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dolun's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
19 votes

What do the poles of a Green function mean, physically?

11 votes

How is Green function in many-body theory introduced?

9 votes

From power of a laser beam to electric field amplitude

7 votes

Does electron-electron scattering contribute to resistivity?

7 votes

Intuitive explanation for superfluidity?

7 votes

Intensity fluctuations at the output of a single mode fiber coupled to a He Ne laser

7 votes

Scaling theory of Anderson localization

6 votes

Phonon as Fourier transform

6 votes

How do electromagnetic waves carry energy?

6 votes

How is Lippmann-Schwinger equation derived?

6 votes

Is Hamiltonian a differential operator in second quantization?

6 votes

How is the scattering length in 2d defined?

5 votes

Superfluid rotating frame of reference

4 votes

How to distinguish between a topological state from from a non-topological one?

4 votes

Can current be induced in a superconductor?

4 votes

Rotation of superfluid

4 votes

Calculating the ground state energy in an electron gas (Jellium)

3 votes

Temperature dependence of magnetic domains

3 votes

Laser cooling of atoms: more area or more power?

3 votes

Conditions to determine the Green's function for scattering phenomena

3 votes

Time-dependence of ladder operators in quantized EM fields

3 votes

Chemical potential of Bose–Einstein condensation

2 votes

Lippmann-Schwinger solution

2 votes

Time-Energy Uncertainty Principle and Operators

2 votes

Why does the induced EMF oppose the change in magnetic flux? Lenz's Law question

2 votes

Landau level degeneracy in symmetry gauge, finite system

2 votes

What is the physical meaning of an electronic system evolving adiabatically through a closed path?

2 votes

How does superfluids and Bose-Einstein Condensates form?

2 votes

How to derive non-degenerate Bose-Einstein statistics in the canonical ensemble?

2 votes

What happens to the electrons when metal gets cut or broken?