there's a whirl when you drain the bathtub?

At first I thought it's because of Coriolis, but then someone told me that at the bathtub scale that's not the predominant force in this phenomenon.
Dan's user avatar
  • 363
20 votes
8 answers

How much effect does the Bernoulli effect have on lift?

I understand that the Bernoulli effect is a flawed explanation for the cause of lift, and does not cause much at all, but how much? Is there any experimental data on the force caused by the ...
Meow's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Fluid in a rotating cylinder

I have been wondering why a fluid in a rotating container has a parabola shape? Is it possible to prove this mathematically?
user34304's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How was Reynolds number derived?

I'm studying fluid dynamics and recently the formula $Re=\frac{\rho vd}{\eta}$ was presented to me. I'm curious to know how Reynolds came up with this relation between these different variables. Did $...
bruno's user avatar
  • 548
7 votes
2 answers

Calculation of pressure from flow rate of water

Anybody kindly help me to find how to calculate pressure in bar from flow rate. I have a pipe and from that I am transferring water at a constant flow rate of 5ml/min. At this flow rate, with a 0.5 cm ...
user55929's user avatar
52 votes
3 answers

When water climbs up a piece of paper, where is the energy coming from?

Take a glass of water and piece of toilet paper. If you keep the paper vertical, and touch the surface of the water with the tip of the paper, you can see the water being absorbed and climbing up the ...
Malabarba's user avatar
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46 votes
2 answers

Wind generators - why so few blades?

Why commercial wind generators usually have just 2-3 blades? Having more blades would allow to increase power OR decrease diameter. Decreased diameter would also reduce stress due to different wind ...
BarsMonster's user avatar
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22 votes
1 answer

Flames with no gravity?

I was watching "Solaris" (Tarkovsky) today, and noticed this: in some moment the space station changed orbit and the people inside experienced zero-gravity. At that moment, a candlestick ...
leonbloy's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Why does a balloon spiral in the air instead of moving in a straight line?

When an air-filled balloon is released without its opening tied up, it moves in a circular path rather than a straight line. Why is that?
Lelouch Lamperouge's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How does the radius of a pipe affect the rate of flow of fluid?

Poiseuille's law states that the rate of flow of water is proportionate to $r^4$ where $r$ is the radius of the pipe. I don't see why. Intuitively I would expect rate of flow of fluid to vary with $r^...
Tejas Ramdas's user avatar
44 votes
4 answers

What is the minimum pressure of a medium for which a sound wave can exist?

At what pressure will be particles in a medium be unable to form a sound wave when disturbed? How can this pressure be described mathematically? My guess is that this would correspond to the point at ...
uqtredd1's user avatar
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44 votes
3 answers

What is going on in front of and behind a fan?

Why is it that when you drop paper behind a fan, it drops, and is not blown/sucked into the fan, whereas if you drop paper in front of a fan, it is blown away?
GreenAsJade's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

Why does water pouring from a glass sometimes travel down the side of the glass?

If you have a glass of water, say, three quarters full and you pour it at an angle of say, $45^{\circ}$ with respect to the the table, the water comes out of the glass and goes directly down towards ...
ODP's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Why does a nuclear explosion have directionality?

It just occurred to me that almost all images I've seen of the (in)famous mushroom cloud show a vertical column rising perpendicular to the ground and a horizontal planar ring parallel to the ground. ...
DeepSpace101's user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

Bernoulli's equation and reference frames

So I was thinking about this while driving home the other day. I've never been quite clear on why when you drive with the windows down air rushes into your car. I thought this might be explained by ...
PatEugene's user avatar
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19 votes
3 answers

Why and how is sound produced when two objects hit each other?

When two objects collide and undergo a partially inelastic collision (so every one we experience in every-day life), they rebound to a certain degree, but kinetic energy is not conserved. Thus, the ...
usumdelphini's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How is viscosity described on the molecular level?

What is the 'molecular' origin of the viscosity? The molecular origin of elasticity is almost clear for me: at the very bottom the 'elasticity' comes from the attraction and repulsion between atoms ...
deeep's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Why, when one opens 1 car window, does that noise occur?

When you're driving and you open 1 car window, say the front one, there comes a horrible noise, but when you open another window just the slightest bit, this noise goes away (I'm sure most people know ...
ODP's user avatar
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10 votes
7 answers

Capillary tube of insufficient length

I was wondering if we have a very thin glass tube placed in a tub of liquid and the portion of the tube outside the liquid is lesser than the height to which the liquid can rise because of capillarity,...
user34304's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Stress-energy tensor for a perfect fluid in general relativity

Wikipedia reports this expression for the stress-energy tensor of a perfect fluid in general relativity $$T^{\mu \nu} = \left(\rho + \frac{p}{c^2} \right) U^{\mu} U^\nu + p g^{\mu \nu}, $$ where $\...
4 votes
2 answers

Why are continuum fluid mechanics accurate when constituents are discrete objects of finite size?

Suppose we view fluids classically, i.e., as a collection of molecules (with some finite size) interacting via e&m and gravitational forces. Presumably we model fluids as continuous objects that ...
JamesMarshallX's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Knudsen Number and pressure

When computing the Knudsen number to know if the continuum hypothesis can be applied as $\frac{k_B T}{p \sqrt{2} \pi d^2 L}$, do we use the static or total pressure of the free stream? My object is ...
Marília Matos's user avatar

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