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InertialObserver's user avatar
InertialObserver's user avatar
  • Member for 10 years, 4 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
2 votes

Contour Integration in Schwartz

2 votes

Nature of Spin in QFT

2 votes

Time evolution in an oscillating magnetic field for spin-1/2 particles

2 votes

Why doesn't $v_T = \omega r$ involve the direction of its variables?

2 votes

$j=\frac{1}{2}$ addition of angular momentum

2 votes

1-loop correction to photon propagator

2 votes

Notation for the divergence of a rank 2 tensor

2 votes

Signs in relative vector addition

2 votes

Yukawa form of electrostatic potential with $\mu_{\gamma} \neq0$ (photon mass)

2 votes

Integral Notations in Quantum Mechanics

2 votes

Question about Coulomb's Law and attraction of charges in uneven field

2 votes

The law of radioactive decay: explanation of a formula

2 votes

Relation between the propagator and probability for the infinite well

1 vote

QFT Complex scalar field and commutators

1 vote

Hamiltonian-commutation, hermiticity and non-hermiticity (QM)

1 vote

Difference on the invariance of operators and their transformations under unitary operators

1 vote

Does $A_\mu$ transform with the coordinates, or as a vector in a tangent space?

1 vote

Relation between classical and quantum explanations

1 vote

Force between two point charges separated entirely by a conductor

1 vote

Calculating the spin given the baryon wave function

1 vote

Question about the Lorenz gauge in classical electrodynamics

1 vote

Adjoint of Weyl Spinor

1 vote

How can I calculate Christoffel symbols from this metric?

1 vote

On generators of $SO(2)$

1 vote

What is the formula that gives the EMF

1 vote

QFT Matter Fields and Anti-Matter Fields

1 vote

What's the minimum condition for time evolution operator to be written as $U(t,t_0)=e^{-\frac{i}{\hbar} \int_{t_0}^t H(t') dt'}$?

1 vote

Identity Involving Grassmann Variables and Pauli Matrices

1 vote

What is the closed form of the following integral?

1 vote

Behaviour of quantum spins