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ceillac's user avatar
  • Member for 9 years, 8 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
10 votes

Hole-and-nail paradox in special relativity

5 votes

Does a photon travel in all directions?

2 votes

In the time of the dinosaurs the Earth rotated once in 17 hours rather than about 24 hours, where did the rotational energy and angular momentum go?

2 votes

Why does vibrational motion not have a significant impact on heat capacity?

2 votes

Is the magnetic field of a moving electron caused by length contraction in the direction of motion?

1 vote

Is the interference quantum mechanical superposition the same as entanglement?

0 votes

Has this experiment really demonstrated wave-function collapse?

0 votes

Where is the logical hole in this reasoning? (special relativity)

0 votes

How to explain the feeling in the plane?

0 votes

What's wrong with this idea for recover energy from pressure?