Linked Questions

18 votes
6 answers

Did time exist before the Big Bang and the creation of the universe? [duplicate]

Does time stretch all the way back for infinity or was there a point when time appears to start in the universe? I remember reading long ago somewhere that according to one theory time began shortly ...
Mark Rogers's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Where was matter before the big bang? [duplicate]

I read that big bang caused all the matter to spread in the universe and it happened by a gigantic bang from a tiny ball of matter. But where was matter before it? From where did all the stuff came ...
Universe A7's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Why do we theorize that the Big Bang created space? [duplicate]

I just asked this astronomy question about how far away the light is that would show us the beginning of time, the Big Bang. Some answers claim that the light I ask about doesn't exist, because "The ...
CuriousWebDeveloper's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Did space and time exist before the Big Bang? [duplicate]

I accept the Big Bang theory. What I can't understand is how there can be a where or when to the Big Bang if space time did not exist prior to it. Did space and time exist prior to the Big Bang?
Argo's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Did time begin with the big bang? [duplicate]

Did time begin from big bang? If not then what existed before big bang? If time had a beginning, then does it have a end, or pause because if time had a pause then we would not have known about it, ...
sanyam sharma's user avatar
-2 votes
2 answers

How did the big bang create space and time? [duplicate]

Does the big bang theory state that space and time originated after the bang? So, was the singularity was converted into the vast space plus time?
Dinuka's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

What caused Big Bang to bang? [duplicate]

What made the big bang start in the first place? I don't see what could have caused it. What made it burst apart?
yishairasowsky's user avatar
-5 votes
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Is this a great flaw in big bang theory? [duplicate]

Einstein said that, Time & Space cannot exists without one another. Big bang says, time didn't exist before the big bang. So the Primordial ball referred in the Big Bang theory didn't had any ...
Praveen Kumar's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

What (if any) state did energy exist in prior to the big bang? [duplicate]

I am comfortable with the idea that 'pure energy' cannot be observed, only different forms in which it manifests. I can also understand that matter-antimatter interactions result in fundamental ...
user2092608's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

In Which Space Did the Big Bang Occur? [duplicate]

If our universe didn't exist before the big bang, the big bang can not have taken place in our universe, but in some external space. How does current physics explain this?
Alexander Torstling's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Space-time infinite [duplicate]

My apologies if this is a duplicate question. I could not find it. Why do we think space-time itself started at the BB? Or to word it another way, could space-time have always existed infinitely in ...
Brad S's user avatar
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1 answer

Is it possible to dumb down the idea that "Time didn't exist until the big bang"? [duplicate]

So, I've asked questions before that have been met with "Time (and our laws of physics) didn't exist before the big bang" and other answers to that effect. This is massively confusing to me, for ...
Sidney's user avatar
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What's a compact scientific answer to question "(Why there is) / (what is before) the Big Bang?" [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Did spacetime start with the Big bang? on causality and The Big Bang Theory Before the Big Bang What's a compact scientific answer to question "(Why there is) / (what is ...
qazwsx's user avatar
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After the Big Bang Planck time [duplicate]

What happened before the Planck time in the big bang? I have seen a timeline for after the big bang but there is no description of what happened before the Planck time.
user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Do we still not know whether the universe had a beginning? [duplicate]

The Question: According to Prof. Brian Cox in the first 30 seconds of this YouTube video from 4 years ago, we do not know whether the universe had a beginning. Is it still the case that we do not ...
Shaun's user avatar
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