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Unitary transformation of the momentum operator in quantum mechanics

Work in the coordinate representation, $\hat O(\hat{\mathbf{r}}) |x\rangle=O(\mathbf{r})|x\rangle$, so, then, $$[\hat{\mathbf{p}}, \hat{U}_0] \mapsto -i\hbar {U}_0( {U}_0^\dagger \nabla_{\mathbf{r}} ...
Cosmas Zachos's user avatar
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Schrodinger basis representation of modes in 2D CFT (Polchinski section 2.8)

$\psi(x)$ are represented by $a= (ix+p)/\sqrt{2}$ and $a^\dagger = (ix-p)/\sqrt{2}$. Here $p= i\partial_x$ when acting on wave functions. In the Schr"odinger picture we thus have \begin{align} \...
Oбжорoв's user avatar
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Schrodinger basis representation of modes in 2D CFT (Polchinski section 2.8)

Yes, the second term in eq. (2.8.25a) is needed in order for the commutation relations $$\begin{align}[X_n,X_m]~=~&0, \cr [\frac{\partial}{\partial X_n},X_m]~=~&\delta^n_m, \cr [\frac{\partial}...
Qmechanic's user avatar
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Are quantum measurements on two different particles always commutative?

Yes, they commute. However, it's not correct to talk about the commutator $[A,B]$ because these are operators defined on different Hilbert spaces. When you have a system of two particles, the state of ...
user2506833's user avatar
3 votes

Are quantum measurements on two different particles always commutative?

I haven't seen it explicitly stated either, but it follows directly from definitions. If $A$ is an observable associated with only the first particle, then by definition, it actually takes the form $...
knzhou's user avatar
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Spacetime translation in QFT

Your premise is incorrect. In quantum mechanics, the correct formula is $$ p | x \rangle = i \frac{d}{dx} | x \rangle . \tag{1} $$ In QFT, $|x\rangle = \phi(x) |0\rangle$, so it follows that $$ [ p , \...
stringynonsense's user avatar
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Proving quantum operator relationship used in derivation of Radial Schrodinger Equation

I have managed to find a solution but I would appreciate some verification if the logic of this solution is correct ... So I can make it work if I should interpret any vector operator "square&...
user1488777's user avatar
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Proving quantum operator relationship used in derivation of Radial Schrodinger Equation

Your mistake happens in the last line. When you use the commutator. You get $r^2p^2=rppr+i\hbar rp$. But you still have it on the right side of your equation. Push it to the left so you get the minus ...
Ken's user avatar
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Is string theory a particular non-commutative field theory (whether the commutator of the position coordinates in string theory is non-zero)?

The relation between string theory and non-commutative geometry is very poorly understood. Non-commutativity is only seen when studying open strings. The positions of close $ N$ D-branes is described ...
Simp's user avatar
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How to derive the commutation coefficient from coordinate basis (GR)?

An anholonomic basis is basically just the linear combination of holonomic bases where the expansion coefficients $f$ are functions of coordinate variables - $$\begin{equation}\tag{1}\mathbf{e}_{i}=f^{...
uran42's user avatar
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What is the mathematically precise definition of raising and lowering operators?

There is a simple way in which I understand this concept of raising and lowering operators. I'll try to explain it in two stages. First, given the assumed relation $$ [\hat{a},\hat{a}^{\dagger}] = \...
flippiefanus's user avatar
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What is the mathematically precise definition of raising and lowering operators?

There are two main different ways in which one can generalize the notion of ladder operators, but neither is particularly useful in practice: Naive ladder operators. The nice thing about linear ...
ACuriousMind's user avatar
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What is the mathematically precise definition of raising and lowering operators?

In general, a ladder operator $O_{\pm}$ is an operator defined for some states $|n\rangle$ as $$O_{\pm}|n\rangle = C_{\pm}(n)|n\pm1\rangle \ \ \mathrm{and} \ \ O_+^\dagger =O_- .$$ The term $C_\pm$ is ...
agaminon's user avatar
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