Linked Questions

2 votes
2 answers

How can the electron be a wave? [duplicate]

I read about Rutherford's failed attempt to describe the atomic model. Then I read about Bohr's model and his postulates. Ok, that was fine. But then I read in my book a statement that shocked me: ...
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What is wave particle duality? [duplicate]

I am sort of confused about this. Wave particle duality says that sub atomic particles are waves. There is something more though. What is the actual meaning of wave particle duality?
user34331's user avatar
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How are electrons wave as well as particles? [duplicate]

I am newbie to all this and I learned that electrons can be wave as well as particles. I don't have problem with the particle thing but how is it a wave? Isn't the wave just a path of energy travel....
Suraz Basnet's user avatar
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Wave-particle duality seems like an obvious example of a contradiction that people refuse to accept. What am I missing? [duplicate]

We state that electrons are subatomic particles with no known subcomponents. We discover that these electrons behave as waves. We also discover that sometimes, these electrons behave as point-...
Don's user avatar
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Are photons electromagnetic waves, quantum waves, or both? [duplicate]

Are photons electromagnetic waves, quantum waves, or both? If I subdivide an electromagnetic field into smaller electromagnetic fields, should I eventually find an electromagnetic wave of a photon? ...
linuxfreebird's user avatar
-2 votes
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In what ways does matter behave like a wave? [duplicate]

thanks in advance for the help. Mainly, what characteristic of matter is wavelike? Does is physically move up and down like a wave, does it phase in and out of existence with a wavelike gradient, or ...
BoddTaxter's user avatar
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Matter's wave-particle duality - true? [duplicate]

I had an interesting conversation with CuriousOne the other day about the question Experiment that demonstrates the wave-particle duality of electrons. I thought that wave-particle duality existed, ...
auden's user avatar
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What is the significance of the de Broglie wavelength? [duplicate]

I have just learnt quantum physics in school and learnt the concept of wave-particle duality. But I still have trouble understanding what the de Broglie wavelength is. What does it mean for a particle ...
user268493's user avatar
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Is light electromagnetic waves or quantumn particle waves? [duplicate]

Is light electromagnetic waves or quantum physical particle waves. Or are they the same? Note: My question is specifically how electromagnetism plays into the quantum physics and the double slit ...
Christopher King's user avatar
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Question on de Broglie hypothesis [duplicate]

I have read about de Broglie hypothesis that matter like light can also exhibit wave particle duality. This gave rise to the following questions in my mind. The wavelength for electrons is ...
Ashok Sharma's user avatar
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Which particles could be waves? [duplicate]

Which particles could be waves? Electrons and photons are both particles and waves (electricity and electromagnetic radiation). Could other fermions or bosons be both particles and waves?
user142370's user avatar
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A doubt regarding Planck's quantum theory [duplicate]

I am a beginner and I have a problem regarding Planck's Quantum Theory The following is one of the postulate of Planck's Quantum Theory 1) The energy of each quantum is directly proportional to ...
user234614's user avatar
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Is quantum mechanics just a mathematical trick? [duplicate]

We are learning about the wave/particle duality of electrons, and how electron orbitals are just standing waves each with a different discrete amount of energy, which got me wondering, is quantum ...
Sagar Patil's user avatar
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How is it possible for light to be a wave and a particle? [duplicate]

I have always been interested in Physics, and lots of people say that light is a particle and a wave. How is it possible? How can a photon (a light particle) be a wave as well, when its a particle? ...
George's user avatar
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How can Light show dual Nature? [duplicate]

How can Light show dual Nature, It is just saying like, An animal is Dog as well as Cat How can Light exist in dual Nature?,for instance, when can The light show particle nature and when can it show ...
Dheeraj Gujrathi's user avatar

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