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Noct's user avatar
  • Member for 1 year, 10 months
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10 votes

In what sense the laser radiation is monochromatic?

6 votes

Why don't we get infinite energy from a continous emission spectrum?

3 votes

What are the mechanism of generation of mode-locked pulsed laser?

3 votes

Linewidth of the Caesium clock

2 votes

How to use ray transfer matrices for practical purposes?

2 votes

What prevents an electron from emitting a photon and staying at the same orbital?

2 votes

How does radio wave get reflected?

2 votes

Phase estimation in contrast interferometry

2 votes

Coherent unpolarized laser light

2 votes

Why can an electric dipole transition allow $\Delta L=0,\pm2$ in hydrogen-like atoms?

1 vote

Derivation RMS wavefront error Zernike polynomials

1 vote

Where can I find the derivation of $V$ number (fiberoptics) from analysis of the Maxwell’s equation?

1 vote

Laser transparency and gain saturation

1 vote

Confusion regarding the selection rule in hydrogen atom

1 vote

Can we ionise a gas with concentrated white light?

1 vote

Why are laser linewidths in frequency domain?

1 vote

Dipole transitions between He states

0 votes

Question about coherent population trapping

0 votes

Why Does Planck's Relation $E=hf$ Imply a Linear Relationship Only for Sinusoidal Frequency Bases?

0 votes

Do lasers with optical isolator or synchrotron radiation sources allow for Rabi cycles?

0 votes

Is power spectrum a sufficient condition for determining autocorrelation function via Wiener–Khinchin theorem?

0 votes

Intensity of a gaussian beam

0 votes

Can the wavefunction of a photon be spread out to enhance the probability of 2-photon absorption?

0 votes

Does the AC Stark Effect in Multilevel Systems depend on whether a state is populated or not?

0 votes

Is there a beating note for a sideband modulated laser beam?

0 votes

How is total angular momentum conserved in electric dipole transitions for $ΔJ = 0$ in a multi-electron atom?

0 votes

Maximum entropy of a two-level system