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154 votes
9 answers

Calculus of variations -- how does it make sense to vary the position and the velocity independently?

In the calculus of variations, particularly Lagrangian mechanics, people often say we vary the position and the velocity independently. But velocity is the derivative of position, so how can you treat ...
grizzly adam's user avatar
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38 votes
5 answers

Equivalence between Hamiltonian and Lagrangian Mechanics

I'm reading a proof about Lagrangian => Hamiltonian and one part of it just doesn't make sense to me. The Lagrangian is written $L(q, \dot q, t)$, and is convex in $\dot q$, and then the ...
Mark's user avatar
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61 votes
2 answers

Difference between $\Delta$, $d$ and $\delta$

I have read the thread regarding 'the difference between the operators $\delta$ and $d$', but it does not answer my question. I am confused about the notation for change in Physics. In Mathematics, $\...
Yuruk's user avatar
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60 votes
3 answers

What is the difference between implicit, explicit, and total time dependence, e.g. $\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}$ and $\frac{d \rho} {dt}$?

What is the difference between implicit, explicit, and total time dependence, e.g. $\frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t}$ and $\frac{d \rho} {dt}$? I know one is a partial derivative and the other is a ...
CuriousAutomotiveEngineer's user avatar
35 votes
2 answers

Symbols of derivatives

What is the exact use of the symbols $\partial$, $\delta$ and $\mathrm{d}$ in derivatives in physics? How are they different and when are they used? It would be nice to get that settled once and for ...
Steeven's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Do derivatives of operators act on the operator itself or are they "added to the tail" of operators?

How do derivatives of operators work? Do they act on the terms in the derivative or do they just get "added to the tail"? Is there a conceptual way to understand this? For example: say you had the ...
Mike Flynn's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Lagrangian Mechanics - Commutativity Rule $\frac{d}{dt}\delta q=\delta \frac{dq}{dt} $

I am reading about Lagrangian mechanics. At some point the difference between the temporal derivative of a variation and variation of the temporal derivative is discussed. The fact that the two are ...
user37155's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Derivative of the product of operators and Derivative of exponential

I'm asked to show that $$\frac{d(\hat{A}\hat{B})}{d\lambda} ~=~ \frac{d\hat{A}}{d\lambda}\hat{B} + \hat{A}\frac{d\hat{b}}{d\lambda}$$ With $\lambda$ a continuous parameter. Should I use the ...
J L's user avatar
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47 votes
4 answers

What is the physical meaning of the connection and the curvature tensor?

Regarding general relativity: What is the physical meaning of the Christoffel symbol ($\Gamma^i_{\ jk}$)? What are the (preferably physical) differences between the Riemann curvature tensor ($R^i_{\ ...
Sklivvz's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Why does cancellation of dots $\frac{\partial \dot{\mathbf{r}}_i}{\partial \dot{q}_j} = \frac{\partial \mathbf{r}_i}{\partial q_j}$ work?

Why is the following equation true? $$\frac{\partial \mathbf{v}_i}{\partial \dot{q}_j} = \frac{\partial \mathbf{r}_i}{\partial q_j}$$ where $\mathbf{v}_i$ is velocity, $\mathbf{r}_i$ is the ...
Kit's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

Laplacian of $1/r^2$ (context: electromagnetism and Poisson equation)

We know that a point charge $q$ located at the origin $r=0$ produces a potential $\sim \frac{q}{r}$, and this is consistent with the fact that the Laplacian of $\frac{q}{r}$ is $$\nabla^2\frac{q}{r}~...
a06e's user avatar
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39 votes
5 answers

Why is the covariant derivative of the metric tensor zero?

I've consulted several books for the explanation of why $$\nabla _{\mu}g_{\alpha \beta} = 0,$$ and hence derive the relation between metric tensor and affine connection $\Gamma ^{\sigma}_{\mu \beta}...
Aftnix's user avatar
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20 votes
9 answers

Why is small work done always taken as $dW=F \cdot dx$ and not $dW=x \cdot dF$?

I was reading the first law of thermodynamics when it struck me. We haven't been taught differentiation but still, we find it in our chemistry books. Why is small work done always taken as $dW=F \cdot ...
Suzie Waters's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

Is the shorthand $ \partial_{\mu} $ strictly a partial derivative in field theory?

The Euler-Lagrange equation for particles is given by $$ \frac{d}{dt}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}} = \frac{\partial L}{\partial q},\tag{1}$$ and for fields it is $$ \partial_{\mu} \frac{\...
Hermitian_hermit's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

What is the meaning of following expression $C=\frac{\delta Q}{dT}$ mathematically?

Our professor raised the following question during our lecture in Statistical Physics (even so it's related to Thermodynamics): Many text books (even Wikipedia) writes wrong expressions (from ...
TMS's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Divergence of Electric Field Due to a Point Charge [duplicate]

I am trying to formally learn electrodynamics on my own (I only took an introductory course). I have come across the differential form of Gauss's Law. $$ \nabla \cdot \mathbf E = \frac {\rho}{\...
Ben's user avatar
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68 votes
6 answers

Laplace operator's interpretation

What is your interpretation of Laplace operator? When evaluating Laplacian of some scalar field at a given point one can get a value. What does this value tell us about the field or it's behaviour in ...
Džuris's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Geometric meaning of spin connection

A very short question: Does the spin connection that we encounter in General Relativity $$\omega_{\mu,ab}$$ have a geometric meaning? I am supposing it does because it comes from mathematical terms ...
PhilosophicalPhysics's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Physical intuition for higher order derivatives

Could somebody give me an intuitive physical interpretation of higher order derivatives (from 2 and so on), that is not related to position - velocity - acceleration - jerk - etc?
user680111's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Advection operator

How are exactly $u_j\partial_ju_i$ and $u_i\partial_j u_i$ related? And what is their relation to ($\boldsymbol{u}\cdot\nabla)\boldsymbol{u}$ and $\boldsymbol{u}\cdot(\nabla\boldsymbol{u})$ ? I ask ...
usumdelphini's user avatar
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34 votes
7 answers

The usage of chain rule in physics

I often see in physics that, we say that we can multiply infinitesimals to use chain rule. For example, $$ \frac{dv}{dt} = \frac{dv}{dx} \cdot v(t)$$ But, what bothers me about this is that it raises ...
Brian's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Why is the covariant derivative of the determinant of the metric zero?

This question, metric determinant and its partial and covariant derivative, seems to indicate $$\nabla_a \sqrt{g}=0.$$ Why is this the case? I've always learned that $$\nabla_a f= \partial_a f,$$ ...
Hans Schmuber's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

When motion begins, do objects go through an infinite number of position derivatives?

This might be a very vague and unclear question, but let me explain. When an object at rest moves, or moves from point $A$ to point $B$, we know the object must have had some velocity (1st derivative ...
user92356's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Derivative with respect to a spinor of the free Dirac lagrangian

When we derived Dirac Equation starting form the lagrangian, our QFT professor said: "let's take the free lagrangian $$\mathscr L = i\bar\Psi\gamma^\mu\partial_\mu\Psi - m\bar\Psi\Psi$$ and perform $...
M. M. R.'s user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Physical interpretation of total derivative

Can I get some help interpreting the following? "Since this is a total differential (that is, it only depends on the final state, not how the particle got there), we can integrate it and call ...
Lopey Tall's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

Why do we use different differential notation for heat and work?

Just recently started studying Thermodynamics, and I am confused by something we were told, I understand we use the inexact differential notation because work and heat are not state functions, but we ...
user1007028's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

D'Alembertian for a scalar field

I have read that the D'Alembertian for a scalar field is $$ \Box = g^{\nu\mu}\nabla_\nu\nabla_\mu = \frac{1}{\sqrt{-g}}\partial_\mu (\sqrt{-g}\partial^\mu). $$ Exactly when is this correct? Only for $...
innisfree's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

The derivation of fractional equations

Recently I saw some physical problems that can be modeled by equations with fractional derivatives, and I had some doubts: is it possible to write an action that results in an equation with fractional ...
gsAllan's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

What is divergence?

What is divergence? I was learning about Maxwells equations and don't understand the divergence part of it. Can someone give an intuition of what divergence is in relation to maxwells equation. To ...
Ray Kay's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can there be really any instantaneous velocity?

I have read about Zeno's arrow paradox that tells us there is no motion of the arrow at a particular instant of its flight. It can be inferred that there can be no velocity at any instant. Moreover we ...
user avatar
1 vote
4 answers

Rotation systems. Problem interpreting an equation

In this equation: $$ \mathbf a_i\overset{\rm def}{=}\left(\frac{d^2\mathbf r}{dt^2}\right)_i=\left(\frac{d\mathbf v}{dt}\right)_i=\left[\left(\frac{d}{dt}\right)_r+\boldsymbol\Omega\times\right]\left[...
DLV's user avatar
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57 votes
7 answers

Why isn't the Euler-Lagrange equation trivial?

The Euler-Lagrange equation gives the equations of motion of a system with Lagrangian $L$. Let $q^\alpha$ represent the generalized coordinates of a configuration manifold, $t$ represent time. The ...
Trevor Kafka's user avatar
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42 votes
3 answers

Partial derivative notation in thermodynamics

Most thermodynamics textbooks introduce a notation for partial derivatives that seems redundant to students who have already studied multivariable calculus. Moreover, the authors do not dwell on the ...
1__'s user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Why does the negative sign arise in this thermodynamic relation?

I can't understand why $\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial V} \right)_T=-\left(\frac{\partial P}{\partial T} \right)_V\left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial V}\right)_P$. Why does the negative sign arise? I ...
Srijan Ghosh's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Conserved quantities and total derivatives?

I am having a bit of a crisis in understanding of the physical meanings of total derivatives. When a quantity $\rho$ (be it a vector or a scalar) is said to be conserved, then (mathematically) $$\...
SuperCiocia's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

Can You Obtain New Physics from the use of Fractional Derivatives?

I was curious if anyone could give me an example of the use of fractional derivatives in physics and explain what they offer that "conventional" mathematics does not (in terms of new physics and not ...
Anode's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

Hermitian adjoint of 4-gradient in Dirac equation

I'm having issues deriving the Dirac adjoint equation, $$\overline{\psi}(i\gamma^{\mu}\partial_{\mu}+m)=0.\tag{1}$$ I started by taking the Hermitian adjoint of all components of the original Dirac ...
connorp's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

How to interpret the derivative of the Dirac delta potential?

I met a Hamiltonian containing the derivative of the Dirac delta potential: In order to do it we use a method described in [9]. We define a formal Hamiltonian $$ \tag{2}\tilde{H}_{abcd}=-\frac{{\...
Jiang-min Zhang's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Variation of Lagrangian density $\mathcal{L}$ w.r.t $x^{\mu}$

If a function $f(x(t),y(t))$ has no explicit dependence on the variable $t$, then $\frac{\partial f}{\partial t}=0$. In quantum field theory, the Lagrangian density $\mathcal{L}(\phi,\partial_\mu\phi)...
SRS's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Time evolution in quantum mechanics

We know that an operator A in quantum mechanics has time evolution given by Heisenberg equation: $$ \frac{i}{\hbar}[H,A]+\frac{\partial A}{\partial t}=\frac{d A}{d t} $$ Can we derive from this ...
Boy S's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Do integrals of position make any sense? Do they have an application? [closed]

I know that taking the derivative of position with respect to time defines what we call velocity, but I've never heard of physicist going in the opposite direction with position. Is there any ...
Sapphri's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Error analysis via two different methods

We have a quantity $a$ expressed in terms of two quantities $b $ and $c$ as $a = b/c$. It seems to me that there are two ways of estimating the error on $a$, the "physics" ...
Govind Prajapat's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Notation confusion about time derivative of a vector in a rotating frame

As far as I can tell, this question, or similar ones, have been asked a number of times: Derivation of the time-derivative in a rotating frame of refrence Time derivatives in a rotating frame of ...
Jack's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

D'Alembertian of a Dirac delta function of a spacetime interval (i.e. with support on the 3+1D light-cone)

How one differentiates a delta-function of a spacetime interval? Namely, $$[\partial_t^2 - \partial_x^2 - \partial_y^2 - \partial_z^2] \, \delta(t^2-x^2-y^2-z^2) \, .$$ Somewhere I saw that the result ...
stanislav-iablokov's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How does instantaneous velocity cause displacement in just one point? [closed]

I have a question. Falling object graph is curve shape right? And instantaneous velocity is tangent line but how does this velocity make displacement in distance? Because suppose instantaneous ...
Heroz's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

What is the physical significance of curl $\nabla\times\boldsymbol{V}$?

What is the physical significance of curl $$\nabla\times\boldsymbol{V}~?$$ I mean I read 'curl V represents the rotation of the vector $V$. My question what is it about the term $\nabla\times\...
Sahil's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Least action principle : is $ \delta \frac{dx}{dt} = \frac{d \delta x}{dt} $ always true?

(Just some recalls) We have an action on which we want to apply Least action principle. $$ S=\int_{t_i}^{t_f} L(q,\dot{q},t)dt$$ We assume that $t \mapsto q(t)$ is the function that will extremise ...
StarBucK's user avatar
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107 votes
4 answers

Why does nature favour the Laplacian?

The three-dimensional Laplacian can be defined as $$\nabla^2=\frac{\partial^2}{\partial x^2}+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial y^2}+\frac{\partial^2}{\partial z^2}.$$ Expressed in spherical coordinates, it ...
Sam Jaques's user avatar
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24 votes
5 answers

How do I calculate the perturbations to the metric determinant?

I am trying to calculate $\sqrt{-g}$ in terms of a background metric and metric perturbations, to second order in the perturbations. I know how to expand tensors that depend on the metric, but I don't ...
david's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Why is the gauge potential $A_{\mu}$ in the Lie algebra of the gauge group $G$?

If we have a general gauge group whose action is $$ \Phi(x) \rightarrow g(x)\Phi(x), $$ with $g\in G$. Then introducing the gauge covariant derivative $$ D_{\mu}\Phi(x) = (\partial_{\mu}+A_{\mu})\...
SuperCiocia's user avatar
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