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thunderbolt's user avatar
thunderbolt's user avatar
  • Member for 6 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than a month ago
7 votes

Importance of speed of sound in astrophysical flows

4 votes

Cooling effect caused by evaporation

4 votes

Negative Temperature Without Statistical Mechanics

4 votes

Is thermodynamics only applicable to systems in equilibrium?

3 votes

Quantum Hall Effect: Why the spikes of the longitudinal resistance appear every time when Hall conductance jumps?

3 votes

Stagnation pressure on an accelerating surface

2 votes

Terminology: can I use the world "comoving" to describe a reference frame in which a certain object is at rest?

2 votes

The spherically symmetric metric and the general metric

1 vote

Third Law of Thermodynamics and Thermal Pollution

1 vote

Electric flux and electric field

1 vote

Reciprocal lattice points and diffraction peaks

1 vote

Dealing with thermodynamic processes in Statistical Mechanics

1 vote

Does the Compton wavelength put a limitation on how precise we can measure the position of a particle?

1 vote

Can heat increase cutting power?

0 votes

Is the relative number of electric field lines between two charges proportional to the difference between those two charges?

0 votes

Understanding the notion of lose or win of angular momentum in accretion disk

0 votes

photoelectric effect and Quantized energy state

0 votes

Is friction an emergent phenomenon?

0 votes

What is the difference between reciprocating and oscillating motion? How is reciprocating motion different from simple harmonic motion?