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What is contextuality?

This tacit assumption that a hidden-variables theory has to assign to an observable $A$ the same value whether $A$ is measured as part of the mutually commuting set $A, B, C, \dots$ or a second ...
tparker's user avatar
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Does the MWI have too much "baggage"?

You seem to know that this is not the "real" many worlds interpretation but maybe the following will help. A key feature which distinguishes MWI from other attempts to create an ...
Connor Behan's user avatar
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Do consciousnesses get "scattered" across the many worlds of the MWI?

The MWI is a description of what reality looks like if we take quantum theory seriously as a description of how the world works. In quantum theory, the results of experiments are affected by what ...
alanf's user avatar
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What are resources discussing the derivation of Bell's inequality?

Bell's inequality is essentially a triviality, so I'm not sure what you mean by a "derivation". Let $A,B,C$ and $D$ be random variables. Whenever $A=B$ and $B=C$ and $C=D$, it follows that $...
-1 votes

What are resources discussing the derivation of Bell's inequality?

There are detailed discussions of the assumptions of theorems about locality in these papers: The short summary is that Bell's theorem ...
2 votes

Another question about why FTL is not possible in the Quantum Eraser Experiment but using a Mach–Zehnder this time

This is another great experiment in the arsenal of the Zeilinger teams. They have been exploring as many variations on what is usually called "quantum nonlocality". Many of there ...
DrChinese's user avatar
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Another question about why FTL is not possible in the Quantum Eraser Experiment but using a Mach–Zehnder this time

@DrChinese is actually an expert in this field, so I'll defer to his answer when he responds. In the meantime, though, having looked at the original paper I believe the book misrepresents the ...
Eric Smith's user avatar
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