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Stéphane Rollandin's user avatar
Stéphane Rollandin
  • Member for 8 years, 9 months
  • Last seen this week
2 votes

Relativity of simultaneity in special relativity

2 votes

What is the physical basis behind the independence assumption in Bell's theorem?

2 votes

What are details of this claim of Penrose about gravity and QFT being at odds with each other?

2 votes

Concept of time in General Relativity

2 votes

A Hidden Principle in Relativity

2 votes

Is mass persistent in spacetime?

1 vote

If time slows near a black hole how does someone age differently back on Earth?

1 vote

A question on negative time and Minkowski Space

1 vote

How does a spinning object "know" that it is spinning?

1 vote

Does a Photon take longer to reach me when travelling in the "trough" of a gravitational Wave?

1 vote

Why does time 'change' when gravity increases?

1 vote

Interpretation of quantum superposition and classical Brownian motion

1 vote

Is Galilei's reasoning on free fall valid?

1 vote

Understanding time dilation in layman's terms

1 vote

Can human ear hear 4 Hz frequency, if I tap my hand 4 times per second on table?

1 vote

Does QM unequivocally violate the law of bivalence?

1 vote

What is meant by rest in rest-mass?

1 vote

Mathematical treatment of electron double slit experiment

1 vote

Question about a Attractors in Non-linear Systems

1 vote

Is my understanding of the delayed choice quantum eraser correct?

1 vote

Can we write the wave function of the living things? If yes then how?

1 vote

A universe of angular momentum?

1 vote

Is an elementary particle traveling through a vacuum the *same* particle at points A and B?

1 vote

Is gravity really a force that occurs between composite "objects," or is it individual atoms?

1 vote

Why can interaction with a macroscopic apparatus, such as a Stern-Gerlach machine, sometimes not cause a measurement?

1 vote

Is uniqueness a fundamental property of nature?

1 vote

What is 'reality' in physics?

1 vote

Quantum Mechanics Testability

1 vote

Is there a simple way to represent this concept?

1 vote

The shape of a nucleus