Linked Questions

5 votes
2 answers

Could planets survive their star becoming a black hole? [duplicate]

Would the supernova responsible for its formation destroy them. The question becomes one of how destructive the supernova event is to its own solar system - does it completely evaporate all planets up ...
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104 votes
7 answers

What is the speed of sound in space?

Given that space is not a perfect vacuum, what is the speed of sound therein? Google was not very helpful in this regard, as the only answer I found was $300\,{\rm km}\,{\rm s}^{-1}$, from Astronomy ...
Josh Glover's user avatar
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36 votes
4 answers

Why doesn't the solar wind disrupt the planets?

The sun creates this heliosphere by sending a constant flow of particles and a magnetic field out into space at over 670,000 miles per hour, which is also known as solar wind. If the speed of the wind ...
Tammy Chong's user avatar
16 votes
8 answers

How do stars from far away affect Earth?

I know that we obviously get light (or we wouldn't be able to see them), but are there any other ways that they affect Earth and maybe just our solar system in general?
callisto's user avatar
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15 votes
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Near-Earth supernova

There are 51 stars within 17 light years of the Earth (source). If one of these stars was to become a supernova, how would they effect the Earth? I have read the Wikipedia article Near-Earth ...
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3 votes
1 answer

What frequencies of em radiation can ionize air?

What frequencies of em radiation can ionize air at atmospheric pressure? Does it depend on the power of the transmitter/generator or just the frequency? Do some frequencies or power densities make air ...
Seth A's user avatar
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10 votes
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Do nearby gamma ray busts/supernova damage more than just the ozone layer?

So we know that many people are putting hard constraints on the galactic habitability zone based on the presence of nearby supernova/gamma ray bursts. But if they only affect the ozone layer, then I ...
InquilineKea's user avatar
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How would a very nearby supernova shockwave and remnants affect the Earth?

I've been reading about supernovae for a while, and I noticed how incredibly fast their shockwave and remnants travel shortly after the explosion. So I thought about how this would affect the earth if ...
Abanob Ebrahim's user avatar
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How big can solar flares get and could they boil away Earth's atmosphere?

Is there a known theoretical maximum size for a solar flare and would it mean curtains for life on Earth?
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2 votes
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Do supernovas vaporize the local space rocks 10 Pluto distances away?

In a follow-up to this question, What would it be like to watch an average space rock / ice comet at 1-20 Pluto distances from a supernova of $10^{44}$ joules? At what proximity would they become ...
bandybabboon's user avatar
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How powerful of an electric current would I need to fully ionize plasma under the specific circumstances below?

in a cylinder shaped vacuum chamber 4 inches in height and 5 in diameter at 1/100th atmosphere, with 3 cathodes at the face arranged in a equilateral triangle in exactly between the center and and the ...
Max's user avatar
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Do coronal mass ejections and solar flares diffuse over long distances?

I understand that over great distances electromagnetic radiation such as light and lasers would diffuse greatly (much like a shotgun blast). Is this the same case for solar flares? If this is the ...
tempestwing0101's user avatar
0 votes
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How close would a supernova be to endanger the astronauts on the ISS?

How close would a supernova be to endanger the astronauts on the ISS? Would Betelgeuse be close enough?
blademan9999's user avatar
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How would a vast large Solar Storm similar to the Carrington event now effect our modern society? [duplicate]

Basically I've read upon this article I found in reddit that a solar storm could potentially hit Earth and knock out our internet and fry our sensitive electronics for months. If it did happen, how ...
The Dingus Lord's user avatar