I have an equation that I have found in several papers which I am currently using for a project, including Waligorski (1986) and this book page 32.
Butts and Katz model uses Rutherford's SDCS for production of secondary electrons (Mott, 1929; Bradt and Petters, 1948; ICRU, 1995). Rutherford's secondary electron distribution formula gives the number of secondary electrons per unit of path length having energies in the interval from $w$ to $w + dw$, produced by an incident ion of effective charge2 $Z^*$ moving with speed $\beta c$ $$dn = \frac{2\pi N_e e^4 Z^{*2}}{m_e c^2 \beta^2}\frac{dw}{(w + I)^2}\tag{4.15}$$ where $m_e$ and $e$ are the electron mass and charge, $N_e$ is the density of electrons in the material, $I$ is the mean ionization potential of the material, $c$ is the speed of light and $\beta = v/c$ is the speed of the incident particle with respect to the speed of light. Considering water as the target material $$\frac{2\pi N_e e^4}{m_e c^2} = 8.5\times 10^{-3}\,\mathrm{\frac{keV}{\mu m}}\tag{4.16}$$
I cannot figure out why equation (4.16 )has the units of energy/length. The thing is, if (4.15) has $dn$ with units of $\text{length}^{-1}$ as specified, then (4.16) must have those units in order to be consistent with the rest of equation (4.15). Am I missing something here? Because I don't see how it is possible for (4.16) to have those units.
To me there is $$\frac{\text{charge}^{4}}{\text{energy} \times \text{volume}}$$ where the volume comes from the $N_e$ which is the density of electrons. I see no way to convert this into $\text{energy}/\text{length}$.