Answer to second part of question:
Is this something that could be explained to a guy doesn't have a Ph.D in physics?
Yes, it can be explained. I study in same class as you. I understood it in my third attempt.
Answer to first part.
Case at 90°
Consider medium particle is moving along direction indicated in figure. Let's call it LR LR.
You can imagine when particle vibrate along LR , it emits light in all directions except along LR. So, there is no component of light along LR. So, in reflected light no LR component is present.
Consider medium particle at P moving Up down Up down (out of plane of screen) It emits light in all directions, except at U D. So, Reflected light has component along plane of light.
But using Huygens principle, you see light can actually move in two ways.
It can either reflect back at $\theta$ angle or refract to medium.
From combined effect of two, It can hence be said reflected light is polarized, as it has only U D component.