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SRS's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 11 months
  • Last seen more than a week ago
  • India
15 votes

Why does the Higgs field fall into the same ground state at all points across space?

11 votes

Why are so many energies represented by $\frac{1}{2} ab^2$?

5 votes

Derivation of Squared Angular Momentum in Spherical Coordinates

5 votes

Can particles at rest have wave nature?

5 votes

Why do not we consider the topological term in Abelian gauge theory?

4 votes

Why is the effective action $\Gamma[\phi_c] \propto -(VT)$ (spacetime volume)?

4 votes

How is particle creation (or annihilation) possible in non-relativistic many body physics?

4 votes

Why is the energy of $2s_{1/2}$ greater than the energy of $2p_{1/2}$ after the Lamb shift is taken into account?

3 votes

What are disorders in condensed matter parlance?

3 votes

Equal time commutation relations in canonical quantization of relativistic free fields

3 votes

Divergence of Feynman diagram

3 votes

Direct product of spin representations

3 votes

How does cosmological principle imply an expanding space?

3 votes

Vacuum to vacuum transition amplitude confusion

3 votes

What physical situation will give a negative mass squared?

3 votes

No massless new goldstone boson after 1D U(1) spontanous symmetry breaking?

3 votes

Symmetry properties of the scalar potential and the vector potential

3 votes

Do we need a bounded domain for the Laplace equation to have a non-zero solution $u$?

3 votes

The quantum state just after a position measurement

3 votes

Why is the ground state important in condensed matter physics?

2 votes

Photon momentum in QED

2 votes

How can we do this tensor product $F_{\mu \nu}F^{\mu \nu}$?

2 votes

Does light have mass as it is attracted through gravitational force?

2 votes

Why do we always need quantities to be Lorentz Invariant (LI) in relativity?

2 votes

Mass term in Maxwell's Lagragian for Electromagnetism

2 votes

Why is the Universe spatially flat even though the various energy densities are nonzero?

2 votes

Expectation values in a quantum field theory

2 votes

Simple harmonic motion about an unstable equilibrium position?

2 votes

Why is the centripetal net force always to the center?

2 votes

Electric field lines and coordinates