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roshoka's user avatar
  • Member for 8 years, 6 months
  • Last seen this week
4 votes

What exactly does "Per Unit" refer to?

3 votes

How to derive Ehrenfest's theorem?

2 votes

Why don't the gas molecules accumulate at one corner of an isolated box?

2 votes

How does centrifugal force count on the ball-rope problem?

1 vote

Relativistic Energy of a body

1 vote

Why do we not care about force from the string on a pendulum or the normal force when skating down a ramp?

1 vote

Principle of superposition in spherical shells

1 vote

How do electrons divide?

1 vote

Pauli exclusion principle and quantum state

1 vote

How to prove Gauss law geometrically (without coordinates) from Coulomb's law?

1 vote

Torque free rigid body

1 vote

How come I can spin an object attached to a string as centripetal motion without slanting?

1 vote

Why doesn't the logic behind destructive points in single slit diffraction apply to double slits?

1 vote

Expectation Value in Bra-ket notation

0 votes

What Force is acting here?

0 votes

Modified Spectroscopic Notation (Shankar)

0 votes

Time constant relevance and definition for an RC or any 1st order RC/RL or a 2nd order RLC circuit

0 votes

Time-dependent state probability harmonic oscillator

0 votes

Why is the Lagrangian defined as $L=T - V$?

0 votes

element of surface area versus vector element of surface area

0 votes

Uncertainty in repetitive measurements

0 votes

Potential energy function

0 votes

Work done against an internal force

-1 votes

How to measure change in degrees per second, given force applied at a certain angle?