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Is there any relevance to these perturbatively defined mode operators in interacting Quantum Field Theories?

Yes the field $\phi_0$ is the standard free field. $\phi_1$ solves $(\Box + m^2 )\phi_1=\phi_0^{3}$ and $\phi_2$ for example is a solution of $(\Box + m^2 )\phi_2=\phi_0^{2}\phi_1$. Graphically $\...
Simp's user avatar
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Form of wide-band limit for the broadening

Typically tunneling matrix elements are characterized not only by the index of state within the "interacting" region $\alpha$, but also the index of the lead from/to which the tunneling ...
Roger V.'s user avatar
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Greens Function formalism for the independent boson model

It looks like we are in the interaction picture, and the time dependence of an operator $O$ is defined as $$ O(t) = e^{iH_0t}\, O \, e^{-iH_0t}. $$ The perturbation $V$ also has a corresponding $V(t)$ ...
Vokaylop's user avatar
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Physical interpretation of the Green's function approach to Laplace equation

I will set $\epsilon_0 = 1$ in the following. Recall that to solve the Poisson equation using Green's functions, you compute: $$ u(x) = \int G(x,y)\rho(y)d^3y $$ Staring hard at Kirchhoff integral ...
LPZ's user avatar
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Pressure field due to line source

Short Answer: I believe the Green's function provides the information you are looking for. Simplify multiply the Green's function by the source amplitude for a point source. Longer Answer: The ...
Michael M's user avatar
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How is the retarded Green's function modified under the action of time-reversal operator?

The density of states is given by the imaginary part of the retarded Green's function, $$ N(\vec r, \omega) = \frac{1}{\pi} \text{Im}[{\text{tr}}[G^R(\vec r, \vec r, \omega)]];,$$ where $$G^R(\vec r, \...
hft's user avatar
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How is the retarded Green's function modified under the action of time-reversal operator?

The retarded and advanced Green functions are interchanged under time reversal. It isn't the theory itself that breaks time reversal symmetry, it's the definition of the retarded (or advanced) ...
TLDR's user avatar
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Iterative Greens function calculation

The solution to the Dyson equation can be approximated iteratively for weak perturbations $V$: $G\approx G_0(1 + VG_0(1 + VG_0(1 + \dots)))$, etc.. If you are interested in Hartree-Fock states, you ...
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