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Exhaustive's user avatar
Exhaustive's user avatar
  • Member for 7 years, 9 months
  • Last seen more than 4 years ago
  • Amsterdam, Netherlands
8 votes

What is the difference between symmetry protected topological (SPT) order and topological order?

5 votes

How can I say whether a Hamiltonian is integrable or not?

3 votes

Link between integrability and soliton solutions

3 votes

Integrability of a non-integrable quantum spin model at critical point

3 votes

Experimentally measure velocity/momentum of a particle in quantum mechanics

3 votes

What is the relation between spin waves, the Haldane gap, and a spin-1 chain?

3 votes

Are all field interactions carried out through force-mediating particles?

2 votes

Have edge modes of the SSH model (or Kitaev Chain) been observed?

2 votes

What does the phrase "atom-like system" refer to?

2 votes

Math in deriving Pauli Equation

2 votes

Why entanglement entropy diverges in 2d cft?

1 vote

relation between quench and entropy

1 vote

What is the relationship between the integrability of a quantum many-body system and thermalization?

1 vote

Integrability of generalized Richardson-Hubbard model

1 vote

Why are phase transitions discrete?

1 vote

Trivial phase in Kitaev chain, trivial phase in what sense?

1 vote

Understanding quantum fluctuations