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Georg's user avatar
Georg's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
69 votes

Cooling a cup of coffee with help of a spoon

45 votes

If it was possible to dig a hole that went from one side of the Earth to the other...

17 votes

Why does amount of protons define how matter is?

16 votes

Do my noodles cook quicker when the water is boiling or when it is just about to boil?

16 votes

Why is copper diamagnetic?

15 votes

Why does the water in the toilet move around so much on stormy days?

14 votes

How does a particle of light reach the max speed of light?

14 votes

Why do car keys have longer range when held next to your head?

11 votes

What happens to chemical compounds that include radioactive nuclei, when those decay?

11 votes

What happens if you try to freeze water in an water tight container

10 votes

Water pressure in free fall

9 votes

Why can different batteries with the same voltage send different currents through the same object?

9 votes

How do laser rangefinders work when the object surface is not perpendicular to the laser beam?

8 votes

What is generating the hydrogen that has exploded in the Fukushima reactor?

7 votes

What determines how much light is reflected and refracted?

7 votes

Laser cutting/drilling of copper

7 votes

The feeling of fuzz on the display surface of a Cathode Ray Tube Television

7 votes

Shaping a wire such that a bead sliding on it has exactly isochronous oscillations

7 votes

How Earth communicates with Voyager I?

6 votes

Is there any way to increase a rubber-bands lifetime?

6 votes

Why does boiling water in the microwave make a cup of tea go weird?

6 votes

What's the name for taking pictures of air flow in a normal room?

6 votes

Double slit experiment - how to see an electron going through a slit?

6 votes

What is the source of high-frequency squeal in faulty CRT monitors and TV, and what is physics of generating this sound?

6 votes

Why does grinding steel create sparks but aluminium doesn't?

5 votes

How can a single photon or electron create a small visible dot on a photosensitive plate?

5 votes

Examples of circuitry using proton currents

5 votes

Extended sound of thunder

5 votes

coherence length

4 votes

How fast does an ice cube melt in a microwave?