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2 answers

What are the similarities/differences between the behaviors of Quantum particles and bouncing droplets? [duplicate]

Bouncing droplets on a fluid surface show many weird behaviors of the quantum world. Look at this for example: They can show tunneling, double-slit interference ...
Alex L's user avatar
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Couder's walking droplets - what are issues of using its intuitions to interpret quantum analogoues? [duplicate]

There are these popular experiments with droplets having wave-particle duality, e.g. here is Veritasium video with 2.3M views, great webpage with materials and videos, a lecture by Couder. Among ...
Jarek Duda's user avatar
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The Madelung equations are Euler equations for quantum mechanics. What is the Lagrangian description of quantum hydrodynamics?

The Madelung equations of quantum mechanics suggest the hydrodynamic model of quantum mechanics (quantum mechanics is described as a fluid of universes in a multiverse, which, in the non-relativistic ...
Luke Durback's user avatar