For the sake of simplicity, assume a 3 level system, subject to a Hamiltonian $H_0$. The Hilbert space is then completely spanned by 3 states with energies $E_1$, $E_2$ and $E_3$. I'd like to understand what happens in the following experiment:
- I prepare the system in state $|1\rangle$
- Now I illuminate the system with monochromatic light-field of frequency $(E_2 - E_3)/\hbar = \omega_{23}$. This light is kept shining during the next steps
- Because $\omega_{23}$ is far from the frequencies $\omega_{13}$, the system will still be in state $|1\rangle$
- Now I do spectroscopy: I illuminate the system with a 2nd light field, with frequencies around $\omega_{13}$, or $\omega_{12}$. In a detector, I track whether the light of the 2nd source is absorbed from the system
Now what will happen? Will I see a peak in the absorption or the 2nd light field for the unperturbed frequency $\omega_{13}$? That is, the 2nd light field excites the system from the state $|1\rangle$ to the unperturbed state $|3\rangle$?
Or will I see two peaks in the absorption for the frequencies $\omega_{13} \pm \tilde{\Omega}$? That is, the 2nd light field excites the system from the state $|1 \rangle$ to a state $|+\rangle$ or $|-\rangle$, which are eigenstates of the old hamiltonian $H_0$ + the interaction with light field 1. If light field 1 is treated as a quantum field, then $|+\rangle$ and $-\rangle$ would be what is usually called the "dressed states".
For this question, I proposed a simple experimental setup, because I hope that the question "what will happen" can be answered unambiguously, and in past question attempts I wasn't able to ask proper questions about the theoretical side of the model. Because of that I also want to, for the purpose of the question, disregard any effects of broadening, or as well as aspects of the actual implementations of the experiment.
The reason I'm asking the question is that I usually only see calculations of the AC-Stark-Shift in 2-level systems, where the system already is in one of the 2 states that are mixed by the lightfield (for example when it undergoes rabi oscillations).
The seperate case that light mixes and shifts eigenenergies of two states that the system is NOT in, I don't see this case in standard literature on the topic.