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Neutrino oscillation via some unknown interaction mechanism

My query is based on this post. Similar to the Feynman diagram proposed in the problem, why don't we consider a similar mechanism in beyond standard model to explain the neutrino oscillation? It would ...
Chandra Prakash's user avatar
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Calculations Regarding Neutrino Self-Interaction

I have recently been looking at papers talking about neutrino self-interactions and have seen quite different results among papers. One considers the addition of ${\mathcal{L}} \supset \frac{\lambda_{\...
user62783's user avatar
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Unable to reproduce graph of sterile neutrino production

As a computational project, I've been trying to reproduce figures 3 and 4 of this paper which show the production of sterile neutrinos in the presence of neutrino self interactions as a function of ...
user62783's user avatar
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Could neutrinos eventually decay? Or are they indefinitely stable?

I was having a discussion with someone here in stack exchange and they came up with the following arguments for the possibility that neutrinos (and other fundamental particles like electrons) may ...
vengaq's user avatar
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Can the gallium anomaly be explained by the transformation of neutrinos to electrons?

A 2024 review of the gallium anomaly summarizes the issue as follows: The measurements of the charged-current capture rate of neutrinos on 71-Ga from strong radioactive sources have yielded results ...
Markoul11's user avatar
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How do you build a Coherent Elastic Neutrino-Nucleus Scattering (CEvNS) detector?

*Milkjug-sized neutrino detector (the COHERENT neutrino detector):
Justyn's user avatar
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Gravitational halos made of neutrinos...?

I have been recently interested in how halos made of standard model particles could be formed and behave. After asking some questions in this site, I was told about how neutrinos could form such halos....
vengaq's user avatar
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Where is antineutrino in standard model Lagrangian?

I'm somewhat confused by the content I studied in Srednicki's work, where the neutrino is described as a Majorana field. In this framework, there shouldn't technically be antineutrinos, given the ...
Bababeluma's user avatar
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Adiabtic aproximation and MSW effect

I have been reading about the MSW effect in neutrinos from supernovae. In some papers, it's assumed the "adiabatic case" which, according to the book "Neutrino Physics and Astrophysics&...
Gorga's user avatar
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Can a particle have properties of both Dirac and Majorana particles?

Dirac fermions have antiparticles of opposite properties, and only a particle and an antiparticle can annihilate. Majorana fermions have no antiparticles because they can annihilate with themselves. ...
哲煜黄's user avatar
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Questioning the Probability Expression for Neutrino Oscillation in Griffiths' "Introduction to Elementary Particles"

In Griffiths' book, Introduction to Elementary Particles (Griffiths, D. (2020). John Wiley & Sons, p. 390), the author defines the pure electron and muon neutrino states as: $$|ν_{e}\rangle=-\sinθ|...
Okba's user avatar
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Determining the single particle energies in a neutrino opacity calculation

I'm attempting to recreate some plots from this paper on neutrino opacity calculations for interacting matter at supra-nuclear densities. Namely, I'm trying to write a Python script to perform the ...
10GeV's user avatar
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Does the neutrino take on different masses/energy/mometum in beta decay?

I am currently learning about quantum mechanics in my 12th grade Physics course and we're currently covering nuclear energy levels. I understand that alpha and gamma decay is discrete, as there is ...
jacob's user avatar
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Neutrinos and Weak interaction

As a beginner in particle physics I have a small doubt. Do we get neutrinos as a product in any process involving weak interaction? Is emission of a neutrino signature of weak interaction? OR there is ...
Sagar K. Biswal's user avatar
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Neutrino propagates and becomes three mass neutrinos?

Neutrinos are produced as flavor eigenstates (coherent linear combination of mass eigenstates). If the distance traveled is large enough, the wave packages of the mass eigenstates will not overlap ...
user268009's user avatar
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Neutrinos becoming mass eigenstates in the early universe

I have two points where I would need clarification: Neutrinos are present in the early universe as flavor eigenstates and as such they decouple from the thermal bath, I guess. However, today, at ...
user268009's user avatar
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What happens when an anti-electron collides with a neutrino?

What happens when an anti-electron collides with a neutrino? If something does happen, is a photon released after the collision?
mr.thach's user avatar
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Neutrino oscillations and neutrino mass measurement

At the KIT they have been measuring the mass of the electron neutrino with a huge spectrometer (i.e. they make an enormous effort) and already published limits on the highest possible electron ...
Frederic Thomas's user avatar
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Meaning of short, medium and long baselines

I was reading about the experiments on Neutrinos and came accross terms like "Short", "long" and "medium" baseline experiments. Can anyone please tell me how do we define ...
Rhit.B's user avatar
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The chirality of the standard model fermions

I read 'The Standard Model Effective Field Theory at Work' by Isidor, Wilsch, and Wyler. In a footnote, they say that, in principle, right-handed neutrinos could be included in the Standard Model by ...
Lelouch's user avatar
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Cloud Chamber Help Needed! [closed]

I was inspired by this video to attempt to create a cloud chamber without dry ice (it's very challenging to get where I live) and I have had limited success so far. This is what the design looks like: ...
Carl Davis's user avatar
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Scatter angles at IceCube

Is it possible to have a scatter angle(in lab frame) to be greater than 90 degrees at IceCube, with this I mean the relative angle between the incoming (muon) neutrino and the outgoing (muon)lepton. $$...
Peter17's user avatar
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How do the different Neutrino masses come about?

The determination of the Neutrino mass can be roughly divided in three strategies: The neutrino mass from cosmological observations: $$m_\nu = \sum_{i} m_i $$ The neutrino mass from the neutrinoless ...
Marc's user avatar
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Neutrino oscillations imply neutrino mass — Does the usual argument really hold?

An argument that people put forth is that because neutrinos can undergo changes in lepton flavor midflight, they must "experience time." Since massless particles must travel at the speed of ...
MaximusIdeal's user avatar
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Maximum energy of neutrino from decay of $W$ boson

Figure 2 of this paper suggests that neutrinos from the decay of on shell W bosons can have an energy as high as the W boson mass. However, in the $W^{-} \rightarrow e^{-} + \bar{\nu}_{e}$ process, ...
Nownuri's user avatar
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What is the control group in neutrino detection?

Assuming we can't block neutrinos, and most of them pass through the earth, how do we know that the change in the neutrino detector is not just happened randomly? Is the detection of neutrinos more ...
daniel's user avatar
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What’s the most energetic particles that can theoretically reach the earth?

In recent years several ultra high energy cosmic ray events are observed on Earth. These particles carry energies way beyond even the most powerful particle accelerators we can realistically build. ...
哲煜黄's user avatar
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How can neutrinos be solely left-handed if they have mass?

Helicity: projection of spin onto motion. Since neutrinos are massive, I can always move to a reference frame where their motion is towards the opposite direction, meaning I should reverse their ...
TrentKent6's user avatar
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Beta decay experiments suggesting that neutrinos are massless

It's known that in the kinetic energy spectra of electrons from the negative beta decays that at the end of the spectra some electrons are found to have a maximum energy that is equal to the energy ...
A.M.M Elsayed 马克's user avatar
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Why are accelerator beam neutrino experiments built an angle off the beam direction?

Was reading some papers and review articles on accelerator based neutrino experiments and this came up a few times. Most of what I could find mentions "shrinkage in neutrino energy spectra" ...
maximumwakestore's user avatar
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How do we know that the neutrino flavour states are the linear combination of mass states?

I am studying the neutrino oscillation phenomenom in which the flavour of a neutrino can change when it evolves in space-time. What I understand is that this means that the 3 neutrino flavour states ...
DavidUCM's user avatar
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Materials to Understand Energy loss of neutral charged particles such as Neutrinos?

I was reading about the energy loss of charged particles in matter and understood that the Bethe-Bloch equation governs the energy loss of charged particles interacting with matter. However I was ...
Some_user's user avatar
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About Majorana neutrinos and chirality

If neutrinos are Majorana particles it is possible that neutrinoless double decay happens, with a diagram like this one: However it seems to me that this diagram requires the Majorana neutrino to ...
Crucio's user avatar
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Experimental distinction between neutrinos and antineutrinos

How can we experimentally distinguish left-handed neutrinos from right-handed antineutrinos when we do not know a priori their creation process (for example in the case of cosmological neutrinos)?
Fern's user avatar
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What prevents cavity-enhanced neutrino detection?

The interaction between light and matter can be enhanced by trapping the light in an optical cavity. In a short Google research I didn't find an experiment trying to enhance neutrino-matter ...
A. P.'s user avatar
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Can a neutrino emit a $W^+$ boson?

In the reaction $\nu_e + p \rightarrow e^-+ \Delta^{++}$, a Feynman diagram would be: So my question is, could a neutrino emit that $W^+$ boson (knowing that the boson's mass is much higher than the ...
user9867's user avatar
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Neutrino Cross-section approximation:

First, thank you for taking the time to read this question. In section 5 of this paper the author explained that for energies between $1-20$ GeV the total Charged-Current Cross sections for $\nu_{\...
Armand's user avatar
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Clarification about the question of whether neutrinos are their own antineutrinos

There are various pages that say we can distinguish between neutrinos and antineutrinos. Why do we not know whether or not neutrinos are their own antiparticles? Why are neutrino and antineutrino ...
MaximusIdeal's user avatar
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$\nu_e \bar{\nu_e} \rightarrow e^- e^+$ confusion

Interacting part of the $SU(2)_L$describing the Higgs and fermionic sector with one family $$\mathcal{L}= \bar{l}_Li\not Dl_L+\bar{e}_Ri\not\partial e_R+ \bar{\nu}_Ri\not\partial\nu_R - (y_{\nu}\bar{l}...
Monopole's user avatar
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Right-handed neutrinos as dark matter and neutrino bounds

How can right-handed neutrinos evade the SM experimental bound $N_\nu=3$ and become all the dark matter?
riemannium's user avatar
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Why right-handed neutrino?

Interacting part of the $SU(2)_L$describing the Higgs and fermionic sector with one family $$\mathcal{L}= \bar{l}_Li\not Dl_L+\bar{e}_Ri\not\partial l_L+ \bar{\nu}_Ri\not\partial\nu_R - (y_{\nu}\bar{l}...
Monopole's user avatar
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Charged fermions have both chiralities, with the same mass. Shouldn’t neutrinos, also massive, have both chiralities, though with different masses?

Thanks to answers a previous question, I have realised the difference between helicity, a non-Lorentz-invariant quantity, and the Lorentz invariant chirality. Let me summarise what I understand, ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Sterile neutrinos on a theoretical point of view

The results at the BEST experiment strongly suggest that at least one "sterile neutrino" exist. From the way the experiment is done it is obvious that only the lighter sterile neutrino can ...
Alfred's user avatar
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Neutrino-Nucleus quasielastic scattering

Concerning the quasielastic charged-current interactions of neutrinos deep underground, the production of muons from interactions with nuclei is of importance to neutrino telescopes. In the ...
khurana's user avatar
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Neutrino field is left-handed

Why if we take the mass of neutrino to be zero then we get only left-handed field when $\psi_r=\frac{1}{2}(1+\gamma^5)\psi$ and $\psi_l=\frac{1}{2}(1-\gamma^5)\psi$ has no dependence on mass?
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Why measuring the octant of the atmospheric oscillation parameter of neutrinos is important?

As some of you may know, the PMNS mixing angle $\theta_{23}$ has been measured to a value very close to 45°. In other words, the oscillation amplitude (2 flavour approx.) which is driven by $\sin^2(2\...
nadrino's user avatar
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How was Potassium used to estimate the effect of backgrounds in the Homestake experiment?

I'm trying to understand some of the details of the Homestake experiment, which attempted to measure the rate of neutrino production by the sun. In particular, I'm interested in how Davis et. al. ...
Marcel Mazur's user avatar
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Cryogenic Particle Detectors

Recently, I started reading about Neutrinos, their types, oscillations and their detection. Today many experiments are being conducted to detect and measure oscillations of sterile neutrinos and anti-...
C A Tushar Anand Naidu.'s user avatar
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Decay and Invariant mass [closed]

Consider the following decay : \begin{equation} K^+\longrightarrow \pi^0 + e^+ + l^0 \end{equation} where $l^0$ is a neutral lepton. What kind of particle is $l^0$? For $K^+$ , if it's at rest, ...
Shanks Tyler Red's user avatar
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What equation does KATRIN use to measure neutrino masses?

Source KATRIN weighs neutrinos produced by the nuclear decay of tritium, a radioactive isotope of hydrogen. When a tritium nucleus transmutes into a helium one, it ejects an electron and a neutrino (...
Allure's user avatar
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