Interacting part of the $SU(2)_L$describing the Higgs and fermionic sector with one family
$$\mathcal{L}= \bar{l}_Li\not Dl_L+\bar{e}_Ri\not\partial e_R+ \bar{\nu}_Ri\not\partial\nu_R - (y_{\nu}\bar{l}_L\tilde{\Phi}\nu_R - y_{e}\bar{l}_L{\Phi}e_R+h.c)$$
Where $l_L=(\nu_L, e_L)^T$ and $D_{\mu}=\partial_{\mu}+ig\hat{W_{\mu}}$ , $\tilde{\Phi}=i\sigma_{2}\Phi^{*}$ , $\Phi = \Big(\frac{v+h}{\sqrt{2}}\Big)e^{i\Pi/v}(0,1)^T$
From the interaction terms in the Lagrangian only 3-point interactions are:
$$\mathcal{L_{int}}= -\frac{g}{2}\gamma^{\mu}[\bar{\nu_L} W^{3}_{\mu} \nu_L + \sqrt{2}\bar{\nu_L}W^{+}_{\mu} e_L + \sqrt{2}\bar{e_L}W^{-}_{\mu} \nu_L -\bar{e_L} W^{3}_{\mu} e_L] -y_{\nu}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\bar{\nu}_L h \nu_R + iy_{\nu}\frac{1}{2\sqrt{2}}\bar{\nu}_L \Pi^{3} \nu_R + iy_{\nu}\frac{1}{2}\bar{e}_L \Pi^{-} \nu_R + \frac{y_e}{\sqrt{2}}\bar{e_L}h e_R + \frac{iy_e}{2}\bar{\nu_L}\Pi^{+}e_R - \frac{iy_e}{2\sqrt{2}}\bar{e_L}\Pi^3 e_R$$
And from these, Feynman graphic rules are as follows:
Since I want to calculate the processes contributing $\nu_e \bar{\nu_e} \rightarrow e^- e^+$ . I would expect to get the following scattering diagrams:
The way I proceeded is:
I matched the diagrams with the same propagators (and with their h.c. in case of charged propagators). However I don't know how to interpret $\nu_R$ and $\bar{\nu}_L$ in vertex diagrams.
Aren't they right-handed neutrino and left-handed anti-neutrino? Why do they even appear?
Just by looking at the vertex with Z boson it seems like something is off since L.H. neutrino annihilates with L.H. anti-neutrino (yet L.H. neutrino should annihilate with R.H. anti-neutrino). Same mismatch appears in the vertex with Higgs however this time there is a R.H. neutrino and L.H. anti-neutrino which is even more confusing.
At this point, if anyone could show how to correctly glue the vertex diagrams to get neutrino pair annihilation to electron positron pair, I will accept the answer.