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InertialObserver's user avatar
InertialObserver's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
41 votes

Why didn't Lorentz conclude that no object can go faster than light?

7 votes

What really is the speed of light in a medium/vacuum, group or phase velocity?

6 votes

Do "fields" always combine by addition?

6 votes

Did Eratosthenes make his measurements on the same day?

6 votes

Divergence of magnetic field

5 votes

Is physics the same everywhere in the universe? What if it isn't?

4 votes

Angular momentum in different points

4 votes

Why does electric field undergo a discontinuity when we cross $any$ surface charge $σ$?

4 votes

How can I explicitly express the Ising Hamiltonian in matrix form?

4 votes

Why is angular frequency $\omega = \sqrt{\frac{k}{m}}$ dimensionally correct?

4 votes

Is magnetic Field conservative in nature?

4 votes

Does the Schrodinger wave function associated with a non-moving free particle change in time?

4 votes

Why does a sign difference between space and time lead to time that only flows forward?

4 votes

Can non-uniform circular motion be called as periodic motion?

4 votes

How to understand complex masses of unstable particles? The conceptual problem of calculating decay rate

4 votes

Orthonormal basis written in Dirac Notation

4 votes

What is scattering of light?

3 votes

Mixing $SU(N)$ and $U(1)$ generators to form an unbroken $U(1)’$

3 votes

Equal-time 2-point correlator and divergent (?) integral

3 votes

Why can we factorize the state of a particle?

3 votes

What does matrices act on different spaces mean in QFT?

3 votes

Show Lagrangian is invariant under infinitesimal $SO(3)$ transformation

3 votes

Lagrangian of Klein Gordon equation

3 votes

Is outside force needed to conserve angular momentum?

3 votes

Subtraction scheme invariance in QFT

3 votes

Rotation of scalar

3 votes

Why is the magnetic field due to an infinite current sheet constant throughout all of space?

3 votes

What is the capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor with different areas?

3 votes

Formula for Power from Kinetic Energy

3 votes

What is physically different about a moving vs still object in space?

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