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$S$-matrix element in QED (1st Order)

The interaction $\mathcal{L}_{I}$ has just one power of the electromagnetic field. So your Fourier expansion of $A^{\mu}$ only contains terms with a single photon creation or annihilation operator. ...
Buzz's user avatar
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Pole at Infinity of a 1-loop scalar bubble diagram

You have to think about it as having to deform your integration contour to avoid the roots $\alpha_\pm$. When you move along the real $s$ axis, the roots move as follows (the arrows indicate ...
Marcosko's user avatar
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How are $t$ and $u$ channel processses different?

Well, you are right in that the two diagrams you show for the Compton scattering are indeed equivalent. However, these are neither t- nor u-channel diagrams; the diagrams you show are s-channel ...
Gaussian97's user avatar
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How are $t$ and $u$ channel processses different?

The dependence of the processes on the moemnta are entirely different, being roughly $$ \frac{1}{(p_2-p_4)^2 -m^2} $$ for the first and $$ \frac{1}{(p_2-p_3)^2 -m^2} $$ for the second.
mike stone's user avatar
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