I'm looking to compute the tensor product of photon number states. I suspect this is a fairly simple quantum optics problem, but am having the following problem.
Consider a qubit which is in the following state:
$|\psi> = |1>_x$
where x is the mode containing 1 photon. Similarly, $|2>_x$ is assumed to be the $x$ mode which contains 2 photons, and $|0>_x$ is the vacuum.
How can I compute the tensor product of 2 of these qubits? i.e. $|\psi_\mathrm{out}> = |\psi> \otimes|\psi> = |1>_x \otimes |1>_x = ?????$
I'm confused as the tensor product typically increases the size of the subspace, but here, the tensor product is between 2 of the same quantity.
Is the answer simply, $|\psi_\mathrm{out}> = |2>_x ~~~ $?
I tried to formulate a solution in terms of the creation operator, $\hat{a}^\dagger_{x}$, since we know: $\hat{a}^\dagger_{x} |n>_x = (n+1) |n+1>_x$ and thus $|1>_x = \hat{a}^\dagger_{x} |0>_x $.
Therefore, I wondered if we could write:
$|\psi_\mathrm{out}> ~ = ~ |1>_x \otimes |1>_x ~ = ~ |1>_x |1>_x ~ = ~ (\hat{a}^\dagger_{x})^2 |0>_x ~ = ~ \sqrt{2} |2>_x$
Are any of the above correct?
EDIT, following useful comments below from user3502079, I've added the following:
For clarity (to avoid lots of 0s and 1s), I'm going to use $|H\rangle$ as the $|0\rangle$ basis, and $|V\rangle$ in place of $|1\rangle$ basis. From your answer, is it correct to write the following, for the case of 2 input qubits in V state (i.e. photons that are vertically polarized):
$|\psi_\mathrm{out}\rangle = |V\rangle \otimes |V\rangle = a^\dagger_V |vac\rangle \otimes a^\dagger_V |vac\rangle = (a^\dagger_V \otimes a^\dagger_V)\cdot(|vac\rangle \otimes |vac\rangle)~~~~~~~~$ ?
I note that the creation operator $a^\dagger_V$ is the same whether it operates on either vacuum state. My problem is then, how do I evaluate $(a^\dagger_V \otimes a^\dagger_V)$?
Given that the definition of creation operators are: $a^\dagger_V |vac\rangle = |1\rangle_V $ and $a^\dagger_V |1\rangle_V = \sqrt{2}|2\rangle_V $, can I therefore say that:
$(a^\dagger_V \otimes a^\dagger_V)\cdot(|vac\rangle \otimes |vac\rangle) = a^\dagger_V a^\dagger_V |vac\rangle = a^\dagger_V |1\rangle_V = \sqrt{2}|2\rangle_V$
i.e. the answer is two photons occpying the V state, with coefficient $\sqrt{2}$.
Is this valid? Or am I confusing tensor representation and occupation number expressions? Thanks!