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Acceleration in terms of displacement

I am having problems understanding the derivation of acceleration in terms of displacement. The first step is fine: $$a(x) = \frac{\mathrm dv(x)}{\mathrm dt} = \frac{\mathrm dv(x)}{\mathrm dx} \frac{\...
Hugo Lundin's user avatar
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Derivation of a partial derivative equation by Albert Einstein in Special Theory of Relativity

I was reading Albert Einstein's "On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies". In section "Kinematical Part", on $3 (Theory of the transformation of coordinates and times from a ...
sujoy's user avatar
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Equations with fractional derivatives

Assume we have an equation which represents the flux of some quantity as $q = -D \dfrac{\partial T}{\partial x}$ (Eqn. 1), where the diffusion coefficient $D$, variable $T$, $x$ and $q$ have some ...
fluxBoy's user avatar
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Differential form of Planck's Distribution Law interpretation

So I didn't encounter differentials that often until now, I was taught that the seperate parts of $dy/dx$ for example are not supposed to have any sort of independent existence - ok. (Calculus, 4th ...
iwab's user avatar
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Finding back a simple SDE from its solution

I'm trying to self-learn Kurt Jacob's Stochastic Processes for Physicists: Understanding Noisy Systems. I've followed Chapter 3, where I saw how to derive that the solution to the SDE $$ dx=\left(c+\...
Yuval's user avatar
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Partial derivatives and the Joule Coefficient

The Joule Coefficient for a van der Waals gas can be shown to be \begin{equation} \left(\frac{\partial T}{\partial V}\right)_U=-\frac{a}{C_VV^2} \end{equation} where $U$ is the internal energy of the ...
Garf's user avatar
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How to transform a partial derivative to a directional derivative with respect to some affine parameter?

Suppose an affine parameter $\lambda$ is defined along a null geodesic with $dx^\mu/d\lambda=k^\mu$. How could I write the partial derivative $\partial f/\partial x^\mu$ by using $df/d\lambda$? If $k^\...
Haorong Wu's user avatar
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Derivative of Function of Unitary matrices

I need some help in understanding derivative of function of matrices, Unitary matrices in my case. I am studying lattice-qcd, there i need to take derivative of Wilson gauge action, $S[U]$ w.r.t link $...
lost_in_paradise's user avatar
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What does the derivative of unit vector of velocity with respect to time represent?

let an object move with a constant accelration a. in my book,the following derivatve is said to be non-constant(variable). $$\frac{d[\frac{v}{|v|}]}{dt}$$ what does this mean? as far as i can think,it ...
Karan's user avatar
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What is the difference between zero and an infinitesimal number?

In a standard Atwood machine physics problem, the string going over the pulley is considered massless. So does that imply mass = 0 or mass = dm? General question: what is the difference between 0 and ...
Curious 's user avatar
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Graph of $dQ/dt$ discontinuous

Charge is quantised then why how do we define $dQ/dt$ as current when graph of $Q$ v/s $x$ will be discontinuous and hence non-differentiable. Is it an approximation we use?
Ameya M's user avatar
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Relation between computation of curl and divergence and their formal definitions

both divergence and curl of a vector field have a formal definition, however, we don't use these definitions when we compute the divergence or curl. so can we just derive the computations from the ...
gogo oka's user avatar
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Smoothness (differentiability class) of physical quantities

The concept of differentiability is fundamental to Physics. For instance, already second Newton's law $$\mathbf{F} = m \frac{\mathrm{d}^2 s}{\mathrm{d}t^2}$$ involves the second derivative of space ...
en-drix's user avatar
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Differential form of Lorentz equations

A Lorentz transformation for a boost in the $x$ direction ($S'$ moves in $+x$, $v>0$) is given by: $$ t'=\gamma\left(t-v\frac{x}{c^2}\right),~x'=\gamma(x-vt)$$ In the derivation of the addition of ...
ceciled's user avatar
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When can I commute the 4-gradient and the "space-time" integral?

Let's say I have the following situation $$I = \dfrac{\partial}{\partial x^{\alpha}}\int e^{k_{\mu}x^{\mu}} \;d^4k$$ Would I be able to commute the integral and the partial derivative? If so, why is ...
clebbf's user avatar
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Differentiation of a product of functions

If I have three (vector)functions, all dependent on different (complex)variables: \begin{equation} a = X^{\mu_1}(z_1, \bar{z}_1), b = X^{\mu_2}(z_2, \bar{z}_2), c= X^{\mu_3}(z_3, \bar{z}_3) \end{...
j_stoney's user avatar
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Partial derivative operator

It's mentioned in this paper that if $\partial^i \partial^j$ applied on an equation like: $$ x \delta_{ij} + (\nabla^2 \delta_{ij}- \partial_i \partial_j) y =0 $$ It yields a couple of equations: $$ ...
Dr. phy's user avatar
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Laplace transform: How to evaluate partial derivative in the denominator of a fraction?

I am solving a differential equation using the Laplace transform. However, to evaluate it I need to evaluate some strange terms. Specifically, I have a partial derivative in the denominator of the ...
J.Agusti's user avatar
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Cross factor for dependent terms in a differential?

How do you derive a cross factor to decouple differentials into independent differentials? For example: $$ d(PV)= PdV+VdP $$ $$ PV=\int{PdV}+\int{VdP} $$ Obviously dP and dV are related. Do you simply ...
ChemEng's user avatar
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Physical and Diagrammatic representation of $a$=undefined when $v$=0 according to $a$=$vdv$/$dx$

$a$=acceleration $v$=velocity $x$=position along x axis $t$=time instant My teacher derived the $a$=$v$$dv$/$dx$ formula as follows Assume a particle at time $t$ is at $x$ position having $v$ velocity ...
Rita Garain's user avatar
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Are terms tangential acceleration and normal acceleration only used for instantaneous velocity?

Are terms tangential acceleration and normal acceleration only used for instantaneous velocity?
Naman Singh's user avatar
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What do equations involving infinitesimals say?

I am reading this note on the Bernoulli equations with the following derivations: I am struggling to find a calculus based meaning for the above equations involving the infinitesimal $\delta V$: I ...
kid111's user avatar
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Use Index Notation properly when indices are already used in identifying which bases is the matrix metric calculated with respect to

I am wondering how to apply the usual linear algebra to the rather unfamiliar case of 'matrices' with indices in special relativity or even general relativity. In particular, consider$$f=\sqrt{-\det\...
Rescy_'s user avatar
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What are the relationships between the motion-time graphs?

I was wondering if someone could explain the relationships between the three motion graphs (Position-Time, Velocity-Time, and Acceleration-Time). I believe that the slope of the P-T is Velocity and ...
Enrageder's user avatar
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How to evaluate a non-banal derivate?

I need to evaluate the following derivate: $$\frac{dF}{d\Psi} = \frac{d}{d\Psi}\left[\beta\Delta\Psi+\alpha\left|\Psi\right|^2\Psi+\mu\Psi-i\vec{v}\cdot\bar{\nabla}\Psi\right]$$ where $\Psi$ is a ...
StrizzenSuperfluid's user avatar
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Why is cancellation of differnetial not allowed here?

This is about cancelation of differentials .I am learning basics of tesnor from "Mathematical Methods " by Boas. There I encountered this epression which author says are equal. $$ \frac{\...
mum's user avatar
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Work-Energy Principle Derivation

I am currently in Mechanics I and both my professor and my book have derived the work principle in this way and I even asked about its derivation during class, but it has me puzzled. I don't ...
HappyHiggs's user avatar
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Classical text of mathematics/infinitesimals for Landau-Lifshitz

I believe their is a pre- and post Weierstrass era of mathematics (loosely speaking). Afterwards there was epsilon-delta, before 'infinitesimals' (with certain rules, ideas and theorems, of course not ...
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Why is linear approximation of contribution of electric field the same as if whole charge was concentrated at a single point?

I was reading about electric field of uniformly charged ring, of radius $R$, on the axis of the ring at the distance $d$ from the center of the ring and I am confused about usage of differentials. It ...
LEM's user avatar
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Multivariate analogue of triple product rule

I was doing some thermodynamic calculations and I found the need for a multivariable analogue of the triple product rule. Basically I had a set of $m$ functions $z_i(y, x_1, x_2, \ldots, x_m)$, and I ...
Nanite's user avatar
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How to calculate the derivative of the angular momentum vector $ d\vec L = d(\hat I \vec \omega)?$

My last question, but also the most important one How to calculate the derivative of the angular momentum vector? $$ d\vec L = d(\hat I \vec \omega)$$ I'm especially interested in derivative tensor to ...
Sylwester L's user avatar
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Computation - can you compute the gradient, Laplacian, divergence and curl of any function?

In my physics class, we are currently studying gradient, Laplacian, divergence, and curl, and we have a problem that states to compute all four of these (I.e., (1) gradient, (2) Laplacian, (3) ...
Yelena's user avatar
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Get rid of the derivatives and relativistic mass in Feynman lectures

i have a problem with get rid of the derivatives in Feynman lectures (chapter 15, Equivalence of mass and energy). The problem: we have $\frac {d(mc^2)}{dt} = v\cdot \frac {d(mv)}{dt}$, then we ...
Rene Decartes's user avatar
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Mathematical Description of Time Speeding Up?

People are able to experience time speeding up or slowing down. This is confusing to me on a mathematical level because dT/dT is 1. Is there some way that makes sense for this not to be 1? The speed ...
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For how long is an objects velocity it's instantaneous velocity at time $t$?

Basically I'm asking if an object's instantaneous velocity at time $t$ is $8m/s$ and its instantaneous velocity at time $t^+$ (idk latex, but basically the t + an infinitely small number) is $10m/s$, ...
Serendipitous Epiphany's user avatar
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Why is the regular Taylor expansion so similar to the construction of the Hamiltonian from a Lagrangian/Legendre transform?

An example of a first order Taylor expansion of a function with two variables is given by: $$f\left(x,y\right)=f\left(x_0,y_0\right)+\left(x-x_0\right)\frac{\partial f}{\partial x}+\left(y-y_0\right)\...
bananenheld's user avatar
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