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The Geoff's user avatar
The Geoff
  • Member for 11 years, 5 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
10 votes

Ball flying towards me or me flying towards ball

7 votes

Why is the observable universe so big?

3 votes

Why is the mol a fundamental physical quantity?

1 vote

Helicopter torque

1 vote

Where does the matter and energy go in a black hole?

1 vote

Is there any way to anticipate exceptional Aurora Borealis viewing conditions?

1 vote

Do absolute space and time exist?

1 vote

How do we observe the expansion of the universe?

1 vote

Why does time slow down the closer you are to a mass?

1 vote

How did Pauli and Fermi deduce the existence of the neutrino?

1 vote

Beyond Standard Model

0 votes

A question about multiverse

0 votes

Is there a delay between force and acceleration?

0 votes

What are we all falling towards?

0 votes

If gravity is additive, then how does it cancel itself out?

0 votes

Is this true about low-light/one photon at-a-time double-slit interference?

0 votes

How do electromagnetic waves/light travel at the speed of light?

0 votes

Sliding ruler on table top

0 votes

What is meant by negative direction of velocity?

0 votes

Is it possible that there are stars working on fission?

0 votes

Does the expanding universe prove the theory of relativity wrong?

0 votes

Can frictional force accelerate (speed up) a body?

0 votes

Why do refracting telescopes have a wider field of view than reflecting telescopes?

0 votes

How are subatomic particles affected by gravity?

0 votes

Is there such a thing as maximal deceleration/negative g-force?

0 votes

Forces on ball thrown inside fighter cockpit during a manoeuvre

0 votes

When an atom is smashed what happens to the subatomic particles created?

-1 votes

The fainter the star, the further away it is?

-2 votes

Why does the acceleration $g$ due to gravity not affect the period of a vertically mounted spring?

-2 votes

Can we detect whether food has previously been heated in a microwave oven?