New answers tagged measurement-problem
Uncertainty of measurement in Bohmian mechanics
Pilot wave theory is often called an interpretation of quantum theory. This is misleading since it adds particles on top of states and observables. As a result the predictions of pilot wave theory may ...
Uncertainty of measurement in Bohmian mechanics
I think your confusion might stem from not understanding that the effective wave function of the particle still collapses in Bohmian mechanics; Bohmian mechanics just provides a solid theoretical ...
Wave function collapse, EPR paradox and information transfer
(I realize this is an answer to an old question, dredged up by the community bot.)
Yes, this is a precise point from the 1935 EPR paper, “Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality Be ...
Solution to the measurement problem - explanation
One way to frame the discussion is that there are three principles that everyone likes (I am stealing this from philosopher Tim Maudlin, eg see the YouTube Video Tim Maudlin | Bell’s Theorem and ...
Solution to the measurement problem - explanation
Has the measurement problem been resolved?
Not in a widely accepted way. There are many ways to solve it, even dismiss it, but every such solution leaves most other people who understand the problem ...
Solution to the measurement problem - explanation
There is an algorithm that is used to make predictions from quantum theory. (1) You use equations of motion to predict the evolution of states and/or observables until you do a measurement. (2) Then ...
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