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1 vote
2 answers

What should I read to understand the math behind waves? [duplicate]

I'm learning differential equations and waves - following online courses and reading some textbooks - and I find that quite often, the use of Phasors, equations combining sinusoidal waves of different ...
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0 answers

Book about the measurement energy of the Hamiltonian

I am searching for a book about the measurement energy of hamiltonian in adiabatic quantum computing. Have you ever seen good resources? I need good references for my work.
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0 answers

Experimental examples of how to realize the photon coherent state

As well known in the theory of quantum optics, the photon coherent state is defined by $$\hat{a}|\alpha\rangle = \alpha|\alpha\rangle$$ where $\hat{a}$ is the annihilation operator. Explicitly this ...
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0 answers

Reference request: upper-level undergraduate treatment of time-dependent perturbation theory using the interaction picture approach

I find the treatment of time-dependent perturbation theory in Griffiths to be quite difficult/intensive. Our professor introduced us to the idea of using the interaction picture and this feels much ...
1 vote
0 answers

Are there any textbooks with very thoughtful quantum mechanics problems? [closed]

David Morin's book on classical mechanics is one of my favourite textbooks because of the amount of care that went into constructing the amazing end-of-chapter problems. I haven't found anything ...
0 votes
0 answers

Text reference for linear Stark Effect

I was trying to study the linear stark effect and an example of the splitting of $2S\pm2P_z$ orbitals, described here. Can someone suggest to me a reference for the similar material discussed but in ...
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0 answers

Paper with sequential Stern-Gerlach experiments

Often sequential Stern-Gerlach experiments are taken to motivate basic quantum mechanics. But I can't find a paper where these are actually carried out experimentally. I have two questions: Who was ...
6 votes
1 answer

Decoherence and quantum to classical limit: good resources?

I am looking for good references for decoherence theory. I mainly worked with "Decoherence, einselection, and the quantum origins of the classical" from Zurek, but some parts are a little bit ...
0 votes
0 answers

Quantum mechanics problem solving book [duplicate]

Can you suggest me some problem solving books for quantum mechanics ;that will help me develop more physical intuition along with mathematical reasoning.
-1 votes
2 answers

Which publication did Dirac introduce the "Associative axiom of multiplication" in?

I want to know which publication to cite when I reference the "Associative axiom of multiplication" in the Bra-Ket notation of Quantum mechanics. Sakurai only attributes it to Dirac, but doesn't name ...
-1 votes
1 answer

Book recommendations on measures of entanglement

I am an undergrad. physics student writing my bachelor thesis at the moment. What book would you recommend that talks about measures of entanglement? It would be really cool if it gave different ...
1 vote
0 answers

How should I self-study condensed matter in many-body quantum systems? [closed]

I am a computer scientist that has been doing research on quantum computing and tensor networks for a couple of years. I have a strong understanding of the math and multilinear algebra underlying ...
2 votes
1 answer

What is a good technical book to start learning Many worlds interpretation?

Good books exist on quantum mechanics emphasizing on the Copenhagen Interpretation.What are some good "technical" books on Everettian Many world interpretation of quantum mechanics? I emphasize on the ...
12 votes
4 answers

Book recommendations - Topological Insulators for dummies

Is there a pedagogical explanation of what is a topological insulator for those that do not even know what the Berry phase is but have a basic understanding of quantum mechanics and solid state ...
1 vote
0 answers

Reference regarding classical treatment of spin

While going through these notes about spin, I encountered the classical Lagrangian for spin (section 2). But the treatment here is very concise and I can't seem to find any other resources treating ...
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2 answers

References to Random Matrix Theory

I am looking for some good references - books/lecture notes/articles which contains Random Matrix Theory for Physicists. I am not particularly looking for mathematical rigor in derivations. I am more ...
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1 answer

Books/papers defining what information is

I'm doing research to interpret quantum physics in terms of the concept "matter is information". I'm trying to understand what is information. I like the explanation in https://physics....
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2 answers

Heisenberg Interaction Picture reference

I recently found out that "the interaction picture" comes in two variants--"the Schrodinger interaction picture" and "the Heisenberg interaction picture". I am looking for a good reference on the ...
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1 answer

Reference for light interaction with many electron atoms

I am trying to understand light interaction with many electron atoms. I know that to calculate the bound states we can use Hartree-Fock method but for light interaction with matter i do not know it ...
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0 answers

Can someone suggest some good resources to study "Addition of angular momentum"?

Please help me out in finding some good resource to study Addition of angular momentum of quantum mechanics mechanics part in detail which also explains all the mathematics involved.
5 votes
0 answers

Books recommendation to understand Quantum Confined Stark Effect

I am starting a PhD on a photonic component involved with QCSE. The problem is that I have a Master degree in electronical engineering, not in fundamental physics, and I need to understand the QCSE in ...
23 votes
7 answers

Linear algebra for quantum physics

A week ago I asked people on this site what mathematical background was needed for understanding Quantum Physics, and most of you mentioned Linear Algebra, so I decided to conduct a self-study of ...
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0 answers

Understanding Quantum Mechanics in short term [duplicate]

I have been told by professors that in order to understand physical interpretation of Wave function and De Broglie Wave, one must understand the history of Quantum Mechanics that started with the '...
1 vote
1 answer

Decoherence Tutorial on level of the Theoretical Minimum books

I'm trying to understand decoherence and other issues in QM related to the Everettian interpretation. I have a BS in physics, but that was 37 years ago. I've read Susskind and Friedman's book, The ...
2 votes
1 answer

Multi-instanton contribution to path integral

Briefly, I would like to have a reference to a clear detailed exposition of the computation of the multi-instanton contribution to the path integral while computing the energy levels splitting of the ...
3 votes
1 answer

What is the mathematical background needed for quantum physics? [duplicate]

I'm a computer scientist with a huge interest in mathematics. I have also recently started to develop some interest about quantum mechanics and quantum field theory. Assuming some knowledge in the ...
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5 answers

I wanna learn Quantum Physics [duplicate]

I'm searching for a book, video documentary, or any other source of information to learn Quantum Physics from the beginning. I know almost nothing on physics, so I guess I would need the basics first. ...
3 votes
1 answer

References of Deficiency indices theorem (von Neumann)

I am looking for proof or some interpretation around why the domain of the new extension $D(A_U)$ in the Theorem below is given by its specific formula. I have already searched in papers and here but ...
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3 answers

Hilbert space and group theory: relationship between these two approaches to quantum mechanics, and references for a beginner?

I have read basic books on Quantum Mechanics like R. Shankar's "Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Griffiths "Quantum Mechanics" and partly I followed Bransden "Atoms and Molecules". But none of the ...
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0 answers

Book recommendation on Quantum Mechanics which is a bit mathematically aligned and gives good introduction to Hilbert Space for beginners [duplicate]

I am a 4th-year undergraduate student and I have fully read R. Shankar's book on Quantum Mechanics and Griffiths book Quantum Mechanics. I have also done a bit of the Application of QM on ...
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0 answers

Recommended books for introduction to Quantum Mechanics for students who are mathematically aligned [duplicate]

I am a 4th-year undergraduate student and I have fully read R. Shankar's book on Quantum Mechanics and Griffiths book Quantum Mechanics. I have also done a bit of the Application of QM on ...
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0 answers

What are the best resources to master Quantum Entanglement?

I am reading Modern Quantum Mechanics by Sakurai for my semester. I read about the Quantum Entanglement, Bell Inequality and Hidden Variables theory, EPR Paradox etc. and got fascinated. I just wanna ...
2 votes
2 answers

Resources that provide physical insight into quantum mechanics

So I've took a first undergrad quantum mechanics course and found it to be very dissatisfactory to say the least. We covered roughly the same material as classical textbook like Griffiths. I ...
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0 answers

Agnostic approach to learning quantum mechanics?

Quick story: I was watching a semiconductor course of Prof. Lundstrom. When he started mentioning quantum stuff I knew that I have to learn QM to really understand what it means. I found MIT 8.04 by ...
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0 answers

Creating a simulation of molecules

Just full disclaimer: I am a first year physics graduate student with very little experience in physics research. I would like to write to develop a toy model to teach myself a bit about spin ...
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1 answer

Elementary introduction to (quantum) hall effect

Where can I find an elementary introduction to classical and quantum hall effect? Only physics I know is some basic quantum mechanics, EM and statistical physics. My goal eventually is to understand ...
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0 answers

Is there a "standard" quantum simulator/animator for pedagogy?

I'm having a hard time finding animations for 1D or 2D square well, SHO, free particle with barriers, etc, that I'm sure are "trustworthy". It's the sort of thing I would do in python in my spare time ...
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0 answers

Learning about group velocity, phase velocity and particle velocity [duplicate]

I am studying quantum physics and I would like to know a bit more in detail about group velocity, particle velocity and phase velocity. Can you suggest some books/online resources where I can learn ...
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1 answer

Implementing the Hartree-Fock method in two dimensions from scratch

I am interesting in writing a complete code for the Hartree-Fock method to improve my understanding of it. It seems relatively complex in three dimensions, so I am wondering if it would be simpler in ...
2 votes
3 answers

Trouble with Math in Physics [duplicate]

I am a current high school student and I am very interested in physics, especially particle physics (that stuff is super cool!). Unfortunately, my school only teaches classical physics, so I have to ...
2 votes
3 answers

Would love to learn quantum physics [duplicate]

I would love to learn quantum physics and am extremely keen on it. Lets get to points. I was extremely weak at math and physics while I was in school, but I guess it's just the way things were ...
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0 answers

Redfield quantum master equation

In the framework of Redfield Quantum Master Equation, the popular approach is to use a tight-binding model linear conductor for the modeling of the Fermionic bath. Does someone can refer me to more ...
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0 answers

What would be suggested books for beginners to Zeeman Effect and Quantum Physics? [duplicate]

I have great interest for learning what Quantum Mechanics governs and the Zeeman Effect; however, I have no idea where to start. I believe that the best books are recommended by fellow academics who ...
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2 answers

What alternatives did Einstein ponder to supersede quantum mechanics? [closed]

It is well known that Einstein was unhappy with quantum mechanics and it is also well known that he worked on new ideas. Is there surveys or books or research notes or lecture notes that talk about ...
3 votes
2 answers

How to find optical toy models of entangled quantum mechanical systems?

I recently read Arnold Neumaier's lectures on uncovering classical aspects of quantum mechanics: Classical and quantum field aspects of light Optical models for quantum mechanics I can't find the ...
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0 answers

A good textbook on Introduction to Quantum Mechanics? [duplicate]

I'm starting my master in Physics. I've taken some Quantum classes before, but nothing as serious as this. I would like now to really go in detail with all the concepts of QM. My professor recommended ...
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1 answer

Book Recommendations on Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Information processing (with specific topics mentioned in the description)

I an an undergraduate in 2nd year of study and doing an internship this summer on Quantum information Processing and related concepts. Since I had very less exposure to Quantum mechanics I was ...
4 votes
1 answer

Quantum mechanics video lectures [duplicate]

Are there any good video lectures for learning quantum mechanics at the level of Griffiths?
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3 answers

A book for relativistic quantum mechanics

What is the best book to learn relativistic quantum mechanics at first time? I would like a book that also talk about the representations of the Lorentz group and the Poincaré group.
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1 answer

Which one is good for starters in QM? Principles of Quantum mechanics by Dirac or by Shankar? [duplicate]

I've learnt a bit of linear algebra and both single variable and multivariable calculus.

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