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119 votes
2 answers

Is it necessary to consume energy to perform computation?

As far as I know, today most of the computers are made from semiconductor devices, so the energy consumed all turns into the heat emitted into space. But I wonder, is it necessary to consume energy ...
jiakai's user avatar
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53 votes
2 answers

Can we infer the existence of periodic solutions to the three-body problem from numerical evidence?

I recently found out about the discovery of 13 beautiful periodic solutions to the three-body problem, described in the paper Three Classes of Newtonian Three-Body Planar Periodic Orbits. Milovan ...
Emilio Pisanty's user avatar
39 votes
1 answer

Can lightning be used to solve NP-complete problems?

I'm a MS/BS computer science guy who is wondering about why lightning can't (or can?) be used to solve NP complete problems efficiently, but I don't understand the physics behind lightning, so I'm ...
micahhoover's user avatar
35 votes
5 answers

How were the Navier-Stokes equations found in the first place if we can't solve them?

I was reading up on the Clay Institute's Millenium prizes in mathematics. And I noticed the Navier-Stokes equations were described as minimally understood. As far as I was taught in physics a few ...
Disgusting's user avatar
35 votes
1 answer

Intuition for when the replica trick should work and why it works

I am a graduate student in mathematics working in probability (without a very good background in physics honestly) and I've started to see arguments based on computations derived from the replica ...
Chris Janjigian's user avatar
32 votes
1 answer

Software for calculating Feynman Diagrams

Is there a software (open source preferred) where I would input something like "Ingoing: a fermion $(p1, s1)$ and a photon $(p2, s2)$. Output: A fermion $(k1, r1)$ and a photon $(k2, r2)$" and I would ...
29 votes
6 answers

Is there any aspect of an explosion resulting from a nuclear weapon test that cannot be simulated using super computers?

This Washington Post news article states that with the advent of computer simulation of nuclear tests, live tests are no longer needed. Generally speaking there are 3 aspects of an explosion ...
DSarkar's user avatar
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25 votes
9 answers

How does a particle know how to behave? [duplicate]

How does a particle know it should behave in such and such manner? As a person, I can set mass is so and so, charge is so and so - then set up equation to solve its equation of motion but who ...
Young Ha Kim's user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

How do computers "solve" the three-body-problem?

I've done a bit of research, and have learned that computers "solve" the three-body-problem by using "Numerical methods for ordinary differential equations", but I can't really find anything about it ...
HeeysamH's user avatar
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23 votes
3 answers

Programming in physics [closed]

How important is programming in physics? I am studying physics at university and these first years there is actually no approach (as it is understandable) to what working in physics is like. Now, I ...
Klopmint's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Home-made lattice calculation?

The topic of Lattice QCD or Lattice gauge theory or even Lattice field theory is quite old now. And the main reason for the interest in the topic is the ability to calculate nonperturbative stuff on a ...
Kostya's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

How efficient is a desktop computer?

As I understand it (and admittedly it's a weak grasp), a computer processes information irreversibly (AND gates, for example), and therefore has some minimum entropy increase associated with its ...
Mark Eichenlaub's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

What do theoretical physicists need from computer scientists?

I recently co-authored a paper (not online yet unfortunately) with some chemists that essentially provided answers to the question, "What do chemists need from computer scientists?" This included the ...
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19 votes
2 answers

How can one obtain the metric tensor numerically?

I am self-studying General Relativity. Is there a method for obtaining the metric tensor exterior to a specified mass distribution numerically? In the simplest case of a spherical mass this should ...
Martin C.'s user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

How many qubits are needed for useful computation?

Seeing the news about 14 entangled states today @ Innsbruck: I haven't found a clear guide online to how many qubits we are aiming for a first practical quantum computer, e.g. Factorization, Search ...
velniukas's user avatar
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18 votes
8 answers

Software for physics calculations [closed]

What is some good free software for doing physics calculations? I'm mainly interested in symbolic computation (something like Mathematica, but free).
18 votes
3 answers

Why is the pressure gradient zero at a wall?

It's accepted to impose a zero pressure gradient normal to a wall when solving the Navier-Stokes equation. Is there any mathematical reasoning for that? Which pressure (static pressure, total pressure....
Mohamed Ouda's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

Numerical solution to Schrödinger equation - eigenvalues

This is my first question on here. I'm trying to numerically solve the Schrödinger equation for the Woods-Saxon Potential and find the energy eigenvalues and eigenfunctions but I am confused about how ...
CINA's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Why do we still use perturbation theory, when we have advanced numerical methods and fast computers?

If my question sounds ignorant or even insulting, I apologise. I may be completely wrong, since I'm not a theoretical physicist. So, I understand why perturbation theory was originally used in ...
Yuriy S's user avatar
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17 votes
1 answer

Solving Schrödinger's equation with Crank-Nicolson method

I am trying to numerically solve Schrödinger's equation with Cayley's expansion ($\hbar=1$) $$\psi(x,t+\Delta t)=e^{-i H\Delta t}\psi(x,t)\approx\frac{1-\frac{1}{2}i H\Delta t}{1+\frac{1}{2}i H\Delta ...
liberias's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Correct way to write the eigenvector of a diagonalized hamiltonian in second quantization

I am studying diagonalization of a quadratic bosonic Hamiltonian of the type: $$ H = \displaystyle\sum_{<i,j>} A_{ij} a_i^\dagger a_j + \frac{1}{2}\displaystyle\sum_{<i,j>} [B_{ij} a_i^\...
user1906035's user avatar
16 votes
5 answers

How useful is programming in physics? [closed]

I have been wondering recently how useful programming is to a physicist. It seems fairly useful (simulations are a lot cheaper than the actual thing in many cases) in some areas (say space programs), ...
Infinite's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Why do we use the imaginary time evolution in simulations of some quantum system?

I realize that the imaginary evolution could help us to find the ground state for a system. However, I very puzzled why it works, and what the principle is back up there? I have done some searching on ...
Noah Ren's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

How are physics and computer science getting united? [closed]

How is theoretical computer science getting united with physics? Phenomena like Quantum Computing uses Quantum Mechanics to be able to compute things, how are computers helping not just to model our ...
Isomorphic's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Can we fully simulate molecular physics?

Is our knowledge of physics complete enough to achieve fully natural simulations of molecular interactions in a computer simulation? How far off are we? Reason for question: I wonder how far we are ...
eric's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Why isn't the Gear predictor-corrector algorithm for integration of the equations of motion symplectic?

Okumura et al., J. Chem. Phys. 2007 states that the Gear predictor-corrector integration scheme, used in particular in some molecular dynamics packages for the dynamics of rigid bodies using ...
F'x's user avatar
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15 votes
3 answers

Why don't hexapods gallop?

I haven't observed any terrestrial hexapods that gallop like agile tetrapods(cheetahs/horses). Instead, I've observed that all of them scuttle which constrains their maximum velocity. And after ...
user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How do I determine equilibration in a Monte Carlo $NVT $ simulation?

I'm running an NVT (constant number of particles, volume and temperature) Monte Carlo simulation (Metropolis algorithm) of particles in two dimensions interacting via Lennard-Jonse potential $$U = 4\...
Adi Ro's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

Why Does Lattice QCD Use Heavier Than Physical Masses For Calculations?

It is common place (e.g. here), for Lattice QCD calculations to be computed using reference masses (such as the pion mass) which are greater that the physical values of those quantities. Sometimes, ...
ohwilleke's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers

Binary Black Hole Solution of General Relativity?

This is rather a technical question for experts in General Relativity. An accessible link would be an accepable answer, although any additional discussion is welcome. GR has well known solutions ...
Roy Simpson's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Does quantum mechanics allow you to simulate chemical reactions in software?

I'm a software developer interested in learning quantum mechanics to simulate chemistry. I know it's a very difficult topic, so I consider it a long term "someday/maybe" goal, and I’m not sure it's ...
Rob N's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Has the Landauer Limit really been overturned? What was wrong with the original analysis?

This news, summarizing results from M. López-Suárez et al. Sub-$k_B T$ micro-electromechanical irreversible logic gate, Nature Commun. 7, 12068 (2016). Makes the claim that It clearly shows that ...
JDługosz's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

What limitations are there in measuring physical properties accurately?

In a StackOverflow answer, I attempted to explain why a 32-bit float was perfectly adequate for representing the questioner's weight measurement: Physical properties are inaccurately measured anyway: ...
eggyal's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

What is the status of applying numerical analysis to QM/QFT problems [closed]

This is something I don't ever seem to hear about, except regarding QCD ("lattice QCD"). What about QED? Is numerical integration always inferior to hand-calculating Feynman diagrams in perturbation ...
user1247's user avatar
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13 votes
12 answers

Is there an equivalent of computation of physical processes in nature? [closed]

I was watching a waterfall in the Austrian Alps. There were thousands of water droplets falling down, splattering on the stones below. I thought - how does nature find out so quickly where each ...
yingele's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Superconducting gap, temperature dependence: how to calculate this integral?

Tinkham (page 63) states that the temperature dependence of the gap energy of a superconductor $\Delta(T)$ can be calculated using the following integral: How can this actually be carried out? I am ...
ElizabethPor's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

What is meant exactly by "renormalization" in condensed matter physics, specifically in density matrix renormalization group (DMRG)?

I first encountered the concept of renormalization in the context of statistical physics. Here, the renormalization "group" is a set of transformations of the system such that the Hamiltonian $H(J,\...
user2723984's user avatar
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13 votes
7 answers

Numerical simulation of the double-slit experiment including watching the electrons

The double-slit "thought experiment" described by Feynman in Lectures on Physics Volume 3 section I-6 Watching the electrons consists in firing electrons through a double-slit to observe the ...
user avatar
13 votes
3 answers

Why do we need Gauss' laws for electricity and magnetism?

The source of an electromagnetic field is a distribution of electric charge, $\rho$, and a current, with current density $\mathbf{J}$. Considering only Faraday's law and Ampere-Maxwell's law: $$ \...
Verktaj's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

How is computer science and physics related? [closed]

Not sure if this is a 'real' question, but what is the relationship between physics and computer science? A lot of physicists are also computer scientists and vice versa. My professor has a PhD in ...
Snowman's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Difficulty of numerically solving Einstein equations

The most recent episode of Sean Carroll's podcast is an interview with Kip Thorne, in which it is stated that until somewhat recently it was unclear that it would ever be possible to simulate the ...
Davis Yoshida's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Tight binding model in a magnetic field

The standard way to treat a tight binding method in a magnetic is to replace the hopping matrix element: $t_{i,j}\rightarrow e^{i\int_i^j\mathbf{A(x)}.d\mathbf{x}}$ the so called "Peierls ...
Yahya Alavirad's user avatar
12 votes
5 answers

Basic mechanics problems, unsolvable by brute-force numerical integration

I'm looking for simple problems in theoretical mechanics that are impossible or unreasonably difficult to solve by means of "brute-force" numerical integration of Newton or Euler-lagrange equations. ...
12 votes
2 answers

Numerical Analysis of Elliptic PDEs

I am looking for an elementary reference regarding issues of stability in numerical analysis of non-linear elliptic PDEs, particularly using the finite difference method (but something more ...
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12 votes
2 answers

How do you simulate chiral gauge theories on a computer?

David Tong and Lubos Motl have argued that our universe can't possibly be a digital computer simulation because chiral gauge theories can't be discretized, and the Standard Model is a chiral gauge ...
Tefaidr's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

What programming languages would be helpful for a physicist to know? [closed]

From the vantage point of a physicist and the kind of problems he would like a computer program to solve, what are the essential programming languages that a physicist should know. I know C++ and I ...
11 votes
1 answer

Is the common formulation for (Ising Model) Monte Carlo simulations a bit off?

A common [Ising Model] Monte Carlo simulation repeats the following algorithm: randomly pick a [flip] event compute change in energy $\Delta E$ if new energy is lower than old energy, accept the ...
Eric Stimpson's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Connection between bond-dimension of a matrix product state and entanglement

The bond dimension is the dimension of the truncated matrix product state (MPS). Let us assume that I am simulating some many-body system with high entanglement via the density matrix renormalization ...
Joshuah Heath's user avatar
11 votes
4 answers

Why is the canonical ($NVT$) ensemble often used for (classical) molecular dynamics (MD) simulations?

Molecular dynamics (MD) simulation is a common approach to the (classical) many-body problem. It relies on integration of Newton's equations of motion to simulate the trajectories of many (e.g., ~1,...
Andrew's user avatar
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