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Kphysics's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
17 votes

How do I experimentally measure the surface area of a rock?

11 votes

Why does the nucleus not repel itself?

5 votes

What if we throw many buckets of water into the Sun?

5 votes

Long Range order in 2D Ising model

4 votes

Contour integral of Feynman propagator

3 votes

Martin-Siggia-Rose action corresponding to Langevin equation

2 votes

Inserting Wind effects on a rocket trajectory simulator

2 votes

Role of friction during Collisions

2 votes

Why is boiling water the second time more quiet than boiling it the first time?

2 votes

Why does $\sqrt{\frac km}$ represent angular velocity and not frequency?

1 vote

Is water really $H_2O$? On a comment concerning the quantum mechanical description of water made by Hilary Putnam

1 vote

Heisenberg and Schrödinger pictures - clarification

1 vote

Derivation of quantum scattering of 1D square well

1 vote

Do smaller aircraft have lower take-off speeds?

1 vote

Time translation invariance of Hamiltonian

1 vote

Does gravity sometimes get transmitted faster than the speed of light?

1 vote

What force creates the reflected wave in a string attached to a rod?

1 vote

Treatment of electrons and phonons in condensed matter physics

1 vote

Calculation of the temperature of the Sun's core? Why is this value so low?

0 votes

Harmonics on Hyperbolic space

0 votes

Uniqueness of the probability function for the Schrödinger equation

0 votes

Charging of a battery

0 votes

Force required to propel mass in vacuum