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alanf's user avatar
  • Member for 11 years, 4 months
  • Last seen this week
68 votes

Does quantum mechanics play a role in the brain?

16 votes

Can light be somehow confined to create a kugelblitz?

15 votes

What is the Reduced Density Matrix?

14 votes

Why do particles tend to collapse to *energy*-eigenstates (rather than some other basis)?

12 votes

Is many-worlds interpretation only a philosophical matter?

10 votes

How do we know that gravity is spacetime and not a field on spacetime?

10 votes

What does it mean "not to have a definite trajectory"?

10 votes

What would one use a theory of quantum gravity for?

10 votes

What happens to branching in the Many-Worlds Interpretation of quantum mechanics in the limit when Planck's constant goes to 0?

9 votes

Testability of consciousness-causes-collapse interpretation

8 votes

Explain to a non-physicist what goes wrong when trying to quantize gravity

8 votes

Why are there no clear experiments describing the exact boundary between classical and quantum sizes?

7 votes

Can the collapse of the wave function be modelled as a quantum system on its own?

7 votes

Why is Heisenberg picture used if Schrödinger picture is simpler?

7 votes

Neil deGrasse Tyson says that electrons "teleport" between energy levels?

6 votes

Why is the electromagnetic four-potential $A_{\mu}$ not an observable?

6 votes

What is an open quantum system?

6 votes

Is energy only conserved statistically in quantum mechanics?

6 votes

Vacuum flucutuations = local entanglement between quantum fields?

5 votes

Self Understanding the technical concepts of Quantum Mechanics

5 votes

How does Bell's theorem disprove realism?

5 votes

How can the universe evolve unitarily if there's no clock outside it?

5 votes

"FTL" Communication with Quantum Entanglement?

5 votes

Self Teaching QFT

4 votes

Is quantum entanglement functionally equivalent to a measurement?

4 votes

Can existing quantum computers be considered evidence for parallel universes?

4 votes

Many worlds and "extreme" worlds

4 votes

Wave Function Collapse Versus Decoherence

4 votes

About the nonlocality of QM and faster-than-light/backward-in-time machines

4 votes

Why is the speed of light arbitrarily the limit?

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