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SPHerical's user avatar
SPHerical's user avatar
  • Member for 3 years, 3 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
  • Cambridge, UK
11 votes

Does Wave-Particle Duality Mean "Particles" are Just Waves With Short Wavelengths?

6 votes

Why is the function $\sin(10π t) + \sin (31 t)$ not periodic while its graph looks periodic?

3 votes

Spontaneous symmetry breaking in the Standard Model. What is "broken"?

3 votes

On the notion of norm on Schwarz space

2 votes

What measurable quantity is associated with parity?

2 votes

Measuring the speed of light in one direction?

2 votes

Viscous forces acting on a thin square plate moving along the top surface of a water tank

2 votes

Can there be Neutrino and antineutrino oscillations?

2 votes

How does the particle's total energy affect the interference pattern? Individual Particle Double Slit Experiment

2 votes

Decrease of the rotation speed of a wheel with inertia, when we stop applying rotational force to it

1 vote

Can a neutron star/quark star have a photon sphere?

1 vote

Minkowski Space and the Expansion of the Universe

1 vote

Is it just a co-incidence that the interference pattern of light can both be explained using a classical wave and using a probability function?

0 votes

Confusion about Newton's third law

0 votes

System with $N$ atoms

0 votes

Quantum Field Theory: infinitesimal Lorentz transformation

0 votes

Trace orthonormality in irreducible reps. of semisimple Lie algebras

0 votes

Nuclear fission equation