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Questions tagged [bohmian-mechanics]

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Is 'measurement' deterministic in the pilot wave theory?

From what I read, measurements in pilot wave theory affect the particles as well as the guiding waves. Is it a random process or is everything deterministic according to the theory?
zes's user avatar
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Derivation of the Guiding Wave equation

I've been searching around the internet for a derivation of the guiding wave equation, but I can't find a derivation anywhere. I know that Bohmian Mechanics is not a mainstream idea but I was hoping ...
Joshua Pasa's user avatar
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Does this thought experiment proves that Standard Quantum Mechanics and Pilot Wave Theory make different predictions?

Here is a thought experiment that is supposed to show that standard quantum mechanics and pilot wave theory do not make the same prediction : Take the double slit experiment, and add a detector in ...
Thomas Favrot's user avatar
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In the pilot-wave theory, is the quantum potential moving electrons randomly inside atoms?

As we know, in the pilot-wave theory (Bohmian mechanics), particles are guided on certain trajectories by the wavefunction. Here (In Bohmian mechanics, do electrons move inside an atom?) I asked about ...
Alex L's user avatar
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In Bohmian mechanics, it the uncertainty due to non-locality?

In the pilot-wave interpretation of quantum mechanics, each particle is driven by the pilot wave on the universal configuration space, and therefore its trajectory is determined nonlocally, and ...
Alex L's user avatar
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3 answers

In Bohmian mechanics, do electrons move inside an atom?

Look at It is mentioned that in the rest states of a bound electron, the position of the electron is stationary, since the ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Bosons in Bohmian mechanics

I would like to know if even bosons in the same quantum state, like in a BEC, can be discerned (by their positions) in Bohm's mechanics.
Décio Krause's user avatar
1 vote
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In a pilot-wave model, is knowing the position of the particle sufficient for predicting its behavior?

Suppose that we somehow exactly know the position of an electron before hitting the double-slit structure (for example we know it's 20cm away from the structure and it's closer to the left slit). In ...
Alex L's user avatar
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How does Bohmian Mechanics explain superconductivity?

I'm looking for sources that discuss how Bohmian Mechanics explains superconductivity. Are there still Cooper pairs? Phonons? I saw one vague reference to vortices, but no details. This is my first ...
3 votes
2 answers

Can quantum randomness be somehow explained by classical uncertainty? [closed]

In quantum mechanics, the outcome of each measurement is random, distributed according to the squared amplitude of the wave function obtained from the Schrodinger's equation. Now, can someone suggest ...
Alex L's user avatar
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39 votes
14 answers

How could quantum effects occur in the early universe without an observer?

In inflationary cosmology, primordial quantum fluctuations in the process of inflation are considered responsible for the asymmetry and lumpiness of the universe that was shaped. However, according to ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Can particles popped into existence from the vacuum have electromagnetic effects on other particles?

I know my question might have problems, but I am curious about it. In quantum field theory, particle-antiparticle pairs continuously pop in and out of existence from vacuum. These particles have a ...
Alex L's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

What are the similarities/differences between the behaviors of Quantum particles and bouncing droplets? [duplicate]

Bouncing droplets on a fluid surface show many weird behaviors of the quantum world. Look at this for example: They can show tunneling, double-slit interference ...
Alex L's user avatar
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3 votes
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Does (Tomas) Bohr's modified double slit argument really doom Couder's quantum/classical fluid dynamics analogy?

I'm just an amateur, probably why I find the de Broglie/Bohm/Couder approach to QM compelling. But Copenhagen struck back: in a coincidence, Bohr's grandson is a fluid physicist who claims that ...
user1441998's user avatar
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Why does Bell's field theory model need to be stochastic on a space-time lattice?

In "Beables for quantum field theory", John Bell has presented a realistic interpretation of any fermionic quantum field theory, along the pilot-wave ideas. This model is formulated on a spatial lattice ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Can we have an arbitrary set of trajectories in Bohmian mechanics?

In Bohmian mechanics, the initial configurations and the pilot wave determine the future of the system. Given a set of initial positions for particles and a set of arbitrary trajectories, can we ...
Alex L's user avatar
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How did Big Bang determine the initial conditions of the universe?

My question is that how did the Big Bang determine the initial distribution of the particles and their wavefunctions? In theories like Bohmian mechanics or Many worlds, how was the universal ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Non-locality of the Madelung equations?

As far as I understand, the Madelung equations $$ \frac{\partial \rho}{\partial t} + \nabla \cdot \rho \mathbf{u} = 0 \\ \frac{\partial \mathbf{u}}{\partial t} + \mathbf{u} \cdot \nabla \mathbf{u} = -\...
Socob's user avatar
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What is the shape of the initial universal wavefunction?

In the many-worlds theory and Bohmian mechanics, the universe has an "initial" "universal" wavefunction which then evolves according to the Schrodinger's equation and determines the future of the ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Does a pilot-wave theory need to be stochastic in a discrete space-time?

I have found an article about Bohmian mechanics on a lattice with discrete space and time, the link of which is given below: Here the motion of quantum particles is ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Pilot-Wave vs. Quantum Mechanics vs. String Theory [closed]

I wanted to know that are the main shortcomings of contemporary Pilot-Wave theory which is holding it back from dominating physics departments? To what extent is the facukty biase, do you think, ...
Bertrand Wittgenstein's Ghost's user avatar
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Bohm's view of double-slit experiment, wave-particle duality

I gather that Bohm denies the notion that the act of measurement decides whether a photon will be a wave or a particle. Bohm's idea seems to be that the photon is always a particle with a real ...
Edward Udell's user avatar
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Would pilot-wave gravity reconcile Bohmian mechanics with relativity? [closed]

I was reading Can Bohmian mechanics be made relativistic? from 2016 that attempts to reconcile Bohmian mechanics with relativity. It’s conclusion says: Is such a theory then fundamentally—and/or ...
Cannabijoy's user avatar
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How much is the amount of uncertainty in initial positions in Bohmian Mechanics?

In Bohmian mechanics, it is believed that the randomness (uncertainty, lack of knowledge) which is seen in the outcome of experiments is due to the uncertainty in the initial particle positions at the ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Is Bohmian mechanics wrong in the case that space and time are quantized?

Bohmian mechanics assumes that particle trajectories are continuous. Also, it claims the random outcome of certain experiments (like the double-slit experiment) to be due to the random initial ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Accessible resources for learning Bohmian mechanics? (Undergrad)

I am an undergraudate physics and math major. For context, I've taken senior level quantum 1 as well as real and complex analysis. I'd be really interested in focusing on understanding the ...
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1 answer

Do we have a potential (quantum) in Bohm quantum mechanics that is associated with the phase factor $S$?

In Bohm quantum mechanics when we express the wavefunction as $\psi= R \exp(iS/\hbar)$ a quantum potential that depends on R is found, is there another potential that depends on the phase function S?
Maxwell's user avatar
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Could two particles be released in parallel to test if their quantum probability waves interact, showing whether pilot waves exist?

What if you just release two streams of particles next to each other in parallel? Then you don't even need the double slits. See if their waves interact, and you'll know whether pilot waves are real ...
Grant Gryczan's user avatar
5 votes
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Does Bohmian mechanics really solve the measurement problem?

I'm working a lot on Bohmian mechanics related theories and just realised something that had escaped me until now but actually seems to throw a wrench in the core idea of the theory. I tried to ...
Okarin's user avatar
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Connection between theory of superconductivity and Bohmian mechanics

I stumbled upon an interesting chapter of Feynman Lectures about Superconductivity and was surprised to see that the equations of motion of the superconducting electron fluid (21.38 and 21.39) hold a ...
asmaier's user avatar
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Is Bohmian mechanics really incompatible with relativity?

This is something I've been wondering about. For those who don't know, Bohmian mechanics is an interpretation of quantum mechanics that is in the class of what are known as "hidden variable theories", ...
The_Sympathizer's user avatar
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Does the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory make any new predictions?

I find the de Broglie-Bohm pilot wave theory interesting but what I still feel missing in the descriptions I could find so far is that it reformulates what we already know but nobody speaks of new ...
Mark's user avatar
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Phase of a Wave and Phase Space

What relation does the phase of a wave have with the phase space? Namely, how are they related historically and/or physically? P.S. if it helps, I came across this question while thinking about the ...
MadPhysicist's user avatar
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Couder's walking droplets - what are issues of using its intuitions to interpret quantum analogoues? [duplicate]

There are these popular experiments with droplets having wave-particle duality, e.g. here is Veritasium video with 2.3M views, great webpage with materials and videos, a lecture by Couder. Among ...
Jarek Duda's user avatar
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In Pilot wave theory how far does the wave stretch?

The one thing I find difficult to understand is how far does the Pilot Wave extend. Does the Pilot Wave permeate through the entire universe?
Moose's user avatar
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If Pilot wave theory turns out to be the correct way of interpreting quantum mechanics what are the implications?

I've read a few articles on Pilot Wave theory. Part of the theory describes how particles have a deterministic path and particles can't be in two places at once. If this turned out to be true would ...
Moose's user avatar
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In pilot wave theory where is the wave?

As a non specialist, for a single particle system it's easy to appreciate the concept of a pilot wave extending through all Euclidean space, guiding a particle which ends up at a location determined ...
Sideshow Bob's user avatar
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Is Bohmian quantum mechanics noncontextual and can it be tested?

Concerning to the different plausible modifications of Quantum Mechanics, we have the so-called Bohmian Quantum Mechanics. It is frequently stated that Bohmian Quantum Mechanics is non-local, but is ...
riemannium's user avatar
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Can two distinct quantum universes ever have the same configuration, and what does it mean for many-worlds? [closed]

First, I hear that, on a whiteboard, one may casually invert causality and run time in reverse. Next, I hear that there are interpretations of QM, like Chaitin's Great Programmer interpretation or de ...
Corbin's user avatar
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Is Bohmian mechanics incompatible with Leggett inequality?

As far as I know violation of Bell's theorem is not a problem for De Broglie–Bohm theory because this theory is explicitly nonlocal; But since the violation of Leggett inequality is considered to ...
wiki's user avatar
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Loschmidt's paradox in Bohmian Mechanics

In Bohmian mechanics, the position of the particles must have a random distribution given by $\rho = |\Psi|^2$, where $\Psi$ is the wave function, in order to be compatible with Born rule in standard ...
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How does the de Broglie-Bohm picture explain the double-slit experiment with single particles?

If the particle has a single well-defined trajectory in the de Broglie-Bohm theory, how come that the interference pattern still appears even with single particles?
Nemo's user avatar
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Does Bell Inequality favor De Broglie-Bohm?

From a purely mathematical standpoint, does Bell Inequality favor De Broglie-Bohm over other interpretations of QM? I have a superficial understanding of all this but it seems to me that Bell ...
allwind's user avatar
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Numerical Tools and Related Resoures for Bohmian Mechanics

I am trying to do some simulations using the de Broglie - Bohm formalism and am wondering if there are computational tools that already exist in this area. I generally use Python, but will consider ...
2 votes
3 answers

The Bohm interpretation and Schrodinger's cat

I was wondering how the Bohm interpretation of quantum mechanics would affect the Schrodinger's cat experiment. Would it imply that the cat would be in one state and never in superposition, so the cat ...
blueblast's user avatar
7 votes
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What is a 'wavicle?'

What is a wavicle? I learned in electronics class that electrons are little particles. In physics they even say that the electron orbits the nucleus thus exhibiting angular momentum. But in chemistry ...
Paul FitzSimons's user avatar
24 votes
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Why would Pilot-Wave be wrong?

If this question has already been asked or is super basic, apologies. I'm a physics novice and this is my first question on this side of the site. In classical physics, waves and particles are ...
Mercutio's user avatar
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What research (if any) is being done with regard to a hidden variable theory of quantum mechanics?

From Bell’s theorem and the Kochen-Specker theorem we know that any hidden variable model hoping to reproduce the predictions of quantum mechanics must be both non-local and contextual. What model ...
HiddenVariable's user avatar
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In Bohmian Mechanics, is there a 1-to-1 relationship between particles and pilot waves?

In Bohmian Mechanics, do all particles have its own pilot wave, or can you have multiple particles on the same wave?
Thanacles's user avatar
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If Pilot Wave Theory is non-local, how does the pilot wave change over time?

My understanding is that Bohmian Mechanics (pilot wave theory) is non-local, meaning that effects propagate faster than light. Are these effects in fact instantaneous in that model? How would an ...
B T's user avatar
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