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Free Will Theorem question

The Kochen-Specker Theorem says, if I understand it correctly, that the results of spin measurements cannot be predetermined independent of measurement. They get to this conclusion by describing 33 ...
user39939's user avatar
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Constructing wavefunction for a mixed state

This question is somehow the reverse of another question. If a quantum system $S$ is in a pure state, then we can find a wavefunction that describes $S$. This wavefunction is unique up to a phase ...
Riemann's user avatar
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Bounding the value of a function for separable spin states

Consider $N$ spin-1/2, for which we can define the collective spin operator $\vec{S}=\sum_i \frac{\vec{\sigma}^{(i)}}{2}$. My question is, what is the upper bound $U$ on $$ f(\rho) = \text{Var}[ S_z ] ...
m137's user avatar
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Spin polarization of decay products

A relativistic moving particle, e.g. muon $\mu^+$, described by its four-momentum vector $p_\mu$, charge $e$ and with a given spin polarization, ${\bf S}=(S_x,S_y,S_z)$, decays into three particles, e....
liberias's user avatar
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Entanglement measure for a continuous bipartite system

Consider a cavity-spin system and assume we want to quantify the correlation between them. The cavity system can be described using a bosonic mode whereas the spin system requires 2 bosons to describe ...
Camilo160's user avatar
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Does spin entanglement imply position entanglement?

My question is whether two electrons can be entangled only with respect to their spins but not with respect to some other observable, such as position. I initially believed that spin-entanglement ...
Lory's user avatar
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Measurement of the spin of the EPR pair in two orthogonal directions and how did Einstein tackle this?

Let us consider two types of measurement in the EPR experiment. In Bohm's description of this experiment, the state of the electron-positron (called the EPR pair) is given by $$ |{\rm EPR} \rangle =\...
Solidification's user avatar
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Spin Correlation Analogy in Three Particle System

I have recently gone through the section on Bell's Inequality in "Modern Quantum Mechanics" by J.J. Sakurai and Jim Napolitano and I am curious as to weather or not there are analogous ...
user386628's user avatar
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Measurement of total angular momentum in quantum mechanics

Consider a system composed of two spin-1/2 particles. The total spin operator is defined as $$ \mathbf{S} = \mathbf{S_1} + \mathbf{S_2} $$ We can write a common eigenbasis of the operators $\mathbf{S^...
Tomas Noguera's user avatar
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How is entanglement of non-spin variables incompatible with local realism?

It seems to me that spin/polarization entanglement is the only spooky one. That's because the entanglement of other observables would happen even in regular classical physics if we made a "...
Adam Herbst's user avatar
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Hamiltonian basis in multiple particle systems

I have a question about the choosing of basis that compose the Hamiltonian of multiple systems. For example if we have a system of N particles, that depend in our case of Pauli matrixes i will give ...
Euler's user avatar
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Do fullerenes have a better quantum yield than carbon quantum dot's of similar dimensions?

As a fullerene and a carbon quantum dot of similar dimensions would have the same surface area but different internal volume, as a Fullerene does not contain carbon within it's interior, but just the ...
C-Consciousness's user avatar
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Creation of entangled electrons

If one obtains two entangled in polarization photons by parametric down conversion and one of them is accepted by and electron 1 and other by electron 2 - are this electrons now entangled in spin?
Mercury's user avatar
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Can experiment distinguish the basis in which a singlet state is represented?

Let $\left(|\uparrow\rangle,|\downarrow\rangle\right)$ and $\left(|\nearrow\rangle,|\swarrow\rangle\right)$ be two bases of the $2$-dimensional Hilbert space $H$. Can an experiment distinguish ...
Cristi Stoica's user avatar
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Measuring electron spin with multiple Stern–Gerlach apparatus at an angle

To separate the two spins of electron of a particular direction, we use Stern-Gerlach apparatuses to apply a non-uniform Magnetic field. Suppose we have two identical electrons and we know their spin ...
Flying_Banana's user avatar
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Total spin of Entangled Electrons

If, say, the z-spins of two electrons are maximally entangled (so that their composite state can be given by $|\Psi\rangle = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(|u\rangle|d\rangle + |d\rangle|u\rangle)$, how do you ...
Lory's user avatar
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Intuition for Results of a Measurement of Entangled Spins

Suppose I have a source that produces pairs of spin-1/2 spins in the entangled state $$ \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left( \mid\uparrow_z\uparrow_z\rangle + \mid\downarrow_z\downarrow_z\rangle \right). $$ The ...
flevinBombastus's user avatar
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Why can't we create energy/momentum by selectively measuring the spin of entangled particles?

Suppose we perform a Bell violation type experiment with spin, i.e. we have a stream of entangled, spin-anticorrelated particle pairs and we are to measure their spins along different axes. Now for ...
Julian Kintobor's user avatar
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How to produce a given entangled state of two quantum bits?

I was watching Leonard Susskind's video series on quantum entanglement, where he looks at the spins of two electrons. In particular, there are entangled states of the form $$\alpha\left|\uparrow \...
suissidle's user avatar
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Measurements of spin correlations: Alice goes back to Bob and compares results

Take a fully entangled two-photon state, like $|\Psi>=\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}\big(|+->-|-+>\big)=\frac{i}{\sqrt{2}}\big( |yx> - |xy> \big)$ where one photon is sent to Bob and the other to ...
Wizzerad's user avatar
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