The transformation equations you specify are not correct since they do not respect unitarity. The condition of unitarity (or energy conservation) for the action of the beam-splitter gives the following transformations:
The minus sign in the second equation ensures that unitarity is respected.
For reasons that will become clear soon, let us invert these equations to get the input mode operators $\hat{a}$ and $\hat{b}$ in terms of the output mode operators $\hat{c}$ and $\hat{d}$. As expected from arguments of reversibility, we get:
It is useful to look at this problem in the Heisenberg picture where the action of the beam-splitter is entirely on the mode creation and annihilation operators with initial field state being assumed as vacuum.
Since the input states being considered are the Fock states $|m\rangle_{a}$ and $|n\rangle_{b}$ the full intial field state can alternatively be written as:
${(a^{\dagger})^m(b^{\dagger})^n |0\rangle_{a}|0\rangle_{b}|0\rangle_{c}|0\rangle_{d}}$
Now we substitute the earlier expressions for $\hat{a}$ and $\hat{b}$ in terms of $\hat{c}$ and $\hat{d}$ given by the beam-splitter transformations. The field state after the mode transformations is,
Thus the output states for a beam-splitter transformation on input Fock states have been obtained.
As Peter Shor correctly pointed out, a beautiful consequence of these transformations is the Hong-Ou-Mandel effect. It states that when single-photon states are incident at the same time on the input ports of the beam-splitter, both photons emerge from the same output port.
This may be verified easily from the equation we have obtained by putting $m=n=1$. Also for convenience let us put $\tau=0.5$ i.e the beam-splitter is $50:50$ ratio. The output field state is,
Thus, we clearly see that either both photons emerge from port $C$ or both emerge from port $D$. Such a state is referred to as a two-photon NOON state (the state looks like that when N=2) and this effect is of paramount importance in linear optical quantum computing schemes.