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Reducing Inelastic Electron-Proton's Scattering Cross Section to Rosenbluth's Formula

I'm currently studying electron-proton scattering from Halzen & Martin's book (Quarks & Leptons : An Introductory Course in Modern Particle Physics). I found that the cross section for the ...
Jovan Alfian Djaja's user avatar
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How can I calculate the reflectivity of an electron gas with Thomson scattering?

I have to do a seminar presentation about the topic of using relativistic mirrors in integrated laser ion accelerator systems. The idea is (for context sake) to accelerate an electron bunch to ...
Lucinatore's user avatar
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Do free electrons always interact with any photon they 'contact'?

Do free electrons (plenty of them in space and in stars) scatter every photon they come across? Free electrons, unlike those in atoms and molecules, don't have specific energy levels after all... Isn'...
Kurt Hikes's user avatar
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If the probability of a point (photon) hitting another point (electron) is zero why do they interact?

If the probability of a point (photon) hitting another point (electron) is zero why do they interact? To have a probability greater than zero almost one of them should be not a point. Correct me, ...
Krešimir Bradvica's user avatar
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What makes electron scattering more useful than alpha particle scattering for resolving the structure of the nucleus?

I hear of a lot of people say that electron scattering is more useful than scattering with heavier particles like the $\alpha$ particle, but I'm not sure why this is the case. This is the first Born ...
Pancake_Senpai's user avatar
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How to understand the derivation of thermally averaged cross sections?

$$ \frac{d\langle\sigma_\text{ion}^{nl} v\rangle}{d\ln E_\text{er}}=\frac{\bar\sigma_e}{8\mu^2_{\chi e}}\int q|f_\text{ion}^{nl}(k',q)|^2|F_\text{DM}(q)|^2\eta(v_\text{min})\ dq $$ How do I understand ...
Field's user avatar
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Do electron-electron collisions have an associated scattering cross section?

Various texts (1,2) state that electrons are point particles, but if this is the case then when two electrons collide, one of them knows the others position with exact certainty (treating one as an ...
user400188's user avatar
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A photon scatters an electron at an angle... Does it imply electron having an area greater then the photon's?

Even we don't know much about scattering areas of photons and electrons does the fact that a photon scattering an electron at an angle mean that the photon cross-section area hits only a small lateral ...
Krešimir Bradvica's user avatar
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electron free mean path understanding

I am having difficulties to grasp the idea that the probability a particle is absorbed between $x$ and $x + dx$ is given by $$dP(x) = \frac{I(x) - I(x+dx)}{I_0} = \frac{1}{l} e^{-\frac{x}{l}}dx$$ ...
Codelearner777's user avatar
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In the Rutherford scattering experiment, does increasing the mass (with constant charge) of the nucleus affect the deflection?

When firing alpha particles head on towards gold nuclei so that they are deflected 180 degrees, the only thing that should affect their deflection is the nuclear charge, the alpha particle's charge, ...
Matt Whitelock's user avatar
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How to interpret 'electron energy above fermi level (eV)'?

In some mean free path graphs, I see 'electron energy above Fermi level (eV)' on the x-axis See figure: What does it mean? Is it electrons kinetic energy in the material? What happens if the graph ...
Kutadgubilig's user avatar
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Thomson scattering cross section: free electrons vs atoms

I am trying to find a reference for the Thomson scattering cross section difference between free electrons and atoms. I have always assumed that free electrons have a higher cross sections, but I can ...
Py-ser's user avatar
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Rate of interaction of free electron with photons from sunlight

How many photons does a free electron (in sunlight say) interact with per second? I did a rough calculation assuming the electron interacts with any photon that enters through an area the size of ...
Matt Majic's user avatar
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Database of experimental cross sections for atomic collisions

Does the atomic-physics community keep a comprehensive database of experimental data (cross sections) for atomic collisions? I am looking for data about Bremsstrahlung, ionization, elastic and ...
Arek' Fu's user avatar
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Units of rutherford singly differentiated cross section for secondary electron production

I have an equation that I have found in several papers which I am currently using for a project, including Waligorski (1986) and this book page 32. 4.2 BUTTS AND KATZ MODEL Butts and Katz model uses ...
Gabriel Lim's user avatar