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Questions tagged [weight]

Weight is the force on the object due to gravity. DO NOT USE weight as a colloquial substitute for mass.

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6 answers

"Kilogram" confusion: If you weigh a stationary object in "kilograms" and divide the result by about $9.8$, does that tell you the mass of the object?

Update: I appreciate all of the answers very much In a way, I'm delighted to find that such a simple question has generated so much disagreement (most of which can be attributed to issues with wording,...
Simon M's user avatar
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0 answers

A bird in a container [duplicate]

Suppose there is a bird in a sealed container, and the container is on a scale that measures its weight. The bird is flapping its wings to hover in the middle of the container. If the bird flaps its ...
Ebi's user avatar
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2 answers

Why do objects with greater length feel heavier - and how to calculate perceived weight?

Consider this situation: As part of some training, you are asked to pull an object that is 100 feet long, weighing approximately 218 pounds across a distance of 310 feet (fire hose across concrete if ...
Timothy Bomer's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Two weighing scales compressed inside a solid frame

Two weighing scales are placed on top of each other at the bottom of a solid enclosed frame. At the top of the frame a linear actuator is attached. The linear actuator can extend and press down upon ...
someone_else_90's user avatar
-1 votes
2 answers

WIll bucket weigh more?

Let's say I have a bucket filled with some liquid which is not compressible. I also have an object with the same density as this liquid. Since the liquid and object have the same density. Object would ...
f3rhd_'s user avatar
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Pressure measurement using piezometer

When calculating pressure of a flowing liquid,we know that peizometers are used whose one end is open to the atmosphere and the other end is connected to the fluid via a small hole at which we want to ...
a_i_r's user avatar
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7 answers

How does $m$ fit into the equation for weight?

I know part of the answer to this question because I know the equation, $W=mg$, and I know what $g$ signifies, which is the acceleration due to gravity. This acceleration is always the same on Earth ...
user386598's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Is it possible to calculate weight with air pressure?

i was wondering if it was possible to calculate a mass of object on top a bag filled in with air as compared to a bag of air filled up with nothing on top of it assuming the air pressure going into ...
Kelvin Tan's user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

What is definition of weight?

What is definition of weight? Does weight of an object change under water, or the weight remains the same, but the: 'apparent weight' = 'weight' - 'buoyant force' ? Same question for object submerged ...
Cornelius's user avatar
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2 answers

Mass/weight in 2 places at the same time

Though it may seem like it is not, this is a genuine question of which I cannot find the answer online. The situation of how the question arose may make it seem otherwise. I monitor my weight every ...
DJFUNKYDOG's user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Weight and rate of movement

Im limited on my physics knowledge and sometimes can't understand simple laws. When i have two 5kg objects on a "manual weight scale" then forces are equal and the scale stays in place. ...
wtknow's user avatar
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2 answers

Does a object, that is partially submerged in a liquid, lose any weight?

I know that all objects, regardless of their density, feel buoyancy force. But do partially submerged, meaning an object that has lesser density than the liquid,lose weight. For example and object ...
safwan05's user avatar
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1 answer

Does Weighing machine measure normal force or gravity or both?

A weighing machine measures the normal force applied by an object. However 2 forces act simultaneously on the machine ( normal and mg ) Under normal conditions (a=0) N=mg . So this would mean that a ...
PhysicsBoy's user avatar
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Would a ton of bricks be the same amount of bricks today as it was 1000 years ago?

As the earth wanders through space it collects mass constantly. This is observable as meteorites and craters etc. As mass increases so does the gravitational field of the planet. So wouldnt a ton of ...
Anthony Stokley's user avatar
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If an object suspended by a string is immersed in a liquid, will its weight contribute to the pressure at the bottom of the container?

We have a metal sphere completely immersed in a liquid of density A by means of a string. Since the sphere is exerted by the buoyant force due to the liquid the sphere must also exert an equal and ...
Nightwing's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

Is the weight of something being dropped the same as the force of something being static?

If I have a block of let's say: 10 kg and I put it over my foot in a static manner, what we know from static mechanics is that my foot is opposing the weight of the 10 kg mass with the same force in ...
Gabo's user avatar
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1 answer

The Weight of Air A Human has to Bear

The average circumference of the human chest is $97$cm to $114 cm$. Let us, for the sake of simplicity, assume that this is a circle. The cross-sectional area of the human body then is $\approx 3 \...
Hudjefa's user avatar
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1 answer

Is static friction is considered in case of trolley moving from rest position with an external force? [closed]

Let us consider trolley having weight of 15 tons.Trolley has steel wheels and placed on track. Now i need to pull the trolley using winch and wheels are independent.what is force required to move ...
Nitheeswar's user avatar
3 votes
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Why can this magnet hold more weight vertically?

I was browsing Amazon for magnetic hooks for my fridge and saw this diagram which surprised me because it is the opposite of what I would expect. Wouldn't the "Vertical" magnet be the ...
aks.'s user avatar
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On hydrostatic pressure and weight

I'm doing some thought experiments about hydrostatic pressure and weighing setups on scales. This really confused me, so I really want to pick your brain about this and get some clarity. Consider the ...
Mathematician 42's user avatar
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3 answers

Weighting unbalanced object

Hopefully my question is not out of order in this site. I am trying to weigh an object that is too wide/long for my weight scale. If just put it on top of it it tips over. So my solution is to place ...
rufo's user avatar
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2 answers

Why are these two weights the same?

Let's assume we have a floating iceberg. A book says the following: $$mg = V_{\mathrm{tot}}\rho_{\mathrm{ice}}g = V_{\mathrm{und}}\rho_{\mathrm{w}}g$$ where $V_{\mathrm{tot}}$ is the total volume, $P_\...
Pulsar Plasma's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Does acceleration make you heavier?

I'm looking at this article from Scientific American:,heavier%20blood%20to%...
Thomas's user avatar
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1 answer

How do you measure mass? [duplicate]

I feel like I am missing something fundamental with regards to mass vs. weight. The weight of an object on the Moon is approximately 16.5% what you would experience on Earth. In other words, if an ...
Matthew Layton's user avatar
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2 answers

How can you derive the formula for the apparent weight at any latitude on the Earth?

My textbook derives the formula for apparent weight at the equator, which is just equating the centripetal force to the difference between the true weight and normal reaction. $$ mg' = mg + m \omega^2 ...
Astrophile's user avatar
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2 answers

Does the Sun or Moon affect weight measurements on Earth?

The gravitational acceleration due to the Earth at its surface, $g_E$, is $$g_E = 9.8\hbox{ m/s${^2}$}.$$ The gravitational acceleration due to the Sun at the Earth's position is $$g_S = 5.9 \times 10^...
John Eastmond's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

A tower with—apparently—different average weights depending on the inside activity

The apparent paradox involves a tower with internally pumped water that appears to have different average weights depending on the pumping configuration. Since the system is closed, we expect the ...
moonblink's user avatar
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2 answers

I weigh myself on scale at sea level, a weigh myself at 20,000 feet above sea level. Do I weigh the same, based on gravitational pull?

If I knew this, I wouldn't ask question, because I would have enougb factors in the equation, to solve. If I was a physicists.
Far2logical 's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

Does an open or a closed cage of canaries weigh less when they are in flight? [duplicate]

Okay this is a bit of an old classic, but I don't think I've heard a good reasonable explanation for what happens: If you put a cage of canaries on a weigh scale and they take off does the scale still ...
Derek Seabrooke's user avatar
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1 answer

Do different objects with different surface reaction feel the same pressure under a mass?

Let's imagine somehow your hand could change its surface reaction, and becomes as soft as a rubber ball. Now if we put it on a table (a hard surface) and put an 1kg object on it, do we still feel the ...
BehzaD's user avatar
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How does added weight of 100kg affect the height of a originally 1m stack of paper [closed]

Lets say i had a stack of papers, 1 meter tall. Assuming that each paper would be around 0.1mm in thickness, the total number of papers should be 10000. Now, when placing a weight of 100kg on top of ...
lendo's user avatar
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1 answer

How much weight would the scale show if we get on a scale with springs on top of it? [closed]

Lets say we have a scale and on top of the scale there is a big spring and we get on top of the spring. Suppose we weight 70kg and spring itself weights 2kg and after we get on the spring we compress ...
Timothy Scherer's user avatar
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2 answers

What is the weight of a body during free fall?

Is it '0' or is it equal to the product of the mass of the body and acceleration due to gravity? Please explain in relation to weightlessness of body in freefall.
Bighnesh's user avatar
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3 answers

Weight in Interplanetary Space

How is weight zero in interplanetary space? The Moon is orbiting the Earth because of the gravitational pull of earth. Then gravity must exist in interplanetary space too. So any body in space must ...
Physics 's user avatar
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1 answer

Weight at an angle

My physics knowledge is pretty basic, somebody suggested that I'll get the definitive answer of below question here. Imagine a barbell of mass m (kg) which is ...
shashank's user avatar
3 votes
7 answers

Why normal force is greater than weight?

The explanation of the banking angle of the road is said to be that one part of the normal force exerted by the road on a moving object neutralizes the object's weight and another part is providing ...
Antor Sawon's user avatar
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1 answer

Does the weight of a car increase under cornering? [closed]

Lets say we have a car with a mass of 1000kg, and lets say the car turns a corner fast and pulls around lateral 3g. Since under normal condition car weights 1000 x 9.81 (1g) = 98100 Newtons , will the ...
Timothy Scherer's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

If I weigh 150 pounds on earth, does the earth weigh 150 pounds on me?

Weight is mass times gravity. My gravitational force is a very small amount compared to the earth. So if I weigh 150 pounds on earth (my mass * earth gravity), then shouldn’t the earth weigh 150 ...
Denes's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Weightlessness in Artificial satelite and moon

Why don't astronauts feel weightlessness in moon while they do in artificial satelite orbiting the earth?
Jobayet Hasan's user avatar
-1 votes
3 answers

Do you weigh more with suction cups under your feet on the scale?

The scale weighs everything on top, including the air. So if you turn on the suction cups, and they suck vacuum (i.e., air is taken out), the scale will give a fraction less weight (I didn't calculate ...
Marijn 's user avatar
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Is it correct to take density of water as 1 g/cm3 for physics numericals? [closed]

In solving physics or physical chemistry questions, generally we take density of water as 1 gm/cm^3 or 1000 KG/m3 and according to our daily experience it is correct as often times we have experienced ...
Ritanshu's user avatar
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Is the tension force (instead of normal force) the apparent weight here?

According to this link, An object's weight, henceforth called "actual weight", is the downward force exerted upon it by the earth's gravity. By contrast, an object's apparent weight is the ...
tryingtobeastoic's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Weight Distribution when lifting furniture with a partner [duplicate]

Help solving this question would be appreciated: As a short person at 5'3'' with short arms, I find it challenging to lift furniture with a taller person, because they always naturally lift the object ...
Loula Love's user avatar
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1 answer

How much does the sky weigh? [closed]

How much does the sky weigh? I don't know how much the sky weighs. Is the sky gravity? I tried researching, but I can't find scientific information that is proven.
Paul Marcus's user avatar
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1 answer

How to calculate the distributed weight across multiple "scales" (points)

Intro As the title says, I'm looking for a way to calculate the weight (or even better, the percentage of weight) at multiple points on a rigid object. Long story short, I'm making a game and need to ...
ntgCleaner's user avatar
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How to control the balance of a floating object?

I have this 3D printed object which I hope to float water. I added my printed object to a piece of foam (Glued) and then gently put it on the surface of the water. Every time I put it, it flips over ...
Anwar Elhadad's user avatar
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1 answer

Does two objects of the same mass weigh differently in moon and earth if their densities are different? [duplicate]

you have a bag of cotton and an iron bar, each indicating same mass when measured on a weighing machine kept on earth. if you weigh the two objects in moon, which (if any) will weigh higher?
Thejas Suresh's user avatar
-5 votes
3 answers

How does adding air make something more light?

Say a completely deflated balloon weighs 5 grams. When you add air, the balloon becomes lighter. But the air just adds more weight and does not decrease any weight. Let's say the air weighed 0.5 grams ...
Ishaan Manish's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Tension force in kilograms [closed]

Suppose I want to buy a cable that will support & pull a mass of $2\ kg$ upward at an acceleration rate of $2 m/s^2$, I must specify the maximum mass the cable will carry. I know how to calculate ...
techno tux's user avatar
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Weight on a scale

imagine that you're at the baggage weigh in point at an airport. your luggage is on the scale and you try to cheat the price by pivoting your heel on the ground and toe beneath one end of the suitcase ...
Ryan-O's user avatar
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