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How to transform collapse operators in rotating frame?

I want to simulate the evolution of a transmon qubit driven by a classical voltage using qutip. The problem is that the qubit (and the drive) have a frequency of around 5GHz and I typically run ...
Nicolas Schmid's user avatar
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Using classical $g^{(1)}$ to calculate quantum $g^{(1)}$

Imagine a free space optical switch with several inputs and outputs. My question is: can we use the first order cross correlation between the complex amplitudes of two classical beams of light at the ...
ebit157's user avatar
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Photonic classical and quantum computing

How different is the hardware used for classical and quantum photonic computers? Are there any proposals on hybrid platforms? I'm curious why I never heard of both within the same context, except for ...
mavzolej's user avatar
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Why does the Lamb-Dicke parameter decrease with the number of ions in an ion chain

I would like to understand (ideally with a nice pedagogic reference), why the fidelity of quantum gates in long ion chain decreases with the number of ions in the chain. In this reference, it is ...
StarBucK's user avatar
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How can the Rabi frequency be complex?

I've been doing some reading and came across a simple implementation of the Hadamard gate using Rabi oscillations of an atom in a laser field. However, the author mentions that it required the Rabi ...
rb101's user avatar
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Josephson supercurrent measurement in a lab

This may be a very trivial question but I am a theoretician and can't find the answer to this question for the life of me. Is it possible to actually measure the Josephson supercurrent flowing through ...
SlothForeva's user avatar
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What guarantees a photonic quantum gate to be unitary?

So in my course of quantum computation i came across this question that "What guarantees a quantum gate to be unitary?" i was specially curious about photonic quantum gate. At first i ...
amir moghaddam's user avatar
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How can beamsplitters and measurements be used to make a quantum cNOT gate?

It's possible to create a two-photon gate using detectors and linear optics, which can be used as the basis for a quantum computer. I am struggling to get a basic understanding of how this works. I'm ...
Steven Sagona's user avatar
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How can one compute the quantum motion of an ion in a trapped ion quantum computer?

I am trying to get a conceptual idea of a trapped ion quantum computer. For simplicity, I am looking at a single ion in a Paul ion trap. It is easy enough to define the potential of the ion trap and ...
SarahJuliet1510's user avatar
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Wavelength-dependence of optical elements in integrated photonic circuits

I am interested in integrated photonic circuits or silicon photonic circuits. In the long run, I would like to analyze these circuits using a rigorous and analytical mathematical approach, taking the ...
QuantumAI's user avatar
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What optical elements can you use to implement an S gate in practice?

How do you implement an S gate using an optical element or combination of optical elements in the following 2 scenarios? The S gate acts on a polarization qubit (polarization of a photon) The S gate ...
triclope's user avatar
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Why/how does Microwave pulse cause electron spin to rotate in the Bloch sphere?

I recently started studying pulse techniques for electrons in the context of quantum computing/sensing/optics/etc. For spins in solid state (like color centers in diamond or SiC, or metal centers in ...
Pete's user avatar
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Displacement gate on an arbitrary quantum state

I am reading this reference. In this article, the author define the Heisenberg-Weyl operators (Eqs. [148] in the reference): $$X(s)=e^{-is\hat{p}/2} \tag{1},$$ $$Z(t)=e^{it\hat{q}/2} \tag{2},$$ where $...
Julio Abraham Mendoza Fierro's user avatar
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What optical element can you use to implement a square root of NOT gate

How do you implement a square root of NOT gate in an optical quantum computing circuit? What optical element or combination of elements would you use - especially, if you want to manipulate ...
triclope's user avatar
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What are Sideband Pulses?

I asked this question on Quantum Computing SE about a month ago and haven't gotten any answers Was hoping someone ...
xXx_69_SWAG_69_xXx's user avatar
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Is there a way to go from the continuous variable quantum computer model to the qubit model?

There are some papers such as and that discuss going from qubit to the continuous model. But I'm curious if there is a way to ...
mikanim's user avatar
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Applying a rotation on an entangled state

I want to understand an experiment but I am struggling with the (basic) math/braket notation. In the experiment two ions are entangled and separated into two wells $A$ and $B$. The spin state of the ...
doncarlos31415's user avatar
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What are current open questions in quantum measurement research? [closed]

Here we go, another question about quantum measurement... but bear with me. When asking about quantum measurement one inevitably runs into discussions of various interpretations of quantum theory, ...
Wolpertinger's user avatar
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Why isn’t light polarization used as a physical realization of a quantum computer?

Constructing a qubit requires something that can be represented as a linear combination of two states. The physical realizations are numerous But I do ...
aquagremlin's user avatar
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Inverse covariance matrix for a Gaussian state

I was reading an article about Gaussian Boson Sampling ( and following some calculation appear an inverse covariance matrix when he defines the following matrix A. ...
Marcos Benício's user avatar
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Why is EIT needed to story memory using rydberg atoms?

I was going through a paper explaining how the write-in and read-out efficiencies can be increased using cold atoms where they used Rydberg atoms, and mentioned that they were probed using EIT(...
Swaroop Joshi's user avatar
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Are photons being considered as qubits for a potential quantum computer?

I've been reading a few articles on photons that are capable of carry bits of information. I was wondering if anyone knew if there are any team of research scientist who have tried to use a photon as ...
Moose's user avatar
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Is the DC/electro-optical Kerr effect usable in optical quantum computing?

It seems from @EmilioPisanty's comments on this question that the AC/optical Kerr effect is impractical for use in optical quantum computers, which leads me to ask: would the DC Kerr effect work? The ...
auden's user avatar
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Meaning of "intensity" in the optical Kerr effect in optical quantum computation

Kerr media, or mediums displaying the optical Kerr effect, are used in some optical quantum computers - on Chuang and Nielsen's Quantum Computing and Quantum Information, pgs. 289 - 290, it says, ...
auden's user avatar
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Output of a beamsplitter with photon number (Fock) state inputs

Given a beamsplitter drawn below, where $\hat{a}$ and $\hat{b}$ are input modal annihilation operators, transmissivity is $\tau\in[0,1]$, and output modal annihilation operators are $\hat{c}=\sqrt{\...
M.B.M.'s user avatar
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What is three-photon interference?

Whilst reading this paper on a quantum processor that performs a type of matrix computation, I came across the concept of 'three-photon interference'. A quick Google search shows that this process is ...
Gearoid Murphy's user avatar
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Using wavepackets instead of photons in quantum computer

Why does a photonic quantum computer require photons? Why wouldn't wave packets work just as well, better in fact since it would get away from the use of fragile single photons? (Article)
user17199's user avatar
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Quantum Cryptography

First question was a little bit ambiguous. Photons are passed through a linear polarizer that is oriented $\theta$ degrees again the photon passes through another linear polarizer that also have a $\...
fuzzy's user avatar
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Quantum memories: What are they?

Searching the literature for the term "quantum memory" seems to bring up results from two different communities. On the one hand there are quantum opticians, who see a quantum memory as something ...
Matthew Matic's user avatar
11 votes
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Which qubit states are accessible with linear optics operations?

Given a quantum state of $n$ qubits, and being restricted to linear optics (that is, the output annihilation operators are linear combinations of the input annihilation operators): Which states are ...
Piotr Migdal's user avatar
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